Sunday, November 29, 2009

A good Sunday

A good day this Sunday. Not that much went on, but I felt well, my blood sugar behaved (not as low as it needs to be, but that will come), and I got several things done. A nice change from weekends when I’ve been sick. It was overall a great weekend. I enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with friends, got some Christmas shopping done, and generally had a good time.
I’ve always loved Christmas, despite all the people who tell me I shouldn’t. You know the ones: those cheerless folks to enjoy telling everyone how commerical Christmas is or that it’s based on a pagan holiday or that they hate spending the money or whatever. My life seems to be littered with people who hold those attitudes. They’re always surprised that I – someone who supposedly values science and rationality – forcefully resist such opinions.

Shh. Come here. I’ll tell you a secret: I’m a big kid about Christmas. I throw myself joyously into the whole shebang. The shopping, the cards, the decorations, the tree, the lights, everything is wonderful to me. And will continue to be. I’m quite dogged and fierce about it. And I warn you: tread on my Christmas at your peril. You’d hate being candy caned!

I didn’t get my Christmas cards done this weekend, but intend to work on them this week. If you’d like a card, email me your postal address. Just remember if you do so, you have to send me one, too!

And now it’s time to get ready for bed and ready to face tomorrow. I hope you have a great week. Talk to you tomorrow. Night!

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Anonymous said...

I'm gonna decorate for Christmas on Monday. I worked extra to get my homework done so I don't have anything due on Tuesday. Woody got the boxes out for me so I'm ready to go!

You've got my snail mail, so I'd better see a card from you! ;)

SBB said...

Of course, you'll get a card from me, FF!