Monday, September 13, 2004

      Bah on writing in general and my fantasy novel in particular. I swear I hate the characters so much that I would damage the grillwork of my car to run them down on the street were it possible for me to see them there. Yes, I know they're good people, I know their story is interesting, and I know they stand the best chance of getting me published in novel form.
     However, I'm tired of fighting with them. A friend of mine suggested that I have a pretend conversation with them. I can see that: Me and Stefan and Maladora in a small, locked room ... and I have a gun.
     Of course, I just feel this way now because the words are refusing to flow. Most of the time I care about them and root for them even as I throw peril after peril in their path. And it's not their fault that they're in love and working so hard to have a happy life while I'm busy trying to destroy them.
     I just had a disquieting thought. I was thinking that I'd be a god to these characters. Now I wonder if they would consider me the devil.

© 2004. All rights reserved.


CrystalDiggory said...

It's just a phase that will pass. Soon you will love your characters again and the writing will flow. Remember how much we hated the characters in our play toward the end, but then we..oh, wait...bad example. :) Well, either way, love or hate your characters, I'm confident your writing is going to flow and you'll finish this successfully.

Unknown said...

I once read an article in Writer's Digest by author Nancy Kress. She wrote that, to know you're putting your characters through a rough time, imagine they were real and you met them on the street. The proper response is for them to try to punch you out ;-)

Trixie said...

Kill 'em. Kill 'em dead. Then throw that part away, go to a coffee shop with them and let them tell you what really happened. They tend to speak up better after they've been given a warning killing.

Erudite Redneck said...

I'm jealous! I can't kill off MY sources!!!! Score one for fiction writers! ;-)

Trixie said...

You can't? I've never had any problem.

Unknown said...

Re: I can't kill off MY sources!!!!
Though I bet you've felt the urge especially when they're late for an assignment ;-)