Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have decided to have a garage sale next weekend. Make a little money and cut down on the clutter in my house. Lord knows the money will be useful. As will be the space.

One of my unrealized dreams is to actually have an office where I could spread my books and projects out. Right now, I've got a small corner of a small living room in a small house. I spend a lot of time moving papers from one place to another, attempting to make room for ongoing projects. Would probably help if I didn't have four or five projects going on at the same time, but having several going keeps my creative juices flowing. Working strictly on one project day in and day out seems too much like drudgery. As I finish one project, I add another one.

What's that old saying? "I have so many items on my to do list that I may have to live forever." It's something like that.

I hope your creative juices are flowing. Talk to you tomorrow!

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