You know what? I refuse to be bitter.
Yes, I'm not being treated well, but I also allowed myself to be in this place. I have to shoulder my part of the responsibility.
It's easy to have perfect hindsight. Yes, it seems I should have done other things, but I made the best decisions I could at the time.
I'm not going to dine on regrets nor will I let anyone feed them to me.
I will look forward and I will keep moving.
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Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Dr. Seuss
Floozy is going to have an illustration from ... Theodor Geisel! AKA Dr. Seuss! Is that cool or what?
I'm getting some of my illustrations from Dover's book 864 Humorous Cuts from the Twenties and Thirties, and it happens to have six royalty free illustrations from Geisel. Only one fits "Floozy," but it fits an art...icle so well it could have been drawn for it. Woohoo!
Hope you're having a good Sunday. Remember you can still receive FREE Summer Shipping from on my books as long as your order totals $19.95 or more. Here are the links.
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Buy MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf Harbor.
I'm getting some of my illustrations from Dover's book 864 Humorous Cuts from the Twenties and Thirties, and it happens to have six royalty free illustrations from Geisel. Only one fits "Floozy," but it fits an art...icle so well it could have been drawn for it. Woohoo!
Hope you're having a good Sunday. Remember you can still receive FREE Summer Shipping from on my books as long as your order totals $19.95 or more. Here are the links.
Buy Murder by Dewey Decimal at
Buy Murder by the Acre in softcover at
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Buy MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf Harbor.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lulu offers FREE Summer Shipping*
Right now you can purchase my books from and receive FREE Summer Shipping on book orders of $19.95 and over!
As an author, it's better for me when people purchase directly from I receive more royalties from because the online retailers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.) take so much in commission. Of course, I welcome the sales wherever I get them, but if you're looking to add Murder by Dewey Decimal or Murder by the Acre to your library, now is a good time to order from Lulu.
Here are the links:
Buy Murder by Dewey Decimal at
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As an author, it's better for me when people purchase directly from I receive more royalties from because the online retailers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.) take so much in commission. Of course, I welcome the sales wherever I get them, but if you're looking to add Murder by Dewey Decimal or Murder by the Acre to your library, now is a good time to order from Lulu.
Here are the links:
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Friday, May 28, 2010
The ending we don't know
This is the story whose ending we don't know, but this is how it begins.
It's nearly midnight in a suburb of a city. Rows of nearly identical houses line the streets. Streetlights pour out circles of light. Far off a siren sounds.
The front door of one of those houses opens, and a man with a broken heart walks out. He leaves his door open, his TV showing the late night news. An envelope on the coffee table is addressed to his estranged wife. The note is blank except for his name and a simple "Sorry."
He walks to the end of his driveway and pauses. He stands there a long time. A dog barks and finally gets bored with this nocturnal visitor. Mrs. Higgins opens the curtain of her bedroom window from across the street and sees him. She starts to wake her husband, but recognizes her neighbor and decides he must be going on a walk. She goes to bed.
The man steps onto the empty street and walks down the middle of it.
A few times, cars pass him and slow down, but he doesn't seem lost. He doesn't seem confused. His steps are steady. He's walking with purpose. So the cars continue on, but the drivers will remember him later.
He reaches the woods on the edge of town. He stops briefly. If someone were watching him, they would see the momentary hesitation, the brief flash of regret. But he moves forward, leaving regret behind. He doesn't look back even though what he's leaving pulls at him. The farther he walks, the less hold it has.
He walks through the woods, following a path that his feet seem to know well. He passes by a young couple making love. The boy is startled and actually runs away. When the boy returns, the girl is clothed now and it is so not going to happen. It will be three days before they admit they saw the man.
He passes through the woods, only leaving a few signs that he was ever there. The wind in the trees sounds like a river.
He reaches the mountain. He begins to climb. It's not a hard climb, but it makes him breathe hard, makes the sweat glisten on his forehead in the moonlight. Twice he slips, but only falls a couple of feet before he catches himself.
Finally on a gentle slope, he walks to the top of a cliff. He stops and turns back toward what he left. He sees the town in which he lived and loved and lost. He sees his life. He sees what he loved and what loved him and what remains. He sees what is broken and can't be fixed. He doesn't turn into a pillar of salt. He lets everything go.
