Thursday, April 06, 2006

Back and forth

      My office has no windows. I call it the cave. It's a nice looking cave with plants and a couch, but I have spent days not seeing the sun. So lately I've taken to walking back and forth to the front office to see the sun every now and then. It's better now that Daylight Savings Time has started. There's actually sunshine when I leave the office. During the winter, it's dark when I get to the office and dark when I leave. I could easily see a modern vampire having my job and never having to worry about the sun, particularly if he ate lunch in his office.
      That was really my inspiration for the vampire in Darkness, Oklahoma. I realized that if a vampire didn't go for that Goth look and dressed normally and behaved normally and had the right job, there was no reason he/she couldn't be a functioning part of society. Finding the right job could be tricky in a small town, but even the town I live in has three or four businesses -- besides convenience stores and a couple of restaurants -- that operate 24 hours a day. A vampire would just have to be careful.
      And why wouldn't a vampire run around being all Goth and King of the Night? Because they're actually fairly easy to kill. Sunlight, garlic, holy water, fire, religious symbols, magic, pointy sticks, etc., can hurt and/or kill them. And during the day, their powers are greatly diminished. It wouldn't take long for a public to wise up and end their existence. Being smart and staying under the radar would be the key to their continued existence.
      Naturally when I talk about this to my friends -- none of whom are writers -- they eventually ask if I believe in the existence of vampires. Nope. Not at all. Oh, there are probably people who claim to be one, I don't doubt that. But real ones? No. But maybe the real vampires count on that disbelief. Hmm. That's an interesting if somewhat disquieting thought.
      In other less creepy news, I'm slowly getting caught up on all my tasks. I should finish up this weekend. I've been working hard on the March Gazette and intend to finish it this weekend. Then I'll turn around and do the April Gazette and be caught up. Well, until May.
      Have I mentioned how cool it is to finally be able to pay my bills on time? If you haven't ever done it, juggling your bills is nerve-wracking and emotionally exhausting. I even have a small (tiny actually) emergency fund. Admittedly my budget is still tight and will remain so for a few more years, but it's nice to have a few feet between me and the financial cliff.
      Author Holly Lisle has another podcast out. Go here to listen to some great advice on writing.
      A friend of mine just got back from San Francisco. While out there, she sent me this postcard. I would hate to be the photographer taking that shot!

      And I think that I will close on that. Have a great Friday.


Michelle said...

Ok, I don't think I would want to be the photographer on that shot either. It's a pretty sight, but dang me...

You know how some kinds are afraid of monsters in the closet, under the bed etc... Well, my fear was vampires. My dad used to tell me that vampires didn't live in Sun Valley, California and that I shouldn't be worried. I didn't believe him and so, I would always sleep with my covers pulled up around my neck and tucked into every crevace around my body. I thought, no way could they get through those Bambi blankets. Thumper, would surely protect me. :) I think that all spurred my fascination with Anne Rice's books in college.

Anyway, glad you are getting caught up! Have a great Friday.

Jean said...

Your comment about how easy vampires are to kill, especially the religious symbols, got me to thinking. Maybe that's why there's so much opposition to displaying the Ten Commandments, creches, and other symbols in public locations....

Have any vampire writers run with that one?

Jean said...

And a huge congrats on being able to edge ever so slightly away from the financial cliff.

Thankfully, I haven't had to juggle to pay bills on time for several years now, but I still remember how awful it is and pray I never have to worry about that again.

I'm proud of you for sticking to your plan. That can be difficult to do sometimes, but you're seeing the fruits of that effort now. Keep up the good work.

CrystalDiggory said...

I get dizzy just looking at that post card!