Monday, May 02, 2011

Nervous Monday

I've spent the whole day being nervous about my class tomorrow. It will be the first time I've been class since college, not counting a few continuing education classes for insurance years ago before my boss decided that he'd rather I do my CE online.

What am I nervous about? About being too old, about not being able to keep up, about not being sharp enough to understand the material. Look, I know I've slipped over the years. My focus isn't as clear as it used to be, my wits not as sharp, and my knowledge absorption rate not as fast. Well, tomorrow will be a good chance to find out what I still have.

Of course, I have the tendency to underestimate my abilities. I'm hoping that's the case in this in this, too.

It will be an easy drive to class. The technology center is just a mile or so away from my house. I've been there once before years ago when I attended a presentation. It's much larger now.

Anyway, that's what I've been worried about today. How has your day gone? Any worries you'd like to share? I hope not. I hope your life is clear sailing.

Talk to you tomorrow and wish me luck!

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