Friday, June 27, 2008

Formatting blues

      Well, I didn't get the hardcover Murder by Dewey Decimal reformatting done last night. I thought I had and even ordered a proof, but when I looked at the PDF file more closely this morning, I found many places where the formatting was messed up. Sigh. So I'll work on it again tonight and this weekend.
      The retail markup on the hardcover MBDD raised the price to $28.50. It had been $26.95. It would have been even higher -- $32.95 -- but I reformatted the book for single spacing between the lines instead of a space and a half, and that cut the pages down to around 200. I also have provided a larger biography in the book and added chapter headings.
      The chapters in MBDD originally had headings, but I removed them because I read an article in Writers Digest that said headings were old-fashioned and useless these days. But I like them so I put them back in this "deluxe" edition of MBDD.
      I also corrected several errors that were found after the softcover MBDD was in print and added a bit of explanation for a question that TL had asked after he read the book. The back cover is changed slightly -- justified text for a more polished appearance. In fact, the entire book is text justified now instead of ragged right. Although ragged right is supposed to be easier to read, I had several people ask me why the test didn't look like a "real" book. Well, in the deluxe edition it does.
      I may also include an excerpt from Murder by the Acre in this edition. I have to see how many pages that will add, but I think it won't add more than five.
      I thought about adding my photo to the biography. I played around with several photos, but I couldn't get a black and white one that looked decent in the PDF. I also thought about adding a color photo of me to the back cover, but there isn't space now that the barcode box has been added. I haven't totally given up on the idea, but it would take a lot of changes in the back cover. We'll see how my time goes.
      I decided I won't be putting the hardcover version of EndlesS on the distribution package. The retail markup would make the price around $22. I just don't think it will sell at that price, and I don’t want to take the time to do the necessary reformatting. It will remain on Lulu for those who want to buy one.
      Anyway, enough of that. This weekend, I hope to finish the hardcover reformatting of MBDD, finish and mail the June family newsletter -- just loaded with items about me, me, me -- and finish … wait for it … finish Murder by the Acre! Yes, that's right. That's how close I am to calling MBTA a book.
      I only have to write four more scenes, revise six other scenes, type in over 275 corrections, finish designing the back cover, update the bio, format it for publication, etc., etc., … sigh. I need a staff. I really do.
      Anyway, that's what's happenin' in my neck of the woods. What's shakin' in yours?


Erudite Redneck said...

I am reading -- no, savoring -- "Endless." I'm reading two poems a day: each day, I reread the ones I read yesterday, then I read two more, and so on.

I like 'em all. Well, there's one that made me laugh and roll my eyes. And so many of them are so dark! Yeesh. But it's all good.


SBB said...

I'm glad you're enjoying them. I'm also hoping you laughed at the poem meant to be funny and not one of the others.