Saturday, October 02, 2004


      A few days back, a friend and I were discussing my writing. He was surprised to find out that I have a personal journal as well as this blog. He was immediately curious about the personal journal. Naturally he will never see it as it contains things that I don't want to reveal to the public. Nothing all that exciting, mind you, just opinions and feelings that I think are better if they're not shared. Some of the entries might hurt someone's feelings or are simply too personal to be revealed.
      My friend was surprised by "these layers." But I think all people are that way. We all have layers, faces, masks that we wear in certain situations. Who hasn't felt that awkwardness when your work friends meet your personal friends or family?
      The necessary thing is that you never lose hold of the truth of who you are. You emphasize aspects of yourself, but not fabricate lies.
      I number on the fingers of one hand the people to whom I'm completely open with. Is this wrong? Is this hiding or simply being wise? When you find true love, is being able to be completely open how you know that it is true love? Frankly, I don't know.

© 2004. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

I had a discussion (on-line) once about how people think they know someone and are discovered whole new facets of them. I think people are egotistical and scared: the former to assure they're ego that they know everything about their friend and scared at the unknown: that is, what they didn't know about their friend.

As for being open and true love: it's different for every relationship. I've been in one now approaching it's 11th year. What I learned is: be open about the important things, don't lie about the important things, and it's your fault if you do lie/hide the important things. And what are the important things? Well, that's the unknown until you communicate....

Gloria Williams said...

I wonder if this is what Paul was talking about when he discussed being all things to all people.

night-rider said...

Hello Tech, thanks for stopping by and pinning my guest map which led me in turn to your lovely blog with its crisp design, startling pictures and intimate chatty style. I'll definitely be back...and yes, I think people are a bit like onions, you can peel back the layers and see many different parts of the whole.