Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A not-as-good day

      Work was stressful today and very, very, very busy. It made the day go fast, but I couldn't finish one project without two more being added to the pile. Very frustrating.
      And I came home exhausted. I know part of this weariness is due to the SlimFast diet. I'm a sugar junkie, and this drastic reduction in sweets brings me way down. I've been through this before, of course, with various diets, and after about a week or so, my body will adjust and rebound. If things go as in the past, then I'll have an excess of energy. I just have to survive this long enough to reach there.
      The rest of it is because my back is trying to go out on me again. My body seems determined to keep me from exercising and to hang on to this fat. It's like fat has a mind of its own. However, with SlimFast I will lose weight no matter what. So take that, fat! The battle is joined. En guarde, fat! I had a mental picture to go with that, but I won't share it.
      Yeah, I'm tired. Dueling with fat. That's an image you won't find at Weight Watchers, but maybe you should. It really is a war for good health. Fat is busy trying to kill you. You've got be crafty and wise and outwit the fat.
      Okay. Enough of that. I'm starting to freak myself out.
      What about the play? you're asking.
      Mind your own business, I say, and then began weeping.
      Yes, it's going poorly tonight. Yesterday the words were as smooth as butter. Today they're more like chunky peanut butter. Tasty, but hard to get spread on the page ... Mental note: Don't try to think up any more similes tonight.
      Mama Rose, who comments here and on The Great Slimdown and has the blog SAHW, linked a video that her son and friends made to advertise the Dungeons and Dragons game. If you're a role-player of any sort, you'll enjoy it. Watch it here and be sure to rate it (highly). I enjoyed it. Oh, although it asks you to certify that you're 18 before you can view the video, the video is G-rated.
      And now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day. Where's that heating pad? Night.


Unknown said...

Don't you hate it that Nature's way to show you're alive is through pain?

Michelle said...

Speaking of The Great Slim Down. You've been absent lately...I think that requires some sort of note. :)

Hope your day is better today!

CrystalDiggory said...

"tomorrow will be a better day" Wow, that really came back to haunt you. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Since we haven't heard from you we can assume the worst? Fat and your back have won and you are in a corner hidding? My work has been a bit yucky too do you think it is some thing in the air? oh well tomarrow will come and it is a weekend!