Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The news today

      It's been an upsetting evening. My precious Mikey fell at daycare while playing ball and hit his mouth and broke out one of his front teeth. His lip is all swelled, and he bled a lot. The emergency room didn't do much, other than suggest taking him to a dentist tomorrow. Anyway, he's slept all evening. Poor baby feels so bad. Just about breaks my heart. Keep the little fellow in your prayers. It's going to be a tough next few days.
      In other news, I've been working on the outline for my novel for National Novel Writing Month. I have 42 scenes at present. I'd like to have about eight or nine more. I've been adding details and fleshing the scenes out some. I need as much preparation as possible to write 50,000 words in one month. And I'd like to maintain some quality in the rush. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, that's all I've been working the past few days other than housework and updating the theater group web page.
      The theater web page takes more time than I'd like. It's because I'm using Microsoft Publisher to create it. Publisher isn't really meant for web page creation, but I already have it. Does anyone have any web publishing programs to suggest? Cheap, good ones if that's possible.
      In a comment, ER asked how I got the mums on my front porch to look so good. Well, here's my gardening secret. I bought them at my local garden center. And I can keep them alive for about three months until it's really cold. Then that's the end of them. I once kept a mum alive all winter, but it finally died when it was placed outside again. It hadn't looked healthy for a while, though.
      Have I mentioned that I've started watching Lost? I just hope all the mysteries actually have answers, and the answers make sense.
      That's all for tonight. Be thinking of and praying for little Mikey. Good night.


Trixie said...

Poor Mikey! I am so sorry to hear about his injury. Was this still a baby tooth? Awwww, poor lil' kiddo. I'll keep him in my prayers.

Congrats on getting a jump on NaNoWriMo with your outline. I haven't even done that much, but I have been picking up some other (slightly paying) writing jobs so there hasn't been an abundance of thinking time. Soon. Very soon.

Michelle said...

All the best for Mikey. He will be in my prayers for comfort and a speedy recovery.

Linda said...

I'll add Mikey to my prayer list, too.

And good luck with NaNo. :)


Jean said...

I hope Mikey feels better quickly and the dentist says there's no permanent damage.

Slim said...

I hope Mikey is okay. He's a cute kid. I know you dote on him. I'll be thinking of you both.

CrystalDiggory said...

How he's doing? I hate to hear he took such a hard fall.