Thursday, January 26, 2012

Apple cider vinegar

Read an article in Reader's Digest about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. ACV has been a folk remedy for centuries. Maybe there's some truth in it. I don't know. Here's what the article said that ACV might be good for.

1. Sore throat. The article said you should mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup warm water and gargle every hour or so. You should do that as soon as you feel a sore throat coming on. I wonder if the vinegar burns, particularly if your throat is already raw.

2. Stuffy nose. Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and sip. Supposedly this helps sinus drainage. I'll have to try it.

3. Nighttime leg cramps. I'm definitely going to try this, because I do suffer them, particularly on days that I've walked. What you're supposed to do is to  mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and a little honey into  a glass of water and drink. I'm going to have to buy some honey, though. I don't think I have any in the house.

4. Indigestion prevention. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and one of ACV in a glass of warm water and drink a half hour before you eat. I've tried this, and it didn't work, but I'm thinking the warm water is what make it hard for me to swallow and keep down. Next time, I'm going to try cool water.

5. Hiccups. The remedy is to swallow a teaspoonful of vinegar. Haven't tried this yet, but I would think any sour liquid would do.

6. Stomach ache. 1 teaspoon in a glass of cool water. I have tried this, and sometimes it works. Depends on the problem. Supposedly it works when you're fighting a bacterial infection, because ACV has antibiotic properties. I don't know. Try it, but don't overdo the ACV. It can sour your stomach by itself, I've found.

7. Whiten your teeth. You should gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning. ACV supposedly helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria. Brush afterwards. I do this sometimes, so I can tell you that your toothpaste will taste really weird afterwards!

8. Help with workout exhaustion. The amino acids in ACV help combat lactic acid, which can cause fatigue when it builds up after a workout. Also, ACV contains potassium, which can be depleted by exercise and stress. You supposed to mix a tablespoon of ACV in a glass or water or any other drink. I haven't tried this, but will.

If you Google "apple cider health benefits," you can find all sorts of claims made for ACV, up to and including that it can fight cancer. I doubt that, but who knows? At the very least, it shouldn't harm you, and you can't say that about many of the drugs doctors prescribe.

Talk to you tomorrow.

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