Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rock and roll world

      It's been a rock and roll world here. I've had some difficulty adapting to the diabetes med and diet. I mean this in the sense of the Titanic being a little boating accident. Now I can do this, I know I can. And I also know that this adaptation period will be the roughest. In a month or so, I'll have this under control. I just gotta keep my head above water and keep swimming. That's all that's required, and I'll make it through this and back to my life.
      Yeah, I'm trying to reassure myself. I need the reassurance. Food has always been my friend. Now it's an enemy. I feel betrayed. I should have known not to trust those Twinkies!
      What a whiner.
      In the good news department:
      1. I'm going to get to have Mikey this weekend! He'll arrive Saturday afternoon and have to leave Sunday afternoon, but all that time inbetween, we're going to have a great time. I've some new toys for him and some new DVDs. I'm hoping it doesn't rain so that we can play outside. I need to remember to put the battery charger on his Jeep so he can drive it some. Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending some time with my handsome little boy. I'll be sure to take some photos so you can see how much he's grown.
      2. I've been making progress -- slow but steady --with the writing of Darkness, Oklahoma. A couple of new villains are doing bad, bad things. They've allowed me to showcase my heroes more as well as develop minor characters and the town itself. I don't know if I can get it finished by July or not since it's going so slow, but maybe. Either way, it will be finished this year.
      3. I've put some time into the edit and rewrite of Murder by Dewey Decimal. That's going well. I hope to have it finished by the end of June. Don't see any reason why it shouldn't be. It's turning out much stronger. I was hoping I could put more humor in it, and I've been able to tweak it a little that direction.
      4. I used and designed a calendar with my sky and flower photos. It's not for sale yet as I ordered one for me to inspect first, but maybe soon you can buy a calendar with my photos.
      5. The weather is turning warmer. I am so ready for glorious summer. If I can, I'm going to the garden center Saturday and buy some plants and flowers. My yard looks really bare this year.
      6. I paid off a credit card! Wahoo! The only leaves me with one now. Unfortunately that one has thousands of dollars on it with a rotten interest rate, but starting in June, I'll be able to put more money on it and start getting it paid off. My money plan, despite everything, is still on course. My emergency fund has been able to handle the medical stuff. I dread some of the bills that are going to be coming in, but I think I'll be handle everything without selling a kidney.
      7. Lord willing, I'm going to post some excerpts from MBDD this weekend.
      And now I have to eat lunch and get back to work. Talk to you later.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a little boy! That's awesome! How old is he?

Anonymous said...

Food is not our friend it is just like the Devil and puts on a good show. I am glad to hear that you are getting someone to take your mind off things a little this weekend. Hug him for me.

Erudite Redneck said...

The good news, dude, is that these days there really is great food out there that is good for you, too.