He turns the other direction and takes a few steps. He's at the edge of a cliff. Below there is a river. Beyond the river is a dark wilderness, the beginning of a national park. He removes all of his clothing and leaves it in a pile. He stands there in the rising wind and the uncaring moonlight.
And then he spreads his arms, runs three steps, and leaps into the void.
This is the ending we don't know. His body hasn't been found. It's been six years.
Some believe he fell into the river and it carried his lifeless form to the ocean. Some say that he didn't jump at all, but actually met a secret lover (there had been rumors of such) and went off to start a new life. Still others say the wild animals scattered his body -- as if bears or wolves still stalk their tiny forest. At Crazy Eddie's Comic shop, the boys talk of aliens and strange lights.
There is a story, though, which some of us choose to quietly believe: That when he jumped, the winds caught him, bore him up, and carried him away into the endless starry sky.
(For A.H.)
Copyright 2010 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
It's nearly midnight in a suburb of a city. Rows of nearly identical houses line the streets. Streetlights pour out circles of light. Far off a siren sounds.
The front door of one of those houses opens, and a man with a broken heart walks out. He leaves his door open, his TV showing the late night news. An envelope on the coffee table is addressed to his estranged wife. The note is blank except for his name and a simple "Sorry."
He walks to the end of his driveway and pauses. He stands there a long time. A dog barks and finally gets bored with this nocturnal visitor. Mrs. Higgins opens the curtain of her bedroom window from across the street and sees him. She starts to wake her husband, but recognizes her neighbor and decides he must be going on a walk. She goes to bed.
The man steps onto the empty street and walks down the middle of it.
A few times, cars pass him and slow down, but he doesn't seem lost. He doesn't seem confused. His steps are steady. He's walking with purpose. So the cars continue on, but the drivers will remember him later.
He reaches the woods on the edge of town. He stops briefly. If someone were watching him, they would see the momentary hesitation, the brief flash of regret. But he moves forward, leaving regret behind. He doesn't look back even though what he's leaving pulls at him. The farther he walks, the less hold it has.
He walks through the woods, following a path that his feet seem to know well. He passes by a young couple making love. The boy is startled and actually runs away. When the boy returns, the girl is clothed now and it is so not going to happen. It will be three days before they admit they saw the man.
He passes through the woods, only leaving a few signs that he was ever there. The wind in the trees sounds like a river.
He reaches the mountain. He begins to climb. It's not a hard climb, but it makes him breathe hard, makes the sweat glisten on his forehead in the moonlight. Twice he slips, but only falls a couple of feet before he catches himself.
Finally on a gentle slope, he walks to the top of a cliff. He stops and turns back toward what he left. He sees the town in which he lived and loved and lost. He sees his life. He sees what he loved and what loved him and what remains. He sees what is broken and can't be fixed. He doesn't turn into a pillar of salt. He lets everything go.
He turns the other direction and takes a few steps. He's at the edge of a cliff. Below there is a river. Beyond the river is a dark wilderness, the beginning of a national park. He removes all of his clothing and leaves it in a pile. He stands there in the rising wind and the uncaring moonlight.
And then he spreads his arms, runs three steps, and leaps into the void.
This is the ending we don't know. His body hasn't been found. It's been six years.
Some believe he fell into the river and it carried his lifeless form to the ocean. Some say that he didn't jump at all, but actually met a secret lover (there had been rumors of such) and went off to start a new life. Still others say the wild animals scattered his body -- as if bears or wolves still stalk their tiny forest. At Crazy Eddie's Comic shop, the boys talk of aliens and strange lights.
There is a story, though, which some of us choose to quietly believe: That when he jumped, the winds caught him, bore him up, and carried him away into the endless starry sky.
(For A.H.)
Copyright 2010 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Spent most of the day being sick. IBD is flaring. Too much stress in my life. A large life change is coming very soon, and although I'm planning as much as I can and doing as much as I can, there's only so much I can do. The rest will unfold as it will. And it's coming no matter what I do or say.
It's like that dream you have where a train is rushing toward you. You run, but you're moving so slow ...
That dream never ends well.
It's like that dream you have where a train is rushing toward you. You run, but you're moving so slow ...
That dream never ends well.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
That's what I did tonight: type in corrections for Floozy. I did watch a bit of Glee. It's only the second time I've watched it,but the stories didn't make much sense. Guess I'm not a fan. Music's good, though. And I sort of watched Ancient Aliens.
