Thursday, March 10, 2011

One step

Despite everything, today was better. I don't think it's our normal state to be down and depressed. The simple act of living, of getting up each day, of doing chores, and being productive in small ways lifts our spirits. Sometimes it's enough to win small victories and rejoice in them. The finish line, the goal, is waiting, but it can wait for today. There's that old saying: "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step." Very true.

This particularly applies to writing. We don't write a whole book in one session. (Well, most people don't.) We write word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, chapter by chapter, and eventually we have a book. The trick is to enjoy those small steps and to take comfort in moving -- however slowly -- toward the goal. Physical therapists like to say, "Movement is life." It really is.

I hope you're moving toward your goal today. Step by step, we'll get there. Talk to you tomorrow.

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