Monday, March 07, 2011


Horrible day today. One of the worse I've experienced in a long, long, long time. Well, these days happen. Sometimes things just go wrong. All I can do is ride it out. I've thought long and hard about this, and there are no moves for me to make, no words to say. Things are what they are, and I will adapt -- or not -- accordingly. Sorry to be so cryptic, but in this case, it's necessary for the sake of everyone concerned.

Trust me when I say I'd like to yell and throw things and maybe blow a few things up. But ... that's not what I do. I endure. I take what I can. I vent when I can. I learn to live with what I have to.

But there are times -- like most of today -- that I think about chucking the whole thing and heading for the islands.

Anyway, talk to you tomorrow. Unless I'm on the way to the ocean and then I'll drop you a postcard.

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