Monday, December 04, 2006

No news is NOT always good news

      I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I've been having problems with my back. The pain level has went up a bit on the scale, and I've been living from one pain pill to the next. It doesn't leave me with a lot of energy or time to post, but I do think of y'all and hope that you're doing well and filling your blogs with lots of interesting material for me to read when I am able to again. There seems to be only a couple of positions where I'm not in a lot of pain, neither of which will allow me to sit at the computer for more than a few seconds. This has completely lost what little ability it had to amuse me in the first place. I vow to stop my car and rescue every turtle on his back in the road from now on. Even snapping turtles at risk of my fingers.
      Anyway, that's what's been going on with me. If you recall, last year after NaNo, I had quite a bit of trouble with my back. I think it must be caused by the hours of sitting in front of the computer. Apparently my back doesn't like that, particularly after a day of sitting in front of the computer at work. Next year, I will have to work something else out. I wonder if I could type while standing up. I think I remember reading that V.C. Andrews had to type her books while standing.
      Anyway, I have no news tonight so I'll close now. Have a great day tomorrow and I hope to see you then. Night.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the continued pain I though you were on the slow road to health.

Slim said...

Dude, get healthy and stay that way! :) I think we're all tired of you being sick.

SBB said...

It's a minor -- I hope -- setback, Roen.

Slim, you're not even half as tired of it as I am!

Thanks for the support, FF.

Trixie said...

I keep you in my prayers, Tech, because I sure do miss the "good old days" when you felt better and had time to blog and really felt like it. Wish I had a good solution for you, but sounds like you might be on to something with the notion of a standing desk. I know I need to spend much less time sitting at my keyboard too. Funny, isn't it, how this labor-saving device is out to kill us now?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever checked out some of the products at I purchased a lumbar extender and a contour air cushion for my father and it really has helped him. It is just a thought.

Thank you for your support last week, and you really did help me feel better.

Feel better soon!

SBB said...

Thanks for the well wishes, Rain. I'll check out that site. Thanks.

Michelle said...

Oh, I hope you feel better soon Tech. You'll be in my prayers with hands laid and all!

SBB said...

Thank you, Michelle. Prayers are appreciated more than I can express. It's been a very discouraging last couple of weeks. Thank you again.