Monday, June 30, 2008

My weekend of writing ... yikes

      Well, what can I say? Murder by the Acre is done! Let's take a moment to celebrate that.
      Okay, that's enough. I reread the dang thing Sunday, and frankly, it's a mess. Not the story itself; it's sound and -- if I do say so myself and I do -- clever. The dialogue sounds true and is funny for the most part. And there are several nice bits of characterization.
      Errors abound. They do more than bound, they leap, they twirl, they jump over tall buildings. I still have over 150 errors to correct. I also have to remove some words I overuse. Crystal, who did the first proof, says I have a fixation on "that," but it's NOTHING compared to my overuse of "and then," "just," and "really." I use one of those words on nearly every page, and sometimes I use all three. Nearly all of them have to go.
      My errors include: left out words (I do this one a lot), misspelled names (not only misspelled, but occasionally I give new names and new descriptions to the same people), etc. I also have this lovely scene that I'm going to have to cut completely. When I originally wrote it, I thought I knew who the murderer(s) was/were, but I was wrong. So the scene wanders off and doesn't even introduce any good red herrings for the reader. It has to be completely replaced.
      What I'd like to do is put MBTA aside for a week so I could come back fresh to it. But I can't. To have it be published in July, I can't afford a week.
      Anyway, tonight is no computer and no MBTA night. I won't even be opening the file. It's a one-night break from all things electronic. Then I hope to approach MBTA with a fresh(er) outlook.
      In positive news, I finally finished the June family newsletter and should mail it out today. And I did finally finish MBTA as well as do a lot of housework and cleaning. Oh, and my aboveground pool arrived Sunday. The backyard needs work done before it will fit, but I'm one step closer to being able to exercise in water, something my doctor recommends because my weight puts excessive strain on my joints.
      So we're moving forward. What moves forward have you made lately? Share and let us rejoice in your victories! One step at a time, you know, one step at a time.


Kirsten said...

Hey, that's a big step! Congrats!

You already know my step: took comps on Friday. Not doing so well with the waiting for the results, though. Urgh.

SBB said...

Thanks! And I'm so excited for you. You're that much closer to your masters. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Just change half of your "that's" to "which's" and then see what Crystal says. ;)

So, when are we going to see pics of Tech by the pool??

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!

I can't wait to find out who did it!


Unknown said...


You away from the computer an entire night. Uh... let us know how that worked out.

Trixie said...

Congrats, Tech!

My accomplishment today? I just spent $55 to have a garage door company come out and get my door working. You know what they did for that money? Yeah, they tugged the chain that locks the driver. It took them less than 2 seconds, seriously. And they didn't even earn their pay by hanging around to listen to my colorful vocabulary afterwards.

Kirsten said...

Hope your back is feeling better today.

SBB said...

FF, I've been "that" hunting for days now! We'll see about getting photos of me in the pool as soon as I can get into the pool and not freeze!

Crystal, thank you!

Kent, thank you! And it worked out okay. I didn't get a lot done, but it was nice to do something different. My computer isn't talking to me now, though. I'll have to buy it something nice to soothe its ruffled feelings.

Thanks, Trixie! But at least the door is working again. That's a plus.

It is, Kristen. Thanks for the well wishes.