Monday, April 02, 2007


      I've got to get back to my life after the play. I always feel a letdown when the rush is over and the curtain has fallen. I sure have a lot to do at home. Clothes are piled up, papers are everywhere, bills need to be paid, and when was the last time I washed my dishes? And my characters in Darkness, Oklahoma are threatening to move out of my book and go find an author who will devote the time to them they deserve.
      So that's what I'm going to be doing over the next few days: catching up with my life. Nothing else. I won't discuss the theater, won't go down there, won't attend meetings, won't answer phone calls, won't be there. Time for someone else to step up and do what is necessary to keep the group going. I need a break, and I'm taking one. Pity the person who attempts to keep that from happening. I won't be gentle.
      Not that the play was a bad experience. It wasn't. The cast was wonderful. The script was good. The audiences were appreciative. But always when I finish one, I realize that my greatest joy is writing and living in the worlds I create. I know it's good for me to get and meet new people and be involved in the real world. I know this, but it doesn't mean that it's easy for me. Or that I'm willing to do it very often. People just don't understand that I have my limits, and when I reach them, I'm done. For a while anyway.
      So I should be around here more for a while. Have you missed me? I've missed being here. Which is an odd thing to say since this is a blog on the net, but weird as it may be, Harbor Street feels like a piece of home. Go figure.
      I'll also be catching up on my Blogs of Interest. I hope you folks are doing interesting things and writing about them, because I'll be visiting. And complaining, FF, if I don't find some posts!
      Well, it's time to go to work. Talk to you later. Have a great day.


SBB said...

Humph. No comments on the post before this one except mine and now no comments on this one except mine. Sigh. I'm going to have to lure my readers back. Maybe some sort of contest. I'll have to think about it.

Trixie said...

I'm glad to have you back in this world, Tech. We miss you mucho when you're stuck in the theater. Wouldn't be so bad if we could see the performances, but since we can't it's just frustrating.

I'll be feeling much the same way next week when Easter is over. Until then, I'll be tied up with church every day, with meetings, classes, rehearsals and services.

Thanks for stopping by my place, too. Glad to have you back!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back, too, but feel free to try and lure me. :)

And keep posting excerpts from Murder by Dewey Decimal System. I'm reading!


Anonymous said...

WE (and I think I can speak for everyone here) accept money and credit cards (be sure to add 3% for paypal)as lures. Oh and food don't for get the food.

SBB said...

I'm thinking the lure will be a giveaway. Maybe a book. Or books. Or perhaps a play or two.

And I'm only going to continue to post Murder by Dewey Decimal excerpts as long as I get some comments on them. I don't want to wear out their welcome. They are long.

Anonymous said...

I did comment on the excerpt. I just commented here, instead of on the actual excerpt.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just got caught up on Dewey Decimal. I read all the excerpts today, so I'm ready for the next, and if I don't get it soon, I'll be doing some complaining of my own!

Oh, and glad you're back. ;)

SBB said...

Glad to be back, Trixie!

There'll be more excerpts, Crystal, as long as folks keep commenting on them!

Roen, instead of money and credit cards and food -- all of which I don't have in abundance -- I decided to use play scripts for the first giveaway! Hope you like that.

Thank you, Anon, whoever you are!

Did you read the excerpts closely, FF? If so, you'll have no problem with the April giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean did I read closely?? (Should I be insulted??)

Do you think I would just skim it?? I know I'd lose my job as commentator on "Darkness" if I did that!