Friday, April 12, 2013

An evening entertainment

(Besides participating in the 2013 Blogging A to Z April Challenge, I'm also participating in National Poetry Writing Month. In NaPoWriMo, I'm write a poem a day for the whole month. Here is the poem for the 12th day.)

An Evening Entertainment

The evening has not gone as you planned.
I acknowledge your confusion and pain,
but you have only yourself to blame.

And maybe those movies where monsters
sparkle and sigh with immortal angst.
Do you think the flickering images held truth?

Or was it the endless books in which
the beauty tames the beast, ignoring
the fact the beast might not want to be tamed?

Perhaps you thought your youthful beauty
would conquer my baser instincts
even though I am centuries old

and have loved ladies whose beauty
sank a thousand ships and for whom
the poets opened their wrists.

It hardly matters now, does it?
I will say this: You have lovely eyes.
They will be simply delicious.

(Copyright 2013 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved. No copying without prior permission. Thank you for reading.)

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