Saturday, May 06, 2006


      The play is taking all my time. At least it will be finally be over this time tomorrow, and I'll get my life back. When I'm not at the theater, I'm either doing theater things or frantically trying to do the things I usually do when I'm not at theater.
      Anyway, I have about 15 minutes and thought I'd let you know that I'm still breathing should that happen to be a concern of yours. I did get some things done today. I started out to find some notes for Darkness, Oklahoma, including a scene that I hadn't incorporated into the book yet, found those and the scene, then started sorting papers, found other stuff that needed to be filed, found a bill that needed to be paid -- yikes -- last week, filled a trash can with junk mail and other stuff that needed to be discarded, did all that between doing laundry, dusting my living room and bedroom, cleaning the kitchen, watering and caring for the flowers and the plants, filed some stuff but not enough, and now I have to go to WalMart and shop before I go to the theater tonight to work in the ticket booth.
      Speaking of which, I have go now. Be back tomorrow. I hope.


Jean said...

I hate it when those bills hide until after they're due. Everyone once in awhile one gets away from me like that, and I really stress about it.

Michelle said...

Woohoo! I'd be up for buying one of your humor books. For sure!

And how doesone go about selling their photos?

SBB said...

It's not fun, Jean, that's for sure. But fortunately I had enough money to pay it, although I'll get a late fee. Sigh. I should have known I was missing something because I still had money in my checking account!

SBB said...

Michelle, I took pictures of the cast for the play and printed them and sold them to the cast members. It was a large cast, and most of them took at least two photos.

And thanks for the vote of confidence on the humor book!

Michelle said...

Sure! but i think i posted the comment to the wrong post! I blame it on jet lag... ;)