Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sunny Sunday

      A very busy Sunday, which is odd for me. Well, odder. I was productive to a frightening degree. I got a lot of tasks done, including more words. We are now at 30,005 words on Murder by the Acre, officially 4,250 words behind where I wanted to be at the end of February. Not bad at all for losing all those weeks in January. MBTA should be ready to go to the proofers in May. We're still on track for the book to be published by the end of June.
      Of course, I have to polish it like crazy in May, particularly the first chapter, which I allowed a couple of friends to read. Apparently they weren't impressed as I haven't heard from them one way or another. Sigh. That's okay. I knew it wasn't ready, but I needed some strokes. That'll teach me.
      It's supposed to snow here tomorrow. I can't believe it. Two to four inches. It's raining and storming now, and Oklahoma experienced its first tornado of the season today. Weird weather, that's Oklahoma. When the wind comes sweeping down the plain, we really do mean it sweeps things along.
      Power just went out for a moment, so I think I'll close. Take care and have a great -- snow free -- day tomorrow. Night!


Rain said...

Yikes the thought of a tornado really scares me.

I hope you have a safe night, sleep tight.

Kirsten said...

At least your new vampire neighbor will be enjoying all the cloud cover.

Some tree branches down in my neighborhood from all the wind last night, but all roofs and cars spared.

SBB said...

If you live in Oklahoma, I think you kind of get used to the thought of a tornado, Rain. That's one of the drawbacks to living here.

Good point, Kirsten. I'll ask her about it. A few branches down in my neighborhood, but nothing too bad.

Anonymous said...

Tech…and your avid readers…

The fact you’ve not heard from us does not reflect poorly on the first chapter of MBTA! I was half-way through when Melissa took it from me…she simply could not wait! Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to housework and graduate courses. I expect that I’ll finish it this evening and will be able to provide feedback (constructive and otherwise) tomorrow. Rest assured I am awaiting anxiously my return to Ryton and, to avoid any spoilers, the shocking discovery in the hobbit hole.

SBB said...

TL is a very nice person, isn't he? Although -- putting homework and housework before reading my book -- hmm. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I would have put off my housework to read it, Tech. But I hate housework! :)

SBB said...

Me, too, Gloria. I particularly hate washing dishes.

Anonymous said...

I desperately wanted to put off housework, but it needed done! I'll get to finish the first chapter this evening, though. I spoilers!

SBB said...

Actually, I know TL did housework this weekend. I called and his lovely wife told me that he was actually cleaning the bathroom! That's right, ladies! She has a man who actually cleans the bathroom! With soap and scrubbing brushes and everything! Amazing.

Jean said...

I have one of those, but it's a very rare time when he does it. His greater good is he never leaves the seat up. He's so good about it, that I forgot other women have to worry about it. He also knows, ahem, which way to properly hang the toilet paper roll.* That, my friends, is a man worth his weight in gold.

*Yes, I know it shouldn't matter, but one way works better than the other for me.

Anonymous said...

Mine hangs the toilet paper the right way, doesn't leave the seat up, AND will clean it whenever I ask. When he's done you could perform open heart surgery in there! :) :) :)

SBB said...

So, Jean, is the proper way over or under roll?

If it's okay with you, FF, and God forbid that I ever have to endure such a thing, but if I do have to have open heart surgery, I think I'm going to use a hospital instead of your bathroom. Thanks for the offer, though. You're quite sweet.

Jean said...

From my perspective, the right way is over. Now you know the way to my heart. :)