Friday, July 27, 2007

First chapter

       If you'd like a taste of Murder by Dewey Decimal, Lulu provides a preview of the complete first chapter HERE. If you've joined us late, Murder by Dewey Decimal is my mystery novel just published by Lulu.
      Last night, a friend and I were talking about the book and its launch, and he made an interesting statement that I think applies to a lot of authors. He said, "It would be hard for me to sell a book. I'd be embarrassed." On various authors' sites and on writing forums, I've often heard writers say that they enjoyed the writing, but they hated the selling. Perhaps I have an advantage in this. My jobs, for the most part, have always involved selling some product, be it advertising or financial. So I am less reluctant than most to ask people to buy my book.
      Yes, there is, for some reason, some embarrassment involved. Lately I've been feeling I should apologize to my regular readers for hawking MBDD so much. It's basically been all we've talked about. I'm trying to make it as interesting as I can, so if you're bored, sorry, but we're going to continue to discuss it for a while. I'm proud of my little book, and I want to share it with as many people who are willing. To this end, I'm asking my friends here with blogs if they would be willing to place a link to my book on their blog. I can also supply a pic of the book cover for your blogs. Gloria has already allowed me to post the entire Launch! posting on the blog I share with her (Wry Words). Thank you so much, Gloria. You're awesome.
       Speaking of awesome, Frenzied Feline certainly deserves that label. Not only did she purchase FIVE copies of MBDD yesterday, she also purchased MBDD merchandise: a MBDD button and a MBDD tote bag. I take back and swallow happily every bad thing I've ever said about blondes and Californians. FF is redeeming the entire state and hair color all by herself. Thank you, FF. My robot monkeys will spare California.
      I appreciate everyone who has purchased a book and those who say they're going to. I've actually sold less books than the number of people who have told me that they've purchased one, so I don't know if Lulu is reporting the numbers right, but so far, it's close enough that I'm not too concerned. Currently the number sold is at 16. My goal is to sell at least 100 books. Naturally I want to sell many, many, many more, but 100 is a magical number for self-published books. Apparently most SPBs never make it that far. We'll see how it goes. Selling a couple of thousand books would make a huge difference in my life, but we'll worry about the first 100 for now.
      And now I have to get to work. I'm so glad it's Friday. I am ready for the week to be over. You have a good day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow if not sooner. Adios!

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal in paperback HERE!

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal in hardcover HERE!

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal merchandise HERE!


Anonymous said...

Eh--I was just Christmas shopping. :)

I almost bought a T-shirt, but figured it would only be seen about once a week. A tote bag, on the other hand, I might have with me more often than that. Maybe I'll put the button on my purse so it's seen every day. See? I was thinking--not bad for a blonde, huh??

You can still send the robot monkeys to California, just give me ample notice to leave the state. There are still plenty here that could a swift kick... ;)

SBB said...

Wow. Christmas shopping in July. Boggles the mind.

Good thinking on the tote bag!

I will make sure you are warned before the robot monkeys descend on California.

Anonymous said...

I ordered my copy today, Tech! I can't wait to get it.

Erudite Redneck said...

Mine is on the way!

Anonymous said...

You should be over 16 books by now! ;)


SBB said...

Thanks, ER! I appreciate it.

Thanks for your order, Crystal! You're a sweetie.