Monday, August 22, 2005

First, an apology and then the bloodletting

      First, let me say right now that the majority of women are great creatures. I love them completely, particularly the ones who comment on my page. So I want to apologize for what follows. Because there are some woman -- one in particular -- that I'd like to shake until her teeth rattled. So please know that what follows is for her -- not for any of my commenters or regular readers -- even though she will never read this, and even if she did, she lacks the self-awareness to realize that I'm talking of her.
      To the whiney weasel woman:
      Shut up. Yes, that's what I most want to say to you. Shut up! Give us some peace and quiet, would you? Can you for once stop being so moody and whiney and self-absorbed? You could be a decent person if you'd stop thinking the whole universe revolves around you. But you can't do that, can you? You're just a child in a woman's body, and like a sugar-crazed toddler in a glass shop, you wander around shattering things and thinking that somehow we shouldn't blame you.
      I'm tired of you. Tired of your amazing ability to turn everything into a discussion about your life. Hey, I don't care what men have done to you in the past. I don't want to hear about your countless boyfriends who didn't recognize what a delicate flower they held. You were the only constant in all those many relationships. I'd say the problem was you. Got that? Let me repeat: YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
      Stop lying. To us. To yourself. HAVE A BACKBONE! We all know you lie. The first thing out of your lips is a lie. You lie even when there's no reason to lie. And you've told us so many lies that you can't keep track of them, and we've stopped trying. Couldn't you stop by the truth once in a while? But no, the truth is too hard to face. Here's one truth for you: If you are unloved, it's because you are unlovable.
      Here's another one: Need isn't love. You're lonely; isn't that sad? You're depressed; isn't that terrible? Why is that anyone's problem but yours? The rest of us have crappy things that happen to us, too. The difference is that we don't stop our lives so that we can wallow in the ruin. We make it through it. We survive. We go on.
      I don't have much sympathy left for you. If this were an island, you'd be beaten up and voted off. If this were a jungle trek, you'd be tied up and left as a gift to the hungry natives. If this were a starship, you'd already be pushed out the airlock where we couldn't hear you whine.
      The worse part is that you know better. YOU KNOW BETTER. And you can run from it, you can drink until you forget, you can pop those pills, you can sleep with all the men in the phone book, but when you get done, when you're finished, you'll still be left with you.
      The best thing would be for you to grow up. You have a lot of things going for you. You could be a lovely, decent, talented, smart, wise woman whom anyone would want to love. Of course, pigs could fly, too.
      But until the day when we see pork in the treetops, I have only one request of you. Shut. Up.


Trixie said...

Oh Tech, I hope I don't get drummed out of the Girls' Club for laughing! I know you didn't intend for this to be funny, but it is. I applaud you for venting here, where it's safe. Doesn't it feel good to put it out there, in the universe?
Now, breathe in, deep breath... (SNIFFFFF) .... now slowly release it and let all the tension flow from you body.....(AHHHHHHH) See? Isn't that better?

*(Boy, I hope he wasn't talking about me.... I don't drink without Gumby!)

Erudite Redneck said...

Dude, I feel better just having READ this. I KNOW you feel better for havin' written it!

Unknown said...

R U talkin' about me again? U didn't have to change the pronoun: I'm thick-skinned enough to take it.

Now, let's get back to talkin' ME ;)

Slim said...

It's not just women. I know men like that. It's hard to do, but you have to distance yourself. That's easier said than done because those people will cling like leeches.

Gloria Williams said...

If Trixie gets booted out of the Girls' Club, I'll get thrown right alongside her! :)

Sadly enough, I know several people who should read it. But they won't see themselves in it. None are so blind ... as the self-absorbed!

Jean said...

OK, Tech. The third paragraph applies to me, and I'm thinking about working on it. The rest? Thankfully, that person is not me.

You needed to say what you said, and I hope you feel better for being able to say it.

SBB said...

I refuse to believe that any of this post applies to any of commenters. Y'all are just too nice!

Mark said...

Tech, I didn't know you knew my ex wife.

Michelle said...

Dag nab it. I knew I should have gotten my comment in there before the "...I refuse to believe this applies to any of my commenters...ya'll are nice..." comment.

*squeezing between Gloria and Slim*

Righty then...(sorry for that toe Slim) Ahem...You deserve better treatment than whatever that girl is throwing your way! Let me at her...grrr.


SBB said...

Once again, let me say that I refuse to believe any of this post applies to any of you! :)

Monica said...

I'm a woman but I can certainly understand...a friend of mine met a gal online. He said he was really interested in her so they talked on the phone. She started talking about how terrible men were to her. He said, "Monica, why should I pay for something some other guy did?" So he didn't go out with her. (He went out with me. :) We're still great friends. LOL.

Trixie said...

You're right Monica. Rule One of dating is: 1) Do not bring other relationships into the present relationship. That mistake costs people a lot of good friendships and more.

night-rider said...

Yee Hah! Good to see you with your dander up TECH!