Sometime tomorrow morning around six or so, I'll be officially 48 years old. You'd think there would be some sort of national celebration ... well, maybe not. Anyway, I don't have much to talk about tonight other than I've been reading some books about the ancient advanced civilization that is actually the source of the pyramids and countless stone structures and was destroyed by a terrible cataclysm that shifted the planetary plates and moved Antarctica to its current position and shattered all the people and made them forget their heritage. Yeah, amazing isn't it. Who knew?
Anyway, you probably saw this video already, but it made me laugh so here it is.
Talk to you tomorrow.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
15 minutes of blogging
Sorry I've been such a whiny-hiney the last couple of days. Work has been particularly frustrating and annoying. But hey, I won't be at work Thursday and Friday so I'll have four days away from it and can regain -- I hope -- some of my equilibrium. And then I won't whine about it as much, but can adopt a calm manner while secretly bottling up my anger until I snap and use my mega-missiles to take out a few blocks as the screaming people run in terror. Sigh. Good times, but then you know how that feels. Who doesn't these days?
Anyway, I'm taking just 15 minutes to blog tonight so that I can get to bed at a decent hour. I run on too little sleep, and that's not good for you. It's not good for me, either. Let's both cut it out.
Been slipping a bit on my diabetes diet, and my blood sugar has inched up. It's back to the straight and narrow. I hope to start exercising again by walking (panting, sweating, collapsing) at the local fitness center. I got out of the habit when I was sick a few weeks back and haven't taken it up again.
I'm out of money for the doctors at present. For a couple of months I don't have anything major planned. At least not anything I haven't already told you about. I need to get some of these places paid down so that I can use them again. Good health is priceless, but being sick costs a lot.
I've been attempting to get Murder by the Mile started again. I've got all these notes and thoughts and no organization yet. I think I know why the murderer(s) kills all those people in that particular fashion, but I'm not totally sure. You know, some people want to be caught. They want to brag about how clever they are, not realizing that being caught negates that. My murderer won't want to be caught. Some secrets are meant to stay buried.
I'm going to be 48 this Thursday. 48. Forty-eight. XLVIII. 110000. Cuarenta y ocho. Quarante-huit. Quarantotto. However you say it, it's old! Or maybe not. We'll see, won't we? And if you knew me better, that last sentence would send a cold delicious chill up your spine ...
Good night!
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Anyway, I'm taking just 15 minutes to blog tonight so that I can get to bed at a decent hour. I run on too little sleep, and that's not good for you. It's not good for me, either. Let's both cut it out.
Been slipping a bit on my diabetes diet, and my blood sugar has inched up. It's back to the straight and narrow. I hope to start exercising again by walking (panting, sweating, collapsing) at the local fitness center. I got out of the habit when I was sick a few weeks back and haven't taken it up again.
I'm out of money for the doctors at present. For a couple of months I don't have anything major planned. At least not anything I haven't already told you about. I need to get some of these places paid down so that I can use them again. Good health is priceless, but being sick costs a lot.
I've been attempting to get Murder by the Mile started again. I've got all these notes and thoughts and no organization yet. I think I know why the murderer(s) kills all those people in that particular fashion, but I'm not totally sure. You know, some people want to be caught. They want to brag about how clever they are, not realizing that being caught negates that. My murderer won't want to be caught. Some secrets are meant to stay buried.
I'm going to be 48 this Thursday. 48. Forty-eight. XLVIII. 110000. Cuarenta y ocho. Quarante-huit. Quarantotto. However you say it, it's old! Or maybe not. We'll see, won't we? And if you knew me better, that last sentence would send a cold delicious chill up your spine ...
Good night!
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Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, Munday, Mudday
It's been a Monday so far. You probably think that is obvious, but what I'm saying is that it's been one of those Mondays. You know the ones. The Mondays that make you doubt the world's sanity, that make you want to curl up in bed and never come out from beneath the covers.
Unfortunately, I have bills. Plenty of them. So hiding isn't an option. Instead I grit my teeth and go to work just like you. We're good soldiers, you know. We do what has to be done, and we pay for it by the erosion of our spirits.
By this, you may gather that I no longer believe in the myth of "career." You know, the job that's going fulfill you and take you to exciting places where you will work with funny, wise, intelligent, beautiful people who naturally will end up being your romantic interest. That's how it works on TV. It's also a lie.
A job is a job is a job. Jobs give you money so that you can do things you like to do when you're not a work. Your mission is work as little as possible while receiving the salary necessary for you to pursue your pursuits.
Yes, it's a bit bleak here. Sorry. Tomorrow will be better, or heads will roll! Probably eyes, too. Don't think about it. Have a great day and a wonderful Tuesday. Talk to you then.
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Unfortunately, I have bills. Plenty of them. So hiding isn't an option. Instead I grit my teeth and go to work just like you. We're good soldiers, you know. We do what has to be done, and we pay for it by the erosion of our spirits.
By this, you may gather that I no longer believe in the myth of "career." You know, the job that's going fulfill you and take you to exciting places where you will work with funny, wise, intelligent, beautiful people who naturally will end up being your romantic interest. That's how it works on TV. It's also a lie.
