Wednesday, December 13, 2006


      In my ongoing attempt to injure, break or hurt every part of my body, I fell down the steps at work today. I opened the back door, stepped down, my ankle twisted, I dropped my cane and briefcase, I tumbled forward, flying six feet before experiencing an abrupt and unfriendly landing. It’s always bad if you have enough time to think, “This is going to hurt” before you hit. I took the landing on my left shoulder and left hip. In some strange quirk of aerodynamics, the cane then hit me on my head.
      There’s always that stunned moment after a fall. Your body is dazed, and muscles clamp down. Your brain can’t keep up with various pain messages it’s receiving. So I just laid on the floor until the rumbles ceased.
      Then I discovered that I couldn’t get up. My back had spasmed, and it wouldn’t allow me to turn over. I tried for several minutes to pull myself over to a wall, getting some carpet burns on my chest (no, that’s really how I got them) but I couldn’t do it.
      I was panicking by this time so I pulled my cell phone out of my shirt pocket and called 911. I got a recorded message that said, “This number is unavailable.” I thought I might have dialed it wrong so I called again. Unavailable.
      By this time, I had spent a good 15 minutes on the floor. The carpet is blue, by the way, a fact that I don’t think I’ve registered before. At least not so close and personal.
      I then paged my roomie. He works at a hospital and I thought he could call an ambulance for me. I could have called the operator to do that, but I wasn’t thinking clearly.
      My roomie returned my page, but my hand was shaking and instead of answering his call, I refused his call. Luckily he called again, and I told him what had happened. He said he was on his way and hung up.
      The hospital is about 20 minutes from my office so I was in for a wait. Just then, a guy from the business next to where to I work noticed that our back door was open as he took a cigarette break. He looked in, saw me sprawled on the floor, let out a startled vulgarity and rushed to help me.
      With his help, I got up and over into a chair. By this time, the shock had worn off and various aches and pains began to assert themselves. I took inventory. Shoulder and hip were unhappy. Upper arm very unhappy. Left ankle screaming. Back was … well, really, it wasn’t hurting any more than usual. I also discovered a knot on the left side of my head where I had hit the floor. And no, the floor wasn’t cracked.
      I called my roomie and told him that I got help and was up and wanted to give myself a few minutes before I decided if I needed any medical care. He was in his truck, but I told him that I’d call if I needed him.
      I put a cold pack on my ankle, took some pain meds, stood up, swayed a bit, but then balanced. I limped up front, turned on the lights, opened the front door, started my computer, and now here I am typing this to you. I’m feel a bit battered, but by the grace of the Good Lord, I think I’m okay, something to give thanks for on this Wednesday morning. How are you doing?


Gloria Williams said...

TECH! Stop doing these things! You're going to give me a heart attack! Get well, stay well, and be careful! :)

SBB said...

Gloria, thanks for the concern. I'd like to point out that I didn't intend on falling, though! :)

Michelle said...

Where were those Angels I prayed for to watch over you anyway?

Taking a coffee break, I am guessing.

I hope you are ok and haven't just received some major damage. I'd say you were done for the year with your share.

I hope you get some TLC and pampering tonight. :)

Trixie said...

Oh Tech! I am so sorry! I had a fall while cooking Thanksgiving dinner for my friends -- I was taking a hot oven rack outside to make more room in the oven and managed to fall down their makeshift back steps. I managed not to fall on the dog, or one of the kids. But I did burn a pinky finger.

I hope you aren't completely in agony tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Tech i didn't know when I spoke to you yesterday! I know you will feel it today! Look on the bright side the pain killers for the back should help the rest of you too!

Jean said...

Ack! From the ankle turn, I was grimacing. I'm sorry for how you must be feeling tonight as well as tomorrow.

SBB said...

Thanks for the sympathy, Nancy.

No pampering, Michelle. Why do you live in Oregon again? :)

I know, FF. I think the cane was as surprised as I was since it was speechless ...

The armor, Amber, I need the armor!

Thanks for the well wishes, Trixie.

Yes, Roen, the pain killers are a bright side to this ... I guess ...

Randall, I hadn't thought of using pain as a pickup technique. So far, though, the results are disappointing!

Thank you, Jean. The ankle is being a whiny thing today.

Erudite Redneck said...

Dude. I am so sorry.

Michelle said...

'Cause it's pretty.