Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cloudy Wednesday

      (Singing) Oh where oh where have my readers gone? Oh where oh where can they be?
      (Not singing) Since my computer died, I’m only getting a handful of hits a day now. Sigh. How fickle some of you are. I miss a few days posting and you go off and find yourself other blogs to read. You shameless hussies.
      But my faithful remained: Michelle, Crystal, Gloria, Randall, Frenzied Feline and Slim with occasional pop-ins from Trixie. You will all be rewarded! REWARDED, I say! When I’m king of the world, you will be my court and you will be the lords and ladies of this earth! LORDS AND LADIES, I TELL YOU! RELEASE THE ROBOT ARMY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
      Besides posting here, I’m also posting daily at the Great Slim Down. Stop by and discover what the weight loss word of the day is. Can you say the weight loss word of the day? Let’s all say it together! But let’s use our inside voices -- although that’s hard to do as I don’t have a voice inside me. Oh, my stomach makes noises sometimes and there was that nice opera composed and jointly sung by my kidneys and pancreas, but I have to use my outside voice to speak. I think most people do, don't you?
      Moving on, it’s cloudy this morning if you haven’t gathered that from the title. We actually had a higher chance of rain yesterday than today -- according to those crazy weather people (see yesterday’s post about predictions) -- but it looks more like rain today. I wish it would. We need rain. An inch or two will do. Our area is about 10 inches below the average rainfall in years past. If you have extra rain that you don’t need, please send it our direction. Use airmail and a huge waterproof envelope.
      My friend Randall is off to Boston on a business meeting. He’s going to stay an extra day and see the sights. He’s quite an adventurer, always willing to travel. He once just got into his car one evening and drove to New Orleans. No packing, no suitcase, he just decided to go and he went. I admire that in people. I’m more of a planner myself. When I travel, I always have enough stuff that I could restart life anew wherever I end up. There are expeditions into the darkest jungles of the Amazon that aren’t as well equipped as I am on a daily basis.
      To make Slym happy (see his comment on previous post) it's time to mention the computer again. I’m looking forward to the new computer in July. I appreciate Lori L. loaning me the one I’m using (Thanks, Lori; you’re a peach!) but it’s so sloooooooooooowwwwwwww. It will make me appreciate the new one all the more.
      Well, I have to get ready to go to work now. We still haven’t hired a new secretary, but I hope we do in the next couple of weeks. Otherwise, things are going to get really behind. Have a wonderful day!


Gloria Williams said...

I'm thrilled to know my faithfulness will be rewarded! If you need a hint, I like gold jewelry. :)

Slim said...

Robot army or flying monkeys? :)

SBB said...

Good to know, Gloria. As soon as I'm king of the world, you'll get lots and lots of the golden stuff!

SBB said...

Slym, no one uses flying monkeys anymore. They're hard to control, stinky and expensive. Please read your R.T.W. (Rule The World) newsletter for more info.

CrystalDiggory said...

We get rewarded for reading blogs? Cool!

SBB said...

Silver. Right. I've written that down, FF.

SBB said...

Only for reading MY blog, Crystal.

Erudite Redneck said...


What do *I* win???


SBB said...

ER, you can have some small country. Say, France. Bonjour, y'all. :)

SBB said...

I think France could certainly benefit from ER's guidance. Not to mention that the thought of ER eating snails amuses me! :)

Michelle said...

Ok then I want...


Is that being greedy?

SBB said...

You can have Hawaii, Michelle, except for one island where I need to have my Pacific robot army base and, of course, my hot passion den.

SBB said...

For enough money, FF, I'm sure ER would! And knowing him, he'd probably end up loving them and frying them in beer batter!

Erudite Redneck said...

Chicken-fried snails, please!

Erudite Redneck said...

Or, in the spirit of my post today, put a snail in a bloody mary with a single round ice cube and call the drink ...

Snot on a Doorknob!

Yuk-yuk-yuk ... yuck ... gag ... barf.

Sorry. :-)

Michelle said...

A Hot Passion Den?

dang me.

Selling tickets?

Jean said...

Mumble, mumble, mumble. I'm stopping in. Your words are reward enough for me.

SBB said...

ER ... truly ... barf! :)

Michelle, ticket? Dear, you'll be invited!

Jean, that was so nice of you to say! Tell you what, you can have the state of your choice. :)

CrystalDiggory said...

I've seen ER eat snails, but they weren't fried.

If you're handing out land masses, I'd like something in the Carribbean...

SBB said...

Okay, FF, you can have Oregon, but I'm going to save a southern state for you to vacation in. Florida, for instance.

Crystal, I figured you would also be in Hawaii on my island with Michelle, but you can have a couple of Caribbean islands, too. However, I need to save a couple of islands for Randall. He likes to scuba dive, and he'll want ones with good reefs.

No one wants New Zealand or Australia, I've noticed. I wonder why. I think I will keep both for myself or give them to Nightrider. She already lives there so I'm sure she'd know how to run them.

I've also decided that we have all those perfectly good Mormons going to waste in Utah. So I'm going to move half of them to California. California could do with the morals, and it will be interesting to watch what develops there. And I really need to spread the Chinese around some. It's like a huge jigsaw puzzle. Fortunately I have my robot army to help me make the pieces fit.

Michelle said...

I feel so limited.

Except for Frenzied's invite to visit! Woohoo!

Can't I be some embassador for all your dispersments? That way I can visit everywhere!

SBB said...

You've got all of Hawaii, except for my island base and passion pit, Michelle. But sure, you can be my Delegate Enforcer going around the world to impose my iron will. You'll probably need a couple of legions of robots. I'll mail them to you.