A job is a job is a job. Jobs give you money so that you can do things you like to do when you're not a work. Your mission is work as little as possible while receiving the salary necessary for you to pursue your pursuits.
Yes, it's a bit bleak here. Sorry. Tomorrow will be better, or heads will roll! Probably eyes, too. Don't think about it. Have a great day and a wonderful Tuesday. Talk to you then.
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Lord's Prayer & Tenth Avenue North
The context of this is Jesus instructing the people on how to pray. It's one of the most powerful and touching moments in the New Testament.
Matthew 6:9–13 (King James Version)
After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
My friend Adam posted this video on Facebook. I wanted to share it here.
I hope you have a restful and wonderful Sunday. Talk to you tomorrow.
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Matthew 6:9–13 (King James Version)
After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
My friend Adam posted this video on Facebook. I wanted to share it here.
I hope you have a restful and wonderful Sunday. Talk to you tomorrow.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
As your king ...
The health care industry is sick. Perhaps fatally so. It's no wonder the government wants to fix it; however, we should know now that government rarely fixes anything. They just develop new and more expensive problems. Everyone wants a piece of the pie, and there's only so much pie. If I were the government -- and as soon as I finish my Army of Killer Robot Monkeys, I will be -- I'd make the pie larger.
Here's how I would do it:
1. Drugs will cost in the United States exactly what they cost in other countries. America has the highest drug prices in the world, even though the drugs are still the same... Read More. This is an open secret that people in Washington D.C. seem to ignore. For example, the ACTOS for my diabetes costs $400 a month for me. The EXACT same drug in Canada -- made by the same company -- is only $223 a month. It's no wonder people cross the border to buy drugs in Canada. Why is this? Because in other countries, their drug prices are monitored and controlled. And note, no drug company loses money on their drugs or are forced to sell below cost in other countries; they're just not allowed to make a 1,000 percent profit. And ACTOS is the only drug so far that is able to control my diabetes. I have no other choices.
2. Medicare, Medicaid and insurance companies will pay claims within 45 days. Currently hospitals and doctors wait up to 120 days or more for payment. The hardship that this places on medical establishments is immense.
3. The government will mandate that every insurance company will offer a minimum health plan that will offer: $1000 deductible, $2 million lifetime cap, 20% co-pay until $10,000. This plan will cost per individual $250 a month. This plan will accept everyone. This makes the plan $3,000 a year. This price is fixed. Insurance companies can offer other incentives to get you to purchase their plan: lower deductible, prescription plan, higher caps, etc., and charge for these bonuses. However, they must offer the minimum plan. (Note: I don't have any stats on what a family plan should cost. Need more info.).
4. The government will give a $3,000 tax credit to everyone who makes below $75,000 a year who purchases the plan.
6. Companies will also receive these tax credits for purchasing the plan for each employee.
7. Next, we will pay for medical school for 2,500 general practice medical students. As part of their contract, they will have to work as a GP for five years following their graduation. Per Jean's suggestion, they will have to work during that five years in places that are unable to attract GPs: rural areas, inner cities, etc.
8. We will continue to pay for med school for 2,500 GPs for five years and as necessary.
9. We will also offer scholarships for RNs, PTs, LPNs, PAs, EMTs, etc.
10. We will make excellent prenatal care available for free for low income mothers. It's a shame and disgrace that our infant mortality rate is so high among the Western nations. What is wrong with us?
I have more, but we'll let you react as I continue work on the AKRM. The uprising is coming! Join with me or be swept away!
Ahem. Have a good Thursday!
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Here's how I would do it:
1. Drugs will cost in the United States exactly what they cost in other countries. America has the highest drug prices in the world, even though the drugs are still the same... Read More. This is an open secret that people in Washington D.C. seem to ignore. For example, the ACTOS for my diabetes costs $400 a month for me. The EXACT same drug in Canada -- made by the same company -- is only $223 a month. It's no wonder people cross the border to buy drugs in Canada. Why is this? Because in other countries, their drug prices are monitored and controlled. And note, no drug company loses money on their drugs or are forced to sell below cost in other countries; they're just not allowed to make a 1,000 percent profit. And ACTOS is the only drug so far that is able to control my diabetes. I have no other choices.
2. Medicare, Medicaid and insurance companies will pay claims within 45 days. Currently hospitals and doctors wait up to 120 days or more for payment. The hardship that this places on medical establishments is immense.
3. The government will mandate that every insurance company will offer a minimum health plan that will offer: $1000 deductible, $2 million lifetime cap, 20% co-pay until $10,000. This plan will cost per individual $250 a month. This plan will accept everyone. This makes the plan $3,000 a year. This price is fixed. Insurance companies can offer other incentives to get you to purchase their plan: lower deductible, prescription plan, higher caps, etc., and charge for these bonuses. However, they must offer the minimum plan. (Note: I don't have any stats on what a family plan should cost. Need more info.).
4. The government will give a $3,000 tax credit to everyone who makes below $75,000 a year who purchases the plan.
6. Companies will also receive these tax credits for purchasing the plan for each employee.
7. Next, we will pay for medical school for 2,500 general practice medical students. As part of their contract, they will have to work as a GP for five years following their graduation. Per Jean's suggestion, they will have to work during that five years in places that are unable to attract GPs: rural areas, inner cities, etc.
