Tuesday, March 08, 2011


A little better than yesterday, but things are still tense. It's like walking through a minefield. And I'm supposed to be writing and being productive, but I'm stalled. My creativity has always been tied to my emotional state, and right now, my emotional state sucks swamp water.

Well, I can write dark and unhappy poetry, but I need to be writing a light and interesting mystery. I've got to get Murder by the Mile finished and in shape for publication. I have been able to work a bit on the RPG source book, but the writing seems flat and boring to me.

Got to shake this off and get moving again. Hope I can soon. Life doesn't wait for us. I can't expect it to do so. Talk to you tomorrow.

Buy Floozy and Other Stories in paperback at Lulu.com
Buy Floozy and Other Stories in hardcover at Lulu.com

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