Monday, May 01, 2006

SEX ... and now that I've got your attention ...

      Remember that old joke? I think it originated on Saturday Night Live. At least, that's where I remember seeing it first. It's a good example of the classic bait-and-switch advertising tactic.
      Except we are going to talk about sex. The other day I went driving through the country. We've had rain, and the green plants are shooting up everywhere. The birds were calling, insects were chirping or buzzing or in the case of lightning bugs, igniting their rear ends. Frogs croaked loudly.
      As I drove slowly around a small lake near my house, I thought, how utterly wonderful. The birds, the budding plants, the frogs, the insects ... and then it occurred to me. What the birds, insects, frogs and plants were really saying. They were saying, "Let's mate! Let's get to it! You want me! I want you! Now! Let's make babies!"
      I can't say it was an epiphany, but it did make me pause and consider how uncomplicated that was. Oh, sure, they've got predators trying to make a meal of them, and it's quite possible that they might have to actually fight another member of the species to the death for their mate, but it sure beats going to a bar or a disco.
      Not that I go to either one these days, but I know people who do and invariably they talk about how depressing it is, how desperate everyone there is, how they'd like a change.
      And then I got to thinking how weird it would be if humans did have mating calls. We'd stand on our front porches and holler, "Hey sweet thing! Mate with me! Let's make babies!" In the twilight, some of us would set fire to our rears to send out a light to guide our new mates to us.
      Seriously, I'm not sure if it would be any stranger that what we do now.


Trixie said...

Amen! I've often thought, as I sit alone on Saturday nights, that humans are the only species that actually create obstacles to mated bliss. Seriously, have you ever seen rabbits trying to form a church singles group? Not even once!

Slim said...

That's a view of nature I've never heard before! No wonder so many people like camping. :)

LOL Trixie!

SBB said...

I wonder what the rabbits would name their group, Trixie. The Church Bunnies? The Gospel Hares?

SBB said...

It might have something to do with it, Slym, but then you have to wonder about why all those Boy and Girl Scout camps are so close together.

SBB said...

Glad to give you a laugh, FF.

Michelle said...

Ha! Maybe I need to invest in some sort of light fixture that would attach to my...ahem...rear. Think that woud help? Certainly must be better than going to one of those bars.