8. We will continue to pay for med school for 2,500 GPs for five years and as necessary.
9. We will also offer scholarships for RNs, PTs, LPNs, PAs, EMTs, etc.
10. We will make excellent prenatal care available for free for low income mothers. It's a shame and disgrace that our infant mortality rate is so high among the Western nations. What is wrong with us?
I have more, but we'll let you react as I continue work on the AKRM. The uprising is coming! Join with me or be swept away!
Ahem. Have a good Thursday!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I have a friend who is fairly wealthy. Being as I am not, I asked him how he became wealthy and hoped for a secret that would improve my finances drastically. Here’s what he said as close to word to word as I can make it.
“I was lucky,” he told me. “I accidently invested in the right company back when I had more guts than brains. It was a ten thousand to one shot, and it paid off. But it shouldn’t have. And then I sold out before the company crashed; once again I was lucky. I did no research. My broker told me not to sell, but truthfully I was tired of worrying about the stock so I sold it so that I wouldn’t have to worry. Since then, I’ve kept my money in very safe investments. Bonds, mutual funds, saving accounts, CDs. I can’t claim any credit for it, other than I’m very fugal. I was just lucky, and you can’t count on luck.”
Ecclesiastes 9:11: “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”
This is not to say that I think following sound financial procedures won’t benefit you. In fact, I know you can drastically improve your finances and get out of debt by faithfully following some simple methods, but I’m not sure such methods will make you wealthy except over the long term.
I would have been out of debt this year. Unfortunately the bills from the hospitals, labs, and doctors have put a drastic end to that. Right now I have eight different bills from various medical facilities, and they all want to be paid now. I intend to pay them, but I don’t have the money so they’re going to have to wait. Doesn’t matter how many times they call me or mail me; the money simply isn’t there.
This is the reason I support some type of universal health care. Because I’m watching my dreams and hopes fall away, and there isn’t a thing I can do about it. And that’s that.
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“I was lucky,” he told me. “I accidently invested in the right company back when I had more guts than brains. It was a ten thousand to one shot, and it paid off. But it shouldn’t have. And then I sold out before the company crashed; once again I was lucky. I did no research. My broker told me not to sell, but truthfully I was tired of worrying about the stock so I sold it so that I wouldn’t have to worry. Since then, I’ve kept my money in very safe investments. Bonds, mutual funds, saving accounts, CDs. I can’t claim any credit for it, other than I’m very fugal. I was just lucky, and you can’t count on luck.”
Ecclesiastes 9:11: “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”
This is not to say that I think following sound financial procedures won’t benefit you. In fact, I know you can drastically improve your finances and get out of debt by faithfully following some simple methods, but I’m not sure such methods will make you wealthy except over the long term.
I would have been out of debt this year. Unfortunately the bills from the hospitals, labs, and doctors have put a drastic end to that. Right now I have eight different bills from various medical facilities, and they all want to be paid now. I intend to pay them, but I don’t have the money so they’re going to have to wait. Doesn’t matter how many times they call me or mail me; the money simply isn’t there.
This is the reason I support some type of universal health care. Because I’m watching my dreams and hopes fall away, and there isn’t a thing I can do about it. And that’s that.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time like a river
A couple of weeks back, I filled out an entry form for the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes. I don't usually do that, but I had the time and why not? Stranger things have happened. However, since that entry, my mailbox has been flooded with other notices from PCH. Every couple of days, I receive a missive that gives me yet another chance to win gobs of money, no purchase necessary, but look at what we're offering you! It's quite annoying. Should have thrown the first one away. Of course, if by some unlikely chance I win, wouldn't this complaining be ironic?
We had a storm blow through last night. In about an hour or so, it dumped an inch and a half of water (according to the rain gauge in my backyard). Lots of lightning and some wind. Today the sky is cloudy, but I don't think we're expected to get any more moisture. We could probably do with some more.
Speaking of writing -- we weren't, but we are now so keep up -- I think the thing that surprised me most when I started taking it seriously was the time and energy it takes. After I spoke to some other authors, I realized this is almost universal. We write about people having exciting events and taking wonderful trips, but we don't have time to do so ourselves. Even the full-time authors find themselves chained to the chair in front of their computers. I think that's why so many of them resented Jessica Fletcher of Murder, She Wrote. That wench went everywhere having great adventures and apparently still had time to write a best-selling novel each year. She's lucky that she wasn't surrounded by an angry mob of writers and beat to death.
In other news, I actually leveled (went up a level from 62 to 63) in World of Warcraft. Yeah man! It's taken a couple of months, mostly because I hardly ever play. At this rate, I will reach level 80 (the current highest level) in about ten years or so ... I like WoW, but it takes so long to do anything interesting. I get bored easily.
Oh, I found a book on making gunpowder! I've always wanted know how to do that. Not that I'm going to. Although it doesn't seem hard. You just have to be really careful. Which I would be if I was going to make some, but I'm not. No, seriously, I'm not. I don't know why my roomie keeps hiding the book from me. That's annoying.
Well, I'm writing this during my lunch hour, and I need to feed my face now. I hope Tuesday is treating you well. Talk to you Wednesday! Have a super day! No, you should. Because I said so. Don't argue.