Otherwise, nothing but corrections, corrections, corrections. And my friend Gail Claunts just sent me some more! Woohoo! No, really. She found some mistakes that other people missed. I always appreciate that.
Anyway, that's my night. Hope yours was good. See you back here tomorrow.
Otherwise, nothing but corrections, corrections, corrections. And my friend Gail Claunts just sent me some more! Woohoo! No, really. She found some mistakes that other people missed. I always appreciate that.
Anyway, that's my night. Hope yours was good. See you back here tomorrow.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Rotten night
Rotten night. I hope yours was better. For no good reason, my IBD flared. Ugh. Not much fun.
I've been entering corrections into Floozy. I got sidetracked with trying to produce the back cover when I should have been focusing on getting the first round of corrections done. I still have time to produce a cover. So I've put the back cover aside until I get the book to the second round of proofers.
Anyway, it's been a long night. I'm going to bed. I hope things are going well for you. Talk to you tomorrow.
I've been entering corrections into Floozy. I got sidetracked with trying to produce the back cover when I should have been focusing on getting the first round of corrections done. I still have time to produce a cover. So I've put the back cover aside until I get the book to the second round of proofers.
Anyway, it's been a long night. I'm going to bed. I hope things are going well for you. Talk to you tomorrow.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
An "Adam Huckeby" cover
Your input requested!
First, a big shout out and thank you to Nancy Cheper who is the first proofreader to return her copy of Floozy with a bunch of errors found.It always pleases me when the proofers catch an error so that I correct it. It also always depresses me that I made the errors in the first place. Anyway, thanks, Nancy! You're awesome!
And now I'm requesting my readers' input on the back cover for Floozy. I intended to post this image last night, but Oklahoma weather interfered. We had thunder, lightning, flickering power, high winds, hail, and tornadoes all around. Fortunately, my little town was mostly untouched. Anyway, here it is.

What do you think? Does it catch your eye? Does it make you want to read the book? Note: The back cover is shorter than the front because I have to leave room for the bar code. I have a lot riding on Floozy so any and all input is requested. Unless it's overwhelmingly negative, of course, and then my flying robot monkeys will have to visit you.
I hope your day goes well. Talk to you later!
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And now I'm requesting my readers' input on the back cover for Floozy. I intended to post this image last night, but Oklahoma weather interfered. We had thunder, lightning, flickering power, high winds, hail, and tornadoes all around. Fortunately, my little town was mostly untouched. Anyway, here it is.

What do you think? Does it catch your eye? Does it make you want to read the book? Note: The back cover is shorter than the front because I have to leave room for the bar code. I have a lot riding on Floozy so any and all input is requested. Unless it's overwhelmingly negative, of course, and then my flying robot monkeys will have to visit you.
I hope your day goes well. Talk to you later!
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The story speaks for itself!

Generate your own newspaper story here!
Have a great night and grand tomorrow! Night!
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Monday, May 17, 2010
A slight change to win
My friend Adam Huckeby of This Fluid Life fame suggested a small change in the cover, which I thought was a good idea and made. Can you spot it? The first one to do so and posts a comment pointing out the change on this post will win a folding book tote, a Murder by the Acre bookmark, and a Murder by the Acre coaster! By the way, go and visit This Fluid Life. He's been posting the wisdom from his daughters. Several tidbits made me laugh out loud.

The situation at work got resolved. I don't think anyone was particularly happy, but hopefully it's over, and we can all move on.
Oh, a big thank you and shout out to Dr. Kevin Cunningham who gave me an eye exam today despite his schedule being packed. Kevin's an excellent doctor and a good friend. Give him a try if you're in this area. Tell them I sent ya!
Remember how I was looking for fonts? If you need fonts, I recommend They have a lot of cool fonts as well as a few that would shock your mother. Well, I guess it would depend on how shockable your mother was. Let's just say the sexy fonts were a surprise and leave it at that.
And now I'm going to call it a night. I hope things are going well for you. Corrections from my proofreaders are slowly trickling in. So far my roomie leads in the number found. It's because he's the best, he says. :)
Have a great night and a wonderful tomorrow! I'm rootin' for ya!
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The situation at work got resolved. I don't think anyone was particularly happy, but hopefully it's over, and we can all move on.
