Thursday, December 14, 2006

The patient's chart today

      Ouch. I discovered a lot of bruises this morning, but I’m up and at it. I was very fortunate overall. The worse pain is my ankle, which has swollen to a respectable size, but it’s wrapped and I have cold packs for it so I’m good to go. Well, not so much going as limping, but I’m moving and that’s the important thing.
      It got up in the 70s today. That’s weird weather for December. I’m not complaining, mind you, but it’s still odd for here. Probably not so odd for those folks trapped in California or Florida. I pity them as they suffer through warm days and lovely ocean breezes. So sad.
      I actually got online and ordered some Christmas presents the other day. And the first box arrived today. It’s a big box. Much bigger than I expected. Now I have to figure out how to get it into my house. It’s not going to be easy, that’s for sure. And since it’s for my roomie, I’d rather not ask his help. I’ll figure out something.
      After many requests, I’m finally posting photos of my Christmas Village. Are you happy now, Crystal? Folks, I’ve just learned Crystal has a village, too. Don’t you think she should share photos of it, too? I do. In fact, since her late and lamented blog is no longer with us, I suggest she send them to me and I’ll post them, or she can post them to the Great Slim Down. Don’t you think that’s a great idea? Then comment that you do! Let her feel the love! Or the like. Or that distant feeling you have for the cousin you never met.
      Well, it's time for bed now. Oh, here are a couple photos of the village. Enjoy!


Michelle said...

How cool! I have no village. So I must live vicariously through you...and Crystal! Post your pictures Crystal!

I am sorry for your ankle, and bruises...and really you must take some responsibility ya know? You are so darn magnetic! Unfortunately it is to the pavement of late...

You're in my Prayers.

Anonymous said...

Yes Crystal, we would love to see your village too. Send Tech pics to post. Unless it is so much better than Tech's that it would hurt his feelings.He has lots more hurt than he need right now. Get well soon Tech! Love the little people in snow.

CrystalDiggory said...

Uh, Tech is having a little fun with me. My "village" consists of a Toy Store I handpainted years ago. I must have been going through a psychedelic phase, because I painted it pink, two shades of blue, yellow, neon green and bright pink! Oh, and white snow on the roof. Perhaps I'll send it to Tech so it can be with other buildings. I'm sure it would look lovely in his village! :)

SBB said...

Thank you for the prayers, Michelle. They're appreciated. You know, you could always visit Oklahoma and see my village! :)

Thanks, Roen!

I'm sure you're just being modest, Crystal. Besides couldn't you just repaint your shop?

I have my Nativity sets up, Amber. I've been trying to take photos of them, but they don't turn out as lovely as the sets are. My camera doesn't want to take close-up photos. That or I don't know what I'm doing ... which is probably the right answer.