Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bloggin' aplenty 1

      I have a busy weekend planned, but I have not forgotten my plan of bloggin' aplenty. I figure on doing ten or so posts this weekend. We'll see how that goes.
      I will be printing the patron package today. After that, I just need to finish the mailing list, and everything will be ready to be stuffed and mailed. I'm excited about having it done. I think it looks good and certainly better than what has been done for several years. I hope it's a success, but at least I know I did my best with what I had.
      Next up this weekend I will be working on my family newsletter. I haven't published it since January due to health problems, computer problems, etc. I hope to finish it this weekend, also, so that it can be mailed Tuesday.
      After that -- or during that -- I'm working on submissions to a couple of magazines and contests. I plan to submit five pieces by next weekend. I have a couple of pieces ready to be printed, and two others close.
      I have a few errands to run so I'm going to sign off now. Catch you a bit later.


SBB said...

I kinda remember that.

Unknown said...

"Sleep is for the weak." There's also, "the sleep shall inherit the earth."