Oh, a big thank you and shout out to Dr. Kevin Cunningham who gave me an eye exam today despite his schedule being packed. Kevin's an excellent doctor and a good friend. Give him a try if you're in this area. Tell them I sent ya!
Remember how I was looking for fonts? If you need fonts, I recommend They have a lot of cool fonts as well as a few that would shock your mother. Well, I guess it would depend on how shockable your mother was. Let's just say the sexy fonts were a surprise and leave it at that.
And now I'm going to call it a night. I hope things are going well for you. Corrections from my proofreaders are slowly trickling in. So far my roomie leads in the number found. It's because he's the best, he says. :)
Have a great night and a wonderful tomorrow! I'm rootin' for ya!
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Sunday, May 16, 2010
Final cover for Floozy (I think)
This is the final cover unless I come up with a better one! Now to work on the back cover. Sigh.

Be thinking of me tomorrow morning. I have to face a particularly unpleasant situation at work. I'm dreading it. I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers. And now I'm going to call it a night! Night!
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Be thinking of me tomorrow morning. I have to face a particularly unpleasant situation at work. I'm dreading it. I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers. And now I'm going to call it a night! Night!
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Saturday, May 15, 2010
Another almost final cover for Floozy
I like this one much better. What do you think?

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Almost final cover for Floozy

What do you think of it?
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Thursday, May 13, 2010
Only if you run
It's rare that I find a song that speaks directly to me. This one does.
Only if you run
I´ve had my frustrations about the pains of daily life
I´ve tasted degradation and found the lace and candle light
But we have the weights we have the measures of our days and nights
I´ve had my frustrations but now I´ve found my place
And you will make it
But only if you run
These lonely dedications I´ve found they bring me peace and light
When three-fold applications of doubt surround my fate you might say
We have the weights we have to wage an assault on what it is
´Cause harmless medications abound and you´re not sick
You will make it
But only if you run
You will make it
But only if you run
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Only if you run
I´ve had my frustrations about the pains of daily life
I´ve tasted degradation and found the lace and candle light
But we have the weights we have the measures of our days and nights
I´ve had my frustrations but now I´ve found my place
And you will make it
But only if you run
These lonely dedications I´ve found they bring me peace and light
When three-fold applications of doubt surround my fate you might say
We have the weights we have to wage an assault on what it is
´Cause harmless medications abound and you´re not sick
You will make it
But only if you run
You will make it
But only if you run
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I had lunch with a friend of mine today. In the course of our conversation, he thanked me for being his friend and keeping his secrets. "I'm so blessed to have you," he said. "I can tell you anything and feel safe."
Immediately I told him that I was keeping a video journal and had been recording our talks for years. As soon as he's rich, I've got it made. We both had a big laugh, and then I turned off the hidden camera ...
Later in the day, I thought about what he said. It's true that over the years he has shared a lot with me. Not that he's hiding anything particularly terrible. His are the normal concerns and lapses of someone who has a busy life with wife, children, work, church, parents, etc. I'm glad I can be there when he's troubled and needs an ear and a prayer.
However, as I thought about it, I realized I didn't have anyone like me for me. Someone to listen without judging. Without trying to fix anything. Just an ear and support. I'm sure this absence is my fault and not of the people around me. I have several friends who would listen if I asked. I don't ask.
Oh, I talk to my friends. I'm not a total privacy freak. I do share some of my life, but I hold back. Don't know why. Always been that way. There's always been a part of me -- another me -- that sits back and judges my reactions and the reactions of others. It's rare when I'm totally engaged in anything enough for me to not be aware of this neutral, rather cynical, inherently cautious observer.
I wonder where this observer came from. He's been with me for as long as I can remember. Even as a little child, I was conscious of that other presence, that other me. I wonder why.
I remember a poem that goes like this:
Love your friends
and love them well
but to your friends
no secrets tell
for if your friends
become your foes
then your secrets
all will know
I'd hate to think I've been that paranoid all my life. That afraid. But maybe so.
Or ... maybe he's a alien who is watching our world through my eyes before his race invade our pitiful planet. Maybe other people have Observers, too. Maybe we are all carriers for inhuman monsters ...
Or maybe I need to stop watching the SyFy Channel so much.
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Immediately I told him that I was keeping a video journal and had been recording our talks for years. As soon as he's rich, I've got it made. We both had a big laugh, and then I turned off the hidden camera ...