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We had a storm blow through last night. In about an hour or so, it dumped an inch and a half of water (according to the rain gauge in my backyard). Lots of lightning and some wind. Today the sky is cloudy, but I don't think we're expected to get any more moisture. We could probably do with some more.
Speaking of writing -- we weren't, but we are now so keep up -- I think the thing that surprised me most when I started taking it seriously was the time and energy it takes. After I spoke to some other authors, I realized this is almost universal. We write about people having exciting events and taking wonderful trips, but we don't have time to do so ourselves. Even the full-time authors find themselves chained to the chair in front of their computers. I think that's why so many of them resented Jessica Fletcher of Murder, She Wrote. That wench went everywhere having great adventures and apparently still had time to write a best-selling novel each year. She's lucky that she wasn't surrounded by an angry mob of writers and beat to death.
In other news, I actually leveled (went up a level from 62 to 63) in World of Warcraft. Yeah man! It's taken a couple of months, mostly because I hardly ever play. At this rate, I will reach level 80 (the current highest level) in about ten years or so ... I like WoW, but it takes so long to do anything interesting. I get bored easily.
Oh, I found a book on making gunpowder! I've always wanted know how to do that. Not that I'm going to. Although it doesn't seem hard. You just have to be really careful. Which I would be if I was going to make some, but I'm not. No, seriously, I'm not. I don't know why my roomie keeps hiding the book from me. That's annoying.
Well, I'm writing this during my lunch hour, and I need to feed my face now. I hope Tuesday is treating you well. Talk to you Wednesday! Have a super day! No, you should. Because I said so. Don't argue.
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Been making several minor changes to this blog and others. I've added links where people can read the first chapter of Murder by Dewey Decimal and Murder by the Acre and updated the blogs for MBDD and MBTA. I also created the blogs for Murder by the Mile and Debt Free At Last!, neither of which is open to the public yet.
I meant to write more this morning, but I had a bad night -- having trouble sleeping for some reason -- and I'm running really late. I'll try to update later, but for now, have a great Monday. No, I'm not sure that's possible, either, but try! I'll either talk to you later today or Tuesday! Bye.
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I meant to write more this morning, but I had a bad night -- having trouble sleeping for some reason -- and I'm running really late. I'll try to update later, but for now, have a great Monday. No, I'm not sure that's possible, either, but try! I'll either talk to you later today or Tuesday! Bye.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Jars of Clay & Billy Graham
Our Sunday Thought today is from Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham.
Loving Compassion
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loves us. 1 John 4:10
"The supreme happiness of life," Victor Hugo said, "is the conviction that we are loved." "Love is the first requirement for mental health," declared Sigmund Freud.
Unfortunately, many people go through life feeling unloved -- and unlovable. Perhaps they were constantly criticized or ignored as children, or their family was torn by conflict. Perhaps they made bad choices about important issues in life -- which only confirmed their belief that they were unworthy of love. This may be your experience.
But listen: I have good news! No matter the reason, your feelings aren't telling you the truth! God loves you, and if you begin to see yourself the way God sees you, your attitudes will begin to change. If He didn't love you, would Christ have been willing to die for you? But He did! The Bible says, "By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us" (1 John 3:16).
God loves you. Hammer that truth into your heart and mind every day. It will make all the difference.
I hope you have a love-filled Sunday. See you Monday when we will tackle another work week together. Nothing can defeat us! We are mighty, mighty! Talk to you then.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009
Oh, I haven't fought a windmill in forthnight ...
I finished Susanna Gregory's A Vein of Deceit. I made it last as long as I could, limiting myself to just a few chapters a day, but the book is over. Sigh. If you like medieval mysteries, I recommend the series highly. You'll enjoy the mysteries, but the characters and setting will keep bringing you back. They're why I keep reading the series.
Unforunately, I was badly sick last night and lost several hours of sleep so I didn't do too much today. Just housework and laundry with a bit of sleeping, reading, and napping. Overall, a good day, I think.
To my amazement, I have discovered that I like ice cold Perrier mineral water with twist of lemon. Yeah, I know, after all the ridicule I heaped on people who drink bottled water. Serves me right.
The weather has cooled off some, thank the Good Lord. I thought I was going to melt earlier in the week.
Did you look up the Voynich Manuscript yet? I was told by a reader that I should provide the links or, even better, just tell everyone what it is. Well, I think discovery is part of the fun so you'll have to search it out on your own, but trust me, you'll find plenty about it if you look.
It's late enough, and I'm a bit tired. I'm going to call it a night. I hope you had a good Saturday and have a wonderful Sunday. Talk to you then.
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Unforunately, I was badly sick last night and lost several hours of sleep so I didn't do too much today. Just housework and laundry with a bit of sleeping, reading, and napping. Overall, a good day, I think.
To my amazement, I have discovered that I like ice cold Perrier mineral water with twist of lemon. Yeah, I know, after all the ridicule I heaped on people who drink bottled water. Serves me right.
The weather has cooled off some, thank the Good Lord. I thought I was going to melt earlier in the week.
