Monday, March 21, 2011

Moany Monday

Ouch. I was exhausted and achy today. I think I'm trying to catch a cold. But I got some laundry done, some housework, paid some bills, and worked on Murder by the Mile. I warn you now that MBTM is going to be the major subject of discussion on here until it's published. With a few minor breaks for news on the worldwide launch of Floozy and Other Stories.

I'm having to dump about a fourth of MBTM book. Can't save the words. I went a wrong direction, and the destination is bad, bad, bad. I'm having to back up and go another way. The new way will be better. MBTM is a cozy, and that's what my readers expect. And what I'm happiest writing.

I hadn't realized how much my emotional state had influenced the book. I was depressed, angry, and despairing. As a result, my characters were depressed, angry, and despairing. They made all the wrong relationship choices. And the murder mystery got lost.

Well, there's no fix for it except to rewrite it, and that's what I'm doing. Gotta write. Gotta sell. Gotta make me a bit of money to give to the tax man.

And on that note of financial awareness, I'm going to call it a night. Talk to you tomorrow.

Buy Floozy and Other Stories in paperback at
Buy Floozy and Other Stories in hardcover at

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