Later in the day, I thought about what he said. It's true that over the years he has shared a lot with me. Not that he's hiding anything particularly terrible. His are the normal concerns and lapses of someone who has a busy life with wife, children, work, church, parents, etc. I'm glad I can be there when he's troubled and needs an ear and a prayer.
However, as I thought about it, I realized I didn't have anyone like me for me. Someone to listen without judging. Without trying to fix anything. Just an ear and support. I'm sure this absence is my fault and not of the people around me. I have several friends who would listen if I asked. I don't ask.
Oh, I talk to my friends. I'm not a total privacy freak. I do share some of my life, but I hold back. Don't know why. Always been that way. There's always been a part of me -- another me -- that sits back and judges my reactions and the reactions of others. It's rare when I'm totally engaged in anything enough for me to not be aware of this neutral, rather cynical, inherently cautious observer.
I wonder where this observer came from. He's been with me for as long as I can remember. Even as a little child, I was conscious of that other presence, that other me. I wonder why.
I remember a poem that goes like this:
Love your friends
and love them well
but to your friends
no secrets tell
for if your friends
become your foes
then your secrets
all will know
I'd hate to think I've been that paranoid all my life. That afraid. But maybe so.
Or ... maybe he's a alien who is watching our world through my eyes before his race invade our pitiful planet. Maybe other people have Observers, too. Maybe we are all carriers for inhuman monsters ...
Or maybe I need to stop watching the SyFy Channel so much.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Font madness
Too many fonts! I've been looking for fonts for Floozy and am drowning in the ocean of typefaces available.
I had to step back and take stock.
First, the font had to be free or licensed by Creative Commons so that I could use it without paying royalties. (Nothing against the idea of paying royalties since creators should be compensated for their creativity. This is why I pay for my MP3s. But CURRENT budget constraints do not allow me the luxury of paying for the rights to a font.) This reduced the number of fonts considerably.
Second, the font needed above all to be readable at a reasonable distance. Floozy is not a common word these days, so I don't want anyone to be puzzled by both the word and how to read it. That removed a fair number of fonts, too.
Finally, I wanted the font to be playful and have a sense of fun around it. Yeah, I know, maybe a lot to ask from a font, but that's what I wanted.
After spending about 20 hours over the past few days looking at fonts until my eyes burned, I finally chose one. You'll see it soon. Thanks for all the suggestions and help! I appreciate it.
And now I'm going to call it a night. Hope you have great tomorrow.
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I had to step back and take stock.
First, the font had to be free or licensed by Creative Commons so that I could use it without paying royalties. (Nothing against the idea of paying royalties since creators should be compensated for their creativity. This is why I pay for my MP3s. But CURRENT budget constraints do not allow me the luxury of paying for the rights to a font.) This reduced the number of fonts considerably.
Second, the font needed above all to be readable at a reasonable distance. Floozy is not a common word these days, so I don't want anyone to be puzzled by both the word and how to read it. That removed a fair number of fonts, too.
Finally, I wanted the font to be playful and have a sense of fun around it. Yeah, I know, maybe a lot to ask from a font, but that's what I wanted.
After spending about 20 hours over the past few days looking at fonts until my eyes burned, I finally chose one. You'll see it soon. Thanks for all the suggestions and help! I appreciate it.
And now I'm going to call it a night. Hope you have great tomorrow.
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Monday, May 10, 2010
Cover fonts for Floozy?
Do you like any of these cover fonts for Floozy? I'm not overly fond of any of them, but need other opinions! Let me know what you think.

I added another first proofreader yesterday. My roomie has stepped in to help. One proofer can't open the file so I'm going to have to figure out something there. Maybe mail it to her by USPS, but the postage cost is a deterrent. It's a hefty pile of paper when printed out. Another first proofer is about to leave to help her mother who suffered an accident so she doesn't have a lot of time. And my final first proofer hasn't picked up her print copy yet, but will tomorrow. So the proofing has hit a few snags, but I'll get it worked out.
Otherwise, not been doing much except trying to sketch out a few ideas for the cover and working on fixing the formatting for the table of contents. It's all Floozy all the time. You know, I don't think I ever actually finish a book. I just get sick and tired of it and then publish the dang thing!
Hope you're having a good day. Talk to you later.