Did you look up the Voynich Manuscript yet? I was told by a reader that I should provide the links or, even better, just tell everyone what it is. Well, I think discovery is part of the fun so you'll have to search it out on your own, but trust me, you'll find plenty about it if you look.
It's late enough, and I'm a bit tired. I'm going to call it a night. I hope you had a good Saturday and have a wonderful Sunday. Talk to you then.
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Friday, July 17, 2009
What were we talking about?
It has occurred to me more than once -- as I'm sure it has to you -- that I'm simply one handsome guy, a prince among men. I think we're all agreed on this. Yes, we are. Don't make me come over there, bucko. You wouldn't like it.
So I'm a prince, and my question is -- one that surely ranks up among the great questions in the universe like The Ultimate Theory of Physics and The Mystery of Ear Wax -- why isn't there some princess for me? Or truly the question is why aren't there many, many princesses for me, but we'll focus on one.
Although I can't focus on one anymore because of what that silly judge did with his protective order. Or at least I can't focus on my attractive neighbor up the street who has taken to wearing a black sack that completely covers her from head to toe, only comes out at night, and carries mace (an actual spiked club, not the pepper spray) for some reason that eludes me. Or really she's eluding me. She must have been a long distance runner in high school. Sigh. Nice legs, though.
But that's beside the point or really to the left of the point or maybe to the north of it, but I'm not sure because I was never clear on that whole north-south-east-down thing. I hate it when people give directions like: "Go south for 1.7 miles then turn to a bearing of south-east by 40 degrees and use the star Polaris to triangulate your position." I'm much better with: "Go past the Dairy Queen and turn right at the gas station with the four pumps out front and go until you see the house with the green statue of George Washington." Those are directions I can follow.
Where was I? Oh, yeah, about that green statue of George Washington. It isn't moss that covers that concrete tribute to the Father of Our Country. (Which is an odd nickname because he didn’t have any children, and did anyone ever think that just maybe he resented that nickname and wanted to be called Bubba or Red?) Anyway, the statue's owner got tired of people writing graffiti on Bubba Washington so he painted it bright lime green, going on the theory that anything that was painted on it could only improve it from that point on. Perversely, it hasn't been defaced since.
But I keep thinking that wasn't what I was talking about earlier, but to find out, I'd have to stop and go back and re-read what I wrote, and frankly I think you should do it and tell me so that I wouldn't have to. I'm tired.
Fine. Give me a moment. I have to do everything around here. Oh yeah, why isn't there a woman for me? It's an unanswerable question, although a girl once told me that it was because I couldn’t focus on anything for very long, but that doesn't sound right. Just ask my neighbor up the street.
Copyright 2009 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
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So I'm a prince, and my question is -- one that surely ranks up among the great questions in the universe like The Ultimate Theory of Physics and The Mystery of Ear Wax -- why isn't there some princess for me? Or truly the question is why aren't there many, many princesses for me, but we'll focus on one.
Although I can't focus on one anymore because of what that silly judge did with his protective order. Or at least I can't focus on my attractive neighbor up the street who has taken to wearing a black sack that completely covers her from head to toe, only comes out at night, and carries mace (an actual spiked club, not the pepper spray) for some reason that eludes me. Or really she's eluding me. She must have been a long distance runner in high school. Sigh. Nice legs, though.
But that's beside the point or really to the left of the point or maybe to the north of it, but I'm not sure because I was never clear on that whole north-south-east-down thing. I hate it when people give directions like: "Go south for 1.7 miles then turn to a bearing of south-east by 40 degrees and use the star Polaris to triangulate your position." I'm much better with: "Go past the Dairy Queen and turn right at the gas station with the four pumps out front and go until you see the house with the green statue of George Washington." Those are directions I can follow.
Where was I? Oh, yeah, about that green statue of George Washington. It isn't moss that covers that concrete tribute to the Father of Our Country. (Which is an odd nickname because he didn’t have any children, and did anyone ever think that just maybe he resented that nickname and wanted to be called Bubba or Red?) Anyway, the statue's owner got tired of people writing graffiti on Bubba Washington so he painted it bright lime green, going on the theory that anything that was painted on it could only improve it from that point on. Perversely, it hasn't been defaced since.
But I keep thinking that wasn't what I was talking about earlier, but to find out, I'd have to stop and go back and re-read what I wrote, and frankly I think you should do it and tell me so that I wouldn't have to. I'm tired.
Fine. Give me a moment. I have to do everything around here. Oh yeah, why isn't there a woman for me? It's an unanswerable question, although a girl once told me that it was because I couldn’t focus on anything for very long, but that doesn't sound right. Just ask my neighbor up the street.
Copyright 2009 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mostly TV
I'm really enjoying Susanna Gregory's A Vein of Deceit, the 15th Matthew Bartholomew mystery. I'm trying to slow down as I read so the book will last longer. It will be a long year until the next one. Someday I hope people wait for my books as eagerly as I wait for hers. Wouldn't that be cool!
I added four more fish to the sidebar aquarium, two white and one more each of the green and orange. That's the max you can have. I also made the background a darker blue and changed the color of the food to white so that it showed up better against the darker background. Isn't that more than you wanted to know about it? I thought so.
