Monday, April 10, 2006

Things I'm sick and tired of

      I'm tired of seeing movies in which a deranged man in a mask or carrying a chainsaw chases some woman through a forest. I want to see her stop, grab a rock or a club and beat the living crap out of her pursuer. She should feel free to pick up chainsaw and slice away his vital parts.
      I'm tired of hearing a bigot brag about how he has demolished his opponents' arguments when all that's happened is that his opponents are filled with disgust and find better things to do with their lives than argue with an imbecile.
      I'm tried of reading any book that reputes to tell some deep dark secret about Christianity like Jesus was married, survived the Crucifixion, fathered a bunch of super children, was an alien from another galaxy, was a woman, was gay, was a wizard, was an evolved superman, was a moving plant, was Satan's brother and/or father, was invented by conspiracy composed of the Catholic Church, the Masons, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Nazis and PETA. And if I never again read another book that mentions De Vinci, it will be too soon.
      I'm tired of smelling the stench from Washington, DC. Not since the final days of the Western Roman Empire have a larger group of immoral, self-righteous, greedy, lying, vicious, self-serving hypocrites been gathered in one place. And God forgive me, I voted for some of them.
      I'm tired of filling my car up with expensive gasoline when we could already have affordable alternative fuel vehicles everywhere on the road if we'd had an intelligent energy policy for the past 30 years. It would be nice if we had one now, but special interest groups continue to strangle innovation and development to fill their pockets.
      I'm tired of going to the bookstore and buying books that are badly written and poorly edited and know somehow they got published when I couldn't get my books published if I took a publisher's entire family hostage.
      I'm tired of people violating an author's copyright right and left and pretending that they didn't know it was wrong or even worse trying to justify it in the name of non-profit organizations and/or educational institutions.
      I'm tired of being the conscience for the groups I serve in. Let someone else be Jimmy Cricket for a while. I'm fed up with being flamed for trying to stand up for some sort of moral code.
      I'm tired of the phrase "politically correct." It's always tossed out by a backward, slack-jawed dolt who is attempting to justify his/her prejudices. The world changes; change with it or shut up.
      I'm tired of never having money and always having to be careful about everything while people around me buy new cars and homes and boats and take cruises. But that's just plain self-pity, and I'm tired of that, too.
      I'm tired of griping so I'll stop.


Anonymous said...

Could I borrow the book on Jesus being a moving plant? i missed that one.

Slim said...

Someone's cranky. Do you need a nap? :)

SBB said...

I don't have it, Roen. I think it's called Spirit of the Trees or something like that. I refuse to point anyone in its direction, but yes, it's a real book.

SBB said...

Yes, Slim, I do need a nap, but this dang job won't let me. :(

SBB said...

Apparently I've scared everyone else away ... wimps ...

Trixie said...

Tech, I agree with every point you've made. Amen. (I'm a little cranky having just toured a mansion and then having to get back in my 11-year-old econo-box car to drive back to my little home. I was parked in a line of top-model SUV's that cost more than my house.)
I'm trying my best to stay out of the shouting matches with the unthinking, uncaring dolt. No good ever comes from that quarter.

Think on the good and lovely.

CrystalDiggory said...

You didn't mention the health care system...:)

SBB said...

I'm right there with you, Trixie. Wish I could help you out. We all need a break or two.

SBB said...

So true, Randall. The middle class is being squashed. Eventually there will only be the poor and the rich. And that usually spells a revolution.

SBB said...

The rotten health care system in this nation would take several blogs to start to list its faults, Crystal! Except the nurses, of course. Most of the nurses are wonderful ... :)

night-rider said...

Agreed with everything you said - just wish I could say it with the humour you inject!

SBB said...

Thanks for the support, Nightrider. Although I don't know if I'm talking to you after that severe beating you're giving me in Scrabble! :) She has no mercy, folks. None.


Gloria Williams said...

Healthcare would take a book!

SBB said...

Isn't that the truth, Gloria.