Sunday, September 04, 2005


      Will wonders never cease?! Haven't you heard? The Unseen World is no longer unseen. I just saw an ad about it on TV. All you have to do is call a 900 telephone number, and for only $3.95 a minute, you can talk live to a psychic who will tell you about your past, your present and your future. And your personal psychic will tell you all that very, very slowly.
      Not that I'm saying that the psychic phone service only exists to separate you from your money. I'm not saying that. I may be thinking that, but you don't know because you can't read minds. Perhaps you can ask your psychic.
      You've probably guessed that I've always been a skeptic about psychic phenomenon, probably because none has ever happened to me. Of course, I'm told that the fact that I'm a skeptic will keep such things from happening. Which is okay. From the movies I've seen and books I've read, psychic phenomenon seems to involve a lot of screaming and bloody body parts. I'll skip that, thank you.
      I used to read my horoscope, but I don't even do that any more. I found it depressing. Everyone else's horoscope would read: "You will inherit money, win the peace prize and meet the man or woman of your dreams, all before lunch. The really wonderful things will happen later in the day." My horoscope would read: "You will polish your shoes today and do a poor job of it."
      I once mentioned this to a friend of mine who had taken Astrology in college.
      "Of course you're a skeptic," she said. "You're a Leo. They don't believe in anything."
      "Do you honestly believe the stars control our lives?" I asked.
      "I think Madonna's influence is overrated, but Cher seems to have some pull in the fashion world --"
      "That's not what I meant," I said. "I was taking about the stars overhead."
      "Oh, well, it's not surprising that you don't believe in horoscopes," she said. "All of them are wrong -- except, of course, for the Reality Horoscope. Here, I just happen to have a copy with me because I knew you'd be blogging about this."
      I took the piece of paper and started to read.

      Your Reality Horoscope
      Aquarius: You have an imaginative mind and are skilled mechanically. You are also well known to be childish and slow. Your mother hates you.
      Pisces: You are gentle and kind. Animals love you. Unfortunately, your belching and scratching drive all humans away from you. Why don't you take a bath occasionally.
      Aries: You are artistic and productive. You are also incapable of handling money and will end up alone and penniless in some nameless rest home.
      Taurus: You are exciting and virile. People think you are a drug-user. Most Taurus braid their armpit hair.
      Gemini: You will meet someone tall, dark and handsome. He will arrest you for indecent exposure and public drunkenness.
      Cancer: You are a rock of strength. Your head is also that hard. People laugh at you a lot because you're ugly.
      Leo: You have all the qualities of a leader. Other people think you're pushy and inconsiderate. They're right. And your breath could kill a walrus.
      Virgo: You are enthusiastic and active. This makes you sweat and smell like a locker-room. And do something about that acne.
      Libra: You are shrewd and thrifty. Children hate you because you are cheap. You will be hit by a bus on Tuesday. Twice.
      Scorpio: You are generous and understanding. That's why so many people think you are stupid and an easy mark. People cheat you right and left because you can't add or subtract.
      Sagittarius: You are sweet and kind. You also fondle frozen vegetables at the supermarket. You give everyone the creeps.
      Capricorn: You are tough and strong. You are also rude and coarse. You will find your place in the world at a meat-packing plant, twisting the heads off chickens, a truly fowl occupation.

      I gave the chart back to her and didn't mention that I didn't believe it, either. Skepticism dies hard. But despite what I've written, I really do try to not ridicule psychics because I remember a story my friend Bill told me.
      Bill, a fellow skeptic, called up the live psychic line.
      "Welcome to The Future Revealed," a voice answered. "And what is your name?"
      "You're a psychic," Bill said. "Don't you know?"
      "Sometimes the spirits are willing and sometimes they are not," the psychic said. "Tell me why have you called today?"
      "Shouldn't you already know that?" Bill asked. And on and on the conversation went with Bill giving the psychic many truly funny answers. But the psychic had the last laugh.
      With all the horseplay, Bill was on the phone for hours. Hours at $3.95 a minute.
      "How much was your phone bill?" I asked, aghast.
      Bill looked at me solemnly and said. "Some things man is not meant to know."
      And you know, maybe he's right.
      And maybe not.


Mark said...

I certainly am glad that you didn't include sagittarius in that list.

I don't think I want to know the truth about me.

Or, as your friend put it:
"Some things man is not meant to know."

SBB said...

Thanks for pointing that out. I consulted the charts and added Sagittarius. That's what I get for trying to read the stars on my own.

Michelle said...

LOL Ok first off...

I definitly have the qualitites of a I may be pushy. But, I happen to take others' feelings into consideration before my own and I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day. Not to mention, that if you open my purse? Wafts of fresh minty goodness explode through the opening to reveal my, somewhat obsessive, supply of agents to keep my mouth fresh.

Thanks for the funny post.

(sometimes these word verfications really crack me up. I can't write the latest for me on here...cause could be taken as not very nice.)

Mark said...

Oh thanks, Jerk!

Jean said...

"Leo: You have all the qualities of a leader. Other people think you're pushy and inconsiderate. They're right. And your breath could kill a walrus."

Oh, yeah. That sounds about right. but you never know when a rabid walrus might attack. At least I'm prepared.

One year my dad's predicted he'd have an affair that would knock his socks off. We told Mom to keep an eye out for when he came home without his socks. Dad seems to have been able to keep his socks on.

Have you noticed a lot of Leos seem to read your blog?

Unknown said...

I love it how you're getting even more cynical (i.e., realistic) and sarcastic as you get older.

SBB said...

Michelle, I'm sure the stars weren't thinking of you. Also, I'm impressed with your minty purse.

Perhaps there are so many Leos here because I'm a Leo myself, Jean. We Leos stick together. We have to. Those other signs are weird!

Joel, I'm not getting older. I'm just getting better, like a fine wine or sweaty gym socks ...

CrystalDiggory said...

Am I the only Aries here? Actually, that one is frighteningly on the mark...I need to start applying those Dave Ramsey principals.

Michelle said...


SO if there are so many Leos here...would that make a pride?

Just wondering...

And, my purse is great. Especially after a big mexican whiff and your stomach is settled. lol

SBB said...

Michelle's right! We Leos have a pride!

Aries ... I guess you guys would have a herd? :)

Michelle said...

Doh! lol

Slim said...

I'm a Leo, too! It is a pride! And we have excellent balance so we can avoid falls! :)