Saturday, April 06, 2013


(Besides participating in the 2013 Blogging A to Z April Challenge, I'm also participating in National Poetry Writing Month. In NaPoWriMo, I'm supposed to write a poem a day for the whole month. Yes, I'm crazy. Here's the sixth poem.)


I sink beneath your waves
into indigo wonder
down where charts end
beyond safety limits

Above the sun still shines
against a pale blue sky
the boat circles aimlessly
divers split the water

But you lead on, diamond
scales sparkle in wan light
smile a flash of white
webbed hand cool in mine

And now you and I dwell
in the lovely deep dark
slow dancing as we flow
in love's irresistible undertow

(Copyright 2013 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved. No copying without prior permission. Thank you for reading.)

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