Monday, January 09, 2006

List this

       If I have any claim to organizational skills, it's only that I live by lists. I make them almost daily. It keeps me focused on what I should be doing to have a productive day. Unfortunately, lists have a downside. At the end of the day, I can look at all the items not done and be really depressed.
       Be that as it may -- and that it may be -- here's my list for today.

       1. Make bed. I try to make my bed daily just because it's nice to pull back the covers at night and slide beneath the sheets. I like cotton sheets because I find flannel are too clingy and satin are too slick. You have to be careful with satin sheets. I once jumped into bed and slid clean off the other side.
       2. Clean fridge. This one has been on my list for about a month now. It needs to be done. I have leftovers in there from Thanksgiving. Right now, there's a three-bean salad that's plotting its takeover of the world.
       3. Fix the local theater web page. There's a minor formatting problem on it, and I need to add the audition dates for the play I'm directing as well as its performance dates. I did mention that was going to be March activity. I don't know if you've ever been involved in local theater. It can be a thrilling, fulfilling activity. It can also make you want to seek the nearest bell tower with your heaviest artillery.
       4. Wash whites. I'll need some clean undies soon. You were dying to know that, weren't you? Actually I always wear clean underwear because I don't want to be in an accident and have the EMTs refuse to treat me.
       5. Wash colors. Mostly shirts that all have to hung up to dry because they're 100 percent cotton and if you dry them in the dryer, they shrink.
       6. Wash dishes. A dream of mine is to have an automatic dishwasher. Or a maid. Really, I dream more of the maid. I already have her cute, tiny uniform picked out …
       7. Write on Darkness, Oklahoma. I'm not sure if "write on" is the correct way to put that, but I like the sound of it. Write on, man!
       8. Work on the family newsletter. The January issue should already be out, but it's barely started. I want to finish it this week. My contributors, however, need to submit their articles. I think we're all in the January doldrums. I need to call sister, sister, brother, aunt, cousin, aunt, aunt, aunt and aunt for their articles and info.
       9. Empty indoor trashcans into large outdoor container. Gotta do this every Monday and Thursday night because trash pickup day is Tuesday and Friday. And trash pickup waits for no man.
       10. File. I have this huge stack of recent bills, magazines, newspaper articles, computer program warranties, appliance manuals, business cards, notepads, address labels, article ideas, poems, poem ideas, notes, sheets of music, play information, patron stuff, meeting minutes, etc., that all need to find a home other than my desk. Truthfully, I will probably only pick out the important stuff, wait a couple of months and discard the rest. I try to be brutal about what I keep and don't keep since I'm a natural packrat. I'm always afraid I'll end up like those little old men who get crushed to death by piles of clutter in their homes.
       11. Pay bills and work on monthly budget. Sigh. This is depressing, but hey, I'm keeping up. Nothing is late. Or not so late that people are threatening to break my knees.
       12. Water houseplants. They appreciate this.
       13. Feed fish. They also appreciate this. But neither houseplants nor fish have ever bought me card or even said a word of thanks. Gratitude is a dying thing.
       14. Charge cell phone. I'm carrying my cell phone all the time now so I have this reminder to charge it each night so that I always have a full charge. I've been told this is bad for the battery, and then I was told that it wouldn't hurt it. I'll let you know how that works out for me.
       15. Blog on 51313 Harbor Street. Doing that now.
       16. Blog on The Great Slim Down 2006. Will do that later.
       That's it for today. I'll consider it a success if I check off 10 of them, which shouldn't be a problem barring unforeseen events. And I think we're all agreed that they should be barred and maybe locked in a cell, too.


Gloria Williams said...

Your lists make me tired, too! :)

(And I was first! :) )

Slim said...

Whew. You do lists daily? No wonder you get so much done while I don't. I'm going to have to get organized someday. It would help me with my classwork if I did.

(I was second!)

Trixie said...

I have 3x5 cards with my daily lists of things that have to be done all the time -- and they are laminated. I even have a cute little Flylady cartoon charater on them! They help keep me on schedule, when I remember to look at them. Even when I don't, it's so ingrained in me now that I KNOW when I miss something on the cards.

Mark said...

RE: number 4. Wearing clean underwear in case of an accident is fruitless. If you have an accident, 2 things happen automatically:

1. You say it.

2. You do it.

CrystalDiggory said...

My list for today:
1. Sign contract for new travel nurse assignment
2. Fax it back this afternoon.
3. Pick up moving boxes from sister-in-law who works at hospital lab.
4. Do homeschooling with son
5. Feed son, at least once.
6. Prepare meals so son will have something to eat while I'm at work.
7. Stop at Walmart and stock up on dog food.
8. Be sure and comment on Tech's blog even if I can't be first all the time. :(
9. Try to finish packing out hall closet and my bedroom closet. I have eight days to get all the packing done.
10. Try not to panic. Write a blog on SlimDown2006 asking for tips on how to avoid stress eating!!
11. Work a 12 hour shift tonight.
12. Quit procrastinating on the computer.

SBB said...

Gloria, I suggest caffeine! :)

(Go you!)

SBB said...

Slim, I wasn't very organized in college, either. I regret it now.

(That's gets you a silver non-medal! Wear it proudly.)

SBB said...

That's a good idea, Trixie, having something already made up for daily tasks. Although, other than making the bed and feeding the fish and blogging and writing, I don't have a lot of tasks that have to be done every day.

SBB said...

Mark, my mom was always a great believer in the power of clean underwear to ensure prompt medical attention in case of an auto accident!

SBB said...

How's your list going, Crystal? But it seems to me that Number 8 is the most important one!

CrystalDiggory said...

I got 9 out of the 12 done. Not bad for me. :)

How'd you do on yours?

SBB said...

I'll let them know, ER, and see if that shakes any article free! But I do have guest writers from time to time. Crystal has been published in the Gazette a couple of times. If you had an article on the history of Sequoyah County or Muldrow, that would be major cool.

SBB said...

FF, satin sheets are tricky. You've got to be careful with them.

Wow. That's a well equipped theater. You wouldn't even have to search for a bell tower when you went postal.

I didn't clean the fridge, but the salad went into the trash. It fought hard, but I was well armed and won.

Have you been talking to my fish? Are they running up the long distance bill again?

SBB said...

Good job, Crystal. I haven't checked my list. Let me see. Not so good. Only seven items done. The rest get added to today's list. Sigh.

Erudite Redneck said...

Yer newsletter isn't copyrighted, is it? If it's not, I do have a history of Sequoyah County article that is the copyright of the Oklahoma Historical Society....

SBB said...

It is copyrighted, ER, because I publish my humor pieces in it. But I'd like to read that article anyway? Could you send it to me?

Erudite Redneck said...
