Tuesday, January 05, 2010


So I've been spending too much time playing Lexulous on Facebook the last couple of days. In case you don't know, Lex is a Scrabble clone. I enjoy Scrabble, but can never find people to play with me. I've been delighted with Lex, although I confess that I've been using words that I have no idea what they mean.

Lex allows you up play tiles, and then it checks if the word is correct without there being any penality if the word doesn't exist. (Only if you don't play a Challenge game, which so far, I haven't.) When I get stumped, I just play combinations of letters until I stumble across a word.

Here is a list of words I've played that I had no idea they were words until I played them:


Cool, eh? Particularly 'QOPH.' I had no idea there were even any Q words that didn't have an U in them. I have looked those words up and know what they mean now. I guess I'm learning things, too. And any day you learn something new is a good day.

Hope you had a good day. Talk to you tomorrow.

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Wendy said...

So what do they mean?

Anonymous said...

Yah one person looked them up don't make us!!

Unknown said...

I'm happy for you as long as you don't start sending love notes to Lexus....

SBB said...

EJ & Roen, wouldn't it be better for your personal growth if you looked them up rather than just having me hand the knowledge to you? Yes, it would. :)

Joel, what about poems in praise of Lexulous? Is that okay?

Anonymous said...

You didn't know what "oy" meant? No Jews in OK that speak Yiddish?? You haven't been paying attention over the YEARS you've known me. I've used it more than once on blog and Facebook. :)

Jean said...

I didn't know about QOPH either. Hmmm.