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I added another first proofreader yesterday. My roomie has stepped in to help. One proofer can't open the file so I'm going to have to figure out something there. Maybe mail it to her by USPS, but the postage cost is a deterrent. It's a hefty pile of paper when printed out. Another first proofer is about to leave to help her mother who suffered an accident so she doesn't have a lot of time. And my final first proofer hasn't picked up her print copy yet, but will tomorrow. So the proofing has hit a few snags, but I'll get it worked out.
Otherwise, not been doing much except trying to sketch out a few ideas for the cover and working on fixing the formatting for the table of contents. It's all Floozy all the time. You know, I don't think I ever actually finish a book. I just get sick and tired of it and then publish the dang thing!
Hope you're having a good day. Talk to you later.
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Sunday, May 09, 2010
Floozy away!
Floozy has been sent to the first proofreaders! Woohoo! We are on course to birth a book in late June or early July! I'm so excited! And completely exhausted.
I still have a couple of formatting errors to fix, particularly on the table of contents, but it's all doable. But not tonight. Now I'm going to eat a couple of pieces of toast, curl up with a book, and read someone else's words for a while.
Have a great Monday. Yes, I'm sure it's possible. Let me know how you do it. Night!
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I still have a couple of formatting errors to fix, particularly on the table of contents, but it's all doable. But not tonight. Now I'm going to eat a couple of pieces of toast, curl up with a book, and read someone else's words for a while.
Have a great Monday. Yes, I'm sure it's possible. Let me know how you do it. Night!
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Saturday, May 08, 2010
Here I am. It's Saturday night. Still editing Floozy. I am so tired of editing Floozy. But I'm close. Tomorrow, two or three more hours will finish this first edit. Then I can print another copy for me and make a PDF for my proofers and email it to them. How's that for progress?
Anyway, I hope you had a good day. Talk to you tomorrow. Night!
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Anyway, I hope you had a good day. Talk to you tomorrow. Night!
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Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Night off!
Yes, after saying I wasn't going to take the night off, guess what? I took the night off. I didn't even open Floozy tonight. I had a terrible day at work and experienced bad events in my personal life. I didn't have it in me to set at the computer.
So I took the night off. Washed dishes. Watched TV. Cleaned living room. Folded clothes. Filed. Paid bills. I was productive, but no editing. Didn't even turn on the computer until now.
Oh, I also killed ants. Ants have invaded my house in a major way. I killed a couple of hundred in my kitchen. So I went outside with a spray can and killed several thousands. We have out ant traps, but they don't seem to be attracting ants. Hard critters to kill.
And now I'm going to watch Last of the Summer Wine and go to bed. Hope the day was good for you. Are you still out there? What's going on in your world? Did you stop by the two new blogs I added to the Blogs of Interest section on the sidebar? Oklahoma77 and Shining the Light. Check them out. And good night.
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So I took the night off. Washed dishes. Watched TV. Cleaned living room. Folded clothes. Filed. Paid bills. I was productive, but no editing. Didn't even turn on the computer until now.
Oh, I also killed ants. Ants have invaded my house in a major way. I killed a couple of hundred in my kitchen. So I went outside with a spray can and killed several thousands. We have out ant traps, but they don't seem to be attracting ants. Hard critters to kill.
And now I'm going to watch Last of the Summer Wine and go to bed. Hope the day was good for you. Are you still out there? What's going on in your world? Did you stop by the two new blogs I added to the Blogs of Interest section on the sidebar? Oklahoma77 and Shining the Light. Check them out. And good night.
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Take the night off? I don't think so.
So a good friend told me to take the night off from Floozy. It's well known -- 'cause I've been grousing about it -- that this first edit is frustrating me. She thought a break from the editing and formatting might ease my tension. But people who know me well know me better than that. I won't be less tense until I have the first edit off to my first proofers. So no nights off.
The good news is we draw ever closer to the end of the first edit. Once that is done, 50 percent of the work of producing the book is done. There will be plenty of problems and hurtles left, but we will be able to finally see the end. I'm looking forward to that.
And after I send it to the first proofers, I will take a night off ... before I begin work on the cover and publicity!
Hope you have a great day tomorrow. Hope things are going well for you. Wish you would comment and let me know you are there and how you are doing. It's lonely out here. Talk to you tomorrow.