Did you look up the Voynich Manuscript yet? Really, you should. You might find it useful later if things work out as I think they will. Take 10 minutes and delve into the mystery. You might find it illuminating.
I wanted to share this link again to The Best Cancer-Fighting Foods article. Lots of good info in it, and I've yet to find any research that contradicts the information presented. Add these foods to your diet. I likes ya and wants ya to stay 'round!
I gave up on the Tonight Show. Can't get used to Conan. Mostly I don't think he's funny. I'll check back in a few months and see if he's smoothed out. I'm looking forward to Jay Leno's new show. We'll see if Jay can make the new time slot work.
Speaking of TV, I've been enjoying The Closer and Bones. The Bones episodes, of course, are reruns, but I haven't seen them so they're new to me. I also think I like Eureka and Warehouse 13, at least so far. UFO Hunters was cancelled, which disappointed me. Stargate: Universe is coming. So far, I don't like what I've heard about SGU, but we'll see how it goes. Last night the new season of Leverage started. I think that show could become a favorite, also.
Well, enough of this. Have a great Thursday. I hope your day is good! Talk to you Friday!
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I added four more fish to the sidebar aquarium, two white and one more each of the green and orange. That's the max you can have. I also made the background a darker blue and changed the color of the food to white so that it showed up better against the darker background. Isn't that more than you wanted to know about it? I thought so.
Did you look up the Voynich Manuscript yet? Really, you should. You might find it useful later if things work out as I think they will. Take 10 minutes and delve into the mystery. You might find it illuminating.
I wanted to share this link again to The Best Cancer-Fighting Foods article. Lots of good info in it, and I've yet to find any research that contradicts the information presented. Add these foods to your diet. I likes ya and wants ya to stay 'round!
I gave up on the Tonight Show. Can't get used to Conan. Mostly I don't think he's funny. I'll check back in a few months and see if he's smoothed out. I'm looking forward to Jay Leno's new show. We'll see if Jay can make the new time slot work.
Speaking of TV, I've been enjoying The Closer and Bones. The Bones episodes, of course, are reruns, but I haven't seen them so they're new to me. I also think I like Eureka and Warehouse 13, at least so far. UFO Hunters was cancelled, which disappointed me. Stargate: Universe is coming. So far, I don't like what I've heard about SGU, but we'll see how it goes. Last night the new season of Leverage started. I think that show could become a favorite, also.
Well, enough of this. Have a great Thursday. I hope your day is good! Talk to you Friday!
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Bit of this, bit of that
I confess to getting a good amount of enjoyment by feeding the fish in my sidebar aquarium. (Just click inside the aquarium to feed them.) And I like how they follow the cursor when you hover it over the aquarium. It's a small program, but it's fun.
I cannot believe how unrelenting the heat is! Yesterday was horrible in my office. The A/C unit only has one outlet and that's at the back of the building. Upfront where I sit with the huge windows, it's gets warm fast. Admittedly not as hot as outside, but hot. I think we're supposed to get some relief tomorrow. The middle 90s. Funny how that seems much cooler now.
You may have noticed that I finally put up a wordage meter for Murder by the Mile in the sidebar. The wordage is wrong, but I'll get that fixed tonight. Also, if you scroll further down, you'll find the links under "More of My Writing" actually work now. The links used to point to some pages on AOL Hometown, but AOL shut down all the Hometown pages a couple of months back and I had never got around to fixing the links. Now you can read the Humor essays and Poems posted to 51313 Harbor Street.
Did you look up the Voynich Manuscript yet? I think you'd find it interesting. Particularly considering ... well, I think you'd find it interesting. Check it out.
In good news, my copy of Susanna Gregory's A Vein of Deceit finally came in yesterday afternoon. This is the 15th Matthew Bartholomew mystery. I've read several chapters and am greatly enjoying it. This series just gets better and better. If only Gregory would produce more than just one book a year!
Time to get ready for work. I hope you have a great Wednesday. If not, work on it. Remember, the weekend is only two days away! Talk to you Thursday!
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I cannot believe how unrelenting the heat is! Yesterday was horrible in my office. The A/C unit only has one outlet and that's at the back of the building. Upfront where I sit with the huge windows, it's gets warm fast. Admittedly not as hot as outside, but hot. I think we're supposed to get some relief tomorrow. The middle 90s. Funny how that seems much cooler now.
You may have noticed that I finally put up a wordage meter for Murder by the Mile in the sidebar. The wordage is wrong, but I'll get that fixed tonight. Also, if you scroll further down, you'll find the links under "More of My Writing" actually work now. The links used to point to some pages on AOL Hometown, but AOL shut down all the Hometown pages a couple of months back and I had never got around to fixing the links. Now you can read the Humor essays and Poems posted to 51313 Harbor Street.
Did you look up the Voynich Manuscript yet? I think you'd find it interesting. Particularly considering ... well, I think you'd find it interesting. Check it out.
In good news, my copy of Susanna Gregory's A Vein of Deceit finally came in yesterday afternoon. This is the 15th Matthew Bartholomew mystery. I've read several chapters and am greatly enjoying it. This series just gets better and better. If only Gregory would produce more than just one book a year!
Time to get ready for work. I hope you have a great Wednesday. If not, work on it. Remember, the weekend is only two days away! Talk to you Thursday!
