Sunday, May 08, 2011

Sad Sunday

Not a good Sunday. People I love are having a rough time of it. No way to help them other than prayer. And prayer is powerful, no doubts about it, but when you want to do more and there's nothing to do, it's hard. Of course, the people are making mistakes, and in some instances, what they're going through now is the result of their previous mistakes. While there is a sense of karma in that, it doesn't make it enjoyable to watch them suffer. Or at least, I get no enjoyment out of it.

I've met people who do. The world is filled with people who delight in other people's miseries and setbacks. Regrettably, I've met several writers who take the success of other writers as a personal insult. I try to stay away from those folks. Thinking like that is an invitation to waste your life in bitterness and regrets. Don't need none of that, children.

I do have regrets, of course. Lately I've been surrounded by the results of past bad decisions, but I try to keep moving forward. Hard to keep my eyes up, but there aren't any answers down in the dirt. The answers are upward and onward. I really believe that even if I have trouble doing it at times.

Anyway, hope your Sunday was better than mine. Have a great Monday, okay? Okay.

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