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The good news is we draw ever closer to the end of the first edit. Once that is done, 50 percent of the work of producing the book is done. There will be plenty of problems and hurtles left, but we will be able to finally see the end. I'm looking forward to that.
And after I send it to the first proofers, I will take a night off ... before I begin work on the cover and publicity!
Hope you have a great day tomorrow. Hope things are going well for you. Wish you would comment and let me know you are there and how you are doing. It's lonely out here. Talk to you tomorrow.
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Monday, May 03, 2010
Chuck, Sarah & Floozy
Chuck is still good. I had wondered how they would handle Chuck and Sarah finally getting together. So far, so good. I do wish they would not have Sarah in lingerie so much. No, really. I realize they are scrambling for ratings, but it's beginning to seem like a Victoria Secret's ad.
I have to work on Floozy now. The dang thing won't finish itself. Sigh. Wish someone would work on that, though. Be quite helpful.
Have a great night.
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I have to work on Floozy now. The dang thing won't finish itself. Sigh. Wish someone would work on that, though. Be quite helpful.
Have a great night.
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Sunday, May 02, 2010
I'm worn out. Still working on the first edit of Floozy. It doesn't magically get done when I'm not working on it. Yeah, that bites. The formatting is still wrong, but I have fixed a lot of the problems. Still have to fix the last 3/4 of it, but I finally got a handle on what was wrong. To fix it, however, is page-by-page correction. Takes some time.
And I still have about 150 pages of corrections to type in. I need a secretary. And a maid. And a big house. And a pool. And a pony. Except I don't like ponies, and a big house would take a lot of money to keep up, and the maid and secretary would want to be paid and have benefits. But I still want an in-ground pool. A heated in-ground pool.
My friend Frenzied Feline (I'd give you the link to her blog, but she's taken it private so you can't visit unless she knows you already) sent me a folding cooler though the mail so that I can keep cold Diet Dr Pepper down at work. Very cool! I mean, the cooler is awesome! And cold, too! And so is she. Awesome, I mean. Not cold.
I've been reading and reflecting on Chis Guillebeau's 279 Days to Overnight Success. Why don't you read it so we can discuss it? Here's the link: 279 Days to Overnight Success. I think it's worth your time.
And now I'm heading to the bed. Hope you had a good day. Talk to you tomorrow. I hope.
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And I still have about 150 pages of corrections to type in. I need a secretary. And a maid. And a big house. And a pool. And a pony. Except I don't like ponies, and a big house would take a lot of money to keep up, and the maid and secretary would want to be paid and have benefits. But I still want an in-ground pool. A heated in-ground pool.
My friend Frenzied Feline (I'd give you the link to her blog, but she's taken it private so you can't visit unless she knows you already) sent me a folding cooler though the mail so that I can keep cold Diet Dr Pepper down at work. Very cool! I mean, the cooler is awesome! And cold, too! And so is she. Awesome, I mean. Not cold.
I've been reading and reflecting on Chis Guillebeau's 279 Days to Overnight Success. Why don't you read it so we can discuss it? Here's the link: 279 Days to Overnight Success. I think it's worth your time.
And now I'm heading to the bed. Hope you had a good day. Talk to you tomorrow. I hope.
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Saturday, May 01, 2010
May Day 2010
I mailed the winners of our last three drawings on Stephen B. Bagley's Books fan page on Facebook their books this morning. They should arrive next week. Remember if you don't have Facebook, you can enter the drawings by commenting here when I announce a drawing. Watch for it.
I also entered Murder by the Acre in the 18th Annual Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards. Winners will be announced in October. I entered it in the genre fiction category. Wish me luck!
Otherwise, I spent the day doing housework, cleaning my desk, and working on Floozy. I hoped to get it to the proofreaders Monday, but it's not going to happen. I'm aiming for Monday, May 10th, now. I'm confident on reaching that deadline.
Anyway, it's time for bed. Have a great night and a peace-filled Sunday. Night.
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I also entered Murder by the Acre in the 18th Annual Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards. Winners will be announced in October. I entered it in the genre fiction category. Wish me luck!
Otherwise, I spent the day doing housework, cleaning my desk, and working on Floozy. I hoped to get it to the proofreaders Monday, but it's not going to happen. I'm aiming for Monday, May 10th, now. I'm confident on reaching that deadline.
Anyway, it's time for bed. Have a great night and a peace-filled Sunday. Night.
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