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Too dang hot!
Ooookay, it's too hot. Yes, too hot even for me, an avowed sun worshipper. And we don't have our pool set up yet. My roomie and I are supposed to work on it this week, but I hurt my back so I won't be much help. (Yes, I suppose my back going out is suspiciously convenient, but trust me, I'd rather it not hurt and I get to work on the pool.) I hope we have up by this weekend, although the water will probably be too cold for a few days after that.
Hey, have you ever heard of the Voynich Manuscript? You should Google it. It's either one of history's greatest mysteries or one of the greatest hoaxes. What do you think?
I got another bill from the hospital yesterday. Another one from a different department apparently involved in the scope or maybe they just saw the other departments were billing me and wanted to get into the action. It wouldn't surprise me at this point to receive a bill from Labor & Delivery.
I'm running a bit late this morning so I'll close now. I'll try to post another update later today. But if not, I'll see you Wednesday! Have a great Tuesday. Or else ...
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Hey, have you ever heard of the Voynich Manuscript? You should Google it. It's either one of history's greatest mysteries or one of the greatest hoaxes. What do you think?
I got another bill from the hospital yesterday. Another one from a different department apparently involved in the scope or maybe they just saw the other departments were billing me and wanted to get into the action. It wouldn't surprise me at this point to receive a bill from Labor & Delivery.
I'm running a bit late this morning so I'll close now. I'll try to post another update later today. But if not, I'll see you Wednesday! Have a great Tuesday. Or else ...
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Monday, July 13, 2009
Mostly medical
Yesterday for no good reason, my back went out. Very annoying to have to use a cane again. And I get tired of the pain and the limitations on my movement. I had a long list of things to do this weekend, and basically I did only a third of them. I didn't need another health issue right now. Oh well, that's life.
I'm still researching holistic medicine and folk cures. There's a lot of information out there, but sorting out the misinformation and downright lying takes a bit of time. Everyone -- including the so-called "regular" doctors -- have something to sell, and they're quite willing to deceive. Our government does a poor job in policing the medical establishment. We won't fix health care in this nation until our doctors recommit to "First, do no harm" and put the patients' well-being above their paycheck. And insurance companies -- which make tremendous amounts of money -- need to be forced to pay as their contracts say they will. But it will be a cold day in Hades before any of that happens. Both of those two groups have plenty of money to spend on lobbyists, and spend they do. It's no wonder that people turn to alternative medicine. It's a shame that alternative medicine doesn't have more science to offer them.
The above paragraph is a bit mixed, but I think you can follow it. Perhaps it would have worked better as several paragraphs. I do have a lot to say about medicine and doctors lately. I need to get it organized.
I thought I would get more responses to the new look for Harbor Street, particularly since I got a lot of (negative) feedback a few years ago when I thought about changing it. It could be an indication of my lack of readers now that Facebook has taken over my blogging circle. I'm still on Facebook, but I have cut back on my entries over there. I desire the longer communication that this blog allows -- although I couldn't prove it based on my latest posts. I'll work on that.
Well, it's time to get ready for work. Man, the weekend just isn't long enough. I'd sure like a four-day weekend every now and then. But it seems when I'm off, I just get sick or injured. I'm beginning to think that work -- however dreary and stressful -- is a safer environment than my house!
Anyway, you have a good Monday. Keep your chin up. Duck the blows. Land a few of your own. Talk to you tomorrow!
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I'm still researching holistic medicine and folk cures. There's a lot of information out there, but sorting out the misinformation and downright lying takes a bit of time. Everyone -- including the so-called "regular" doctors -- have something to sell, and they're quite willing to deceive. Our government does a poor job in policing the medical establishment. We won't fix health care in this nation until our doctors recommit to "First, do no harm" and put the patients' well-being above their paycheck. And insurance companies -- which make tremendous amounts of money -- need to be forced to pay as their contracts say they will. But it will be a cold day in Hades before any of that happens. Both of those two groups have plenty of money to spend on lobbyists, and spend they do. It's no wonder that people turn to alternative medicine. It's a shame that alternative medicine doesn't have more science to offer them.
The above paragraph is a bit mixed, but I think you can follow it. Perhaps it would have worked better as several paragraphs. I do have a lot to say about medicine and doctors lately. I need to get it organized.
I thought I would get more responses to the new look for Harbor Street, particularly since I got a lot of (negative) feedback a few years ago when I thought about changing it. It could be an indication of my lack of readers now that Facebook has taken over my blogging circle. I'm still on Facebook, but I have cut back on my entries over there. I desire the longer communication that this blog allows -- although I couldn't prove it based on my latest posts. I'll work on that.
Well, it's time to get ready for work. Man, the weekend just isn't long enough. I'd sure like a four-day weekend every now and then. But it seems when I'm off, I just get sick or injured. I'm beginning to think that work -- however dreary and stressful -- is a safer environment than my house!
Anyway, you have a good Monday. Keep your chin up. Duck the blows. Land a few of your own. Talk to you tomorrow!
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday Song & a health prayer
I love this song. It always moves me.
My aunt Jeanice send this Daily Word to me. I find a true comfort. I thought I'd share it with you.
