Monday, September 26, 2011


Tired today. Couldn't seem to keep myself going. Wish I could figure out the best way to fight this fatigue. Quite annoying. Still went to the gym and exercised. Physical activity has to be one of the answers. And I like that I'm losing weight.

Watched Terra Nova tonight, the new SF show where people from the future go into the past. No, wait, it's a different time stream (?) so they don't have to worry about changing the future. Supposedly. I liked it -- the dinosaurs looked great -- but wonder if they can keep the story going. It lagged in places, and a couple of the characters already seemed to be headed down the annoying trail. We'll see how it goes when they start showing the regular episodes on which they won't spend as much money as they did on the premiere. In some ways, the show reminds me of Earth 2, an excellent show that faded away in its first season. Hope Terra Nova goes longer. Although I hope they don't use time travel much in it. Time travel can be a cheat for lazy writers; Star Trek: Voyager had so many alternate time stories that I lose interest in the show long before it finally ended. It's hard to stay involved in a story where they fix everything at the end by changing time. It's the SF equivalent of "It was all a dream."

Finished another steampunk novel tonight. Steampunk authors seem fascinated by zombies. Four of the steampunk novels I've read recently had zombies in them. What's up with that? Isn't steampunk interesting enough on its own? I think it is. Besides, zombies are a tired story device. I've not read a new approach to them in years. Hitching them onto blimps and stream horses doesn't make zombies any more "new" or interesting.

Anyway, not much else to tell you so I'm going to close now. Hope you have good night and a great tomorrow. Talk to you then.

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