Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Still 6 days & Christmas cards

      Woohoo! I got Christmas cards today! Four of them. Three from people who comment here.
      Here's the card from Crystal.

      I have to quote what she wrote on the inside: "I'm so glad you're my friend. Because when your books sell next year and you're rich, having you for a friend will really come in handy." That made me laugh! Thanks, Crystal.

      Here's the card from Amber.

      Isn't this lovely! Thanks, Amber.

      Here's the card from Frenzied Feline.

      FF made this great card. Thanks, FF!

      Thank you all! You made my day. And did you read the post before this one? Remember that I'm posting more than once each day through Christmas.


Erudite Redneck said...

Chrismassy thoughts yer way, TECH. Sending cards is one of the things that hsad to give this year. :-(

Michelle said...

See, I read it. :P