With a growing awareness of Spirit within, I claim health and well-being.
Saying yes to life and yes to healing, I claim health and wholeness now. As I keep my thoughts about my total well-being held high, I continue to affirm life.
Knowing that the spirit of God permeates every organ, cell, and atom of my body, I hold a vision of myself as energetic and strong. I am aware that the healing presence of God is moving throughout my body; and because this is true, I am healthy and whole.
Being health-minded, I continually turn in thought and expectation to the perfect, free-flowing life of Spirit within me. I give thanks for the awareness of this healing presence, which uplifts me in every way.
I know that God is life. Divine power and presence are within me, and with God all good is possible.
"Your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly." - Isaiah 58:8
Have a blessed Sunday. See you Monday!
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My aunt Jeanice send this Daily Word to me. I find a true comfort. I thought I'd share it with you.
With a growing awareness of Spirit within, I claim health and well-being.
Saying yes to life and yes to healing, I claim health and wholeness now. As I keep my thoughts about my total well-being held high, I continue to affirm life.
Knowing that the spirit of God permeates every organ, cell, and atom of my body, I hold a vision of myself as energetic and strong. I am aware that the healing presence of God is moving throughout my body; and because this is true, I am healthy and whole.
Being health-minded, I continually turn in thought and expectation to the perfect, free-flowing life of Spirit within me. I give thanks for the awareness of this healing presence, which uplifts me in every way.
I know that God is life. Divine power and presence are within me, and with God all good is possible.
"Your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly." - Isaiah 58:8
Have a blessed Sunday. See you Monday!
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Saturday, July 11, 2009
Runner-up photo
I really like this photo, but the other one was better.

I'm hoping I will stay healthy this weekend. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. I'm hoping slow and steady will mark off many items on my list.
Okay, I will admit it: it's too hot, even for me. Once it gets above 95 degrees, I'm uncomfortable. And now that it's over 100 ... yikes.
Well, I've got a lot to do today so I'm going to close now. Y'all have a great day, you hear!
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I'm hoping I will stay healthy this weekend. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. I'm hoping slow and steady will mark off many items on my list.
Okay, I will admit it: it's too hot, even for me. Once it gets above 95 degrees, I'm uncomfortable. And now that it's over 100 ... yikes.
Well, I've got a lot to do today so I'm going to close now. Y'all have a great day, you hear!
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Friday, July 10, 2009
Yes, we've gone to the beach
Just thought I'd switch the template for the summer to reflect that sunny, white sand, cool fruity drinks with an umbrella, carefree feeling. The old template is safely tucked away so that we can use it again if we wish, but for now, the water is calling our name. Can't you hear it?
Last night for dinner, my roomie and I had cold cut sandwiches with a tomato and cucumber salad and steamed yellow squash. If we'd just had watermelon for dessert, it would have been the perfect summer meal. The salad is super easy to make: chop up a large tomato and a large cucumber and place in bowl. Add vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, pepper and chives to taste. (I always peel the cucumbers.) Mix everything well. Let sit so the flavors mingle. Light, tangy and delicious.
You may have noticed -- or maybe not -- that I haven't mentioned my family newsletter lately. That's because I haven't been doing it. Lazy boy ... well, not really. When I do the newsletter, I have to talk to all my family and they would naturally want to know what was going with my health, and I didn't want to talk about it because 1) it worried me, 2) we didn't know anything, and 3) the less stress the better. Anyway, I'm going to get to working on it again and put a special edition out.
Did you notice the aquarium in the sidebar? Click in it to feed the fish. They're always hungry!
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely Friday. I'm excited because the weekend is nearly here! Woohoo! Talk to you tomorrow!
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Last night for dinner, my roomie and I had cold cut sandwiches with a tomato and cucumber salad and steamed yellow squash. If we'd just had watermelon for dessert, it would have been the perfect summer meal. The salad is super easy to make: chop up a large tomato and a large cucumber and place in bowl. Add vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, pepper and chives to taste. (I always peel the cucumbers.) Mix everything well. Let sit so the flavors mingle. Light, tangy and delicious.
You may have noticed -- or maybe not -- that I haven't mentioned my family newsletter lately. That's because I haven't been doing it. Lazy boy ... well, not really. When I do the newsletter, I have to talk to all my family and they would naturally want to know what was going with my health, and I didn't want to talk about it because 1) it worried me, 2) we didn't know anything, and 3) the less stress the better. Anyway, I'm going to get to working on it again and put a special edition out.
Did you notice the aquarium in the sidebar? Click in it to feed the fish. They're always hungry!
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely Friday. I'm excited because the weekend is nearly here! Woohoo! Talk to you tomorrow!
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Thursday, July 09, 2009
Simply the best flower photo

Of all my photos of flowers, I think this one is best. What do you think?
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
I think this is the longest I've gone without posting. A whole seven days. Wasn't my intention. Got sick -- again -- and it put me down for the count for a few days. I finally went back to work today, and right now I'm exhausted and ready for bed. So that's all for tonight. More tomorrow. I hope. I also hope things are going well for you. We don't get to talk like we did, and I miss that. I'm still hopeful that my health problems will clear up and I get my "push" back soon. Anyway, have a good night.
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