Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Well, last night was not the success I had hoped for. I didn’t get all the corrections entered into Murder by the Acre -- I lack one set -- but I entered most of them and decided to upload the book so I’d get my proof and then do the remaining corrections on the next proof. I need to see how the cover prints so that I can makes changes if needed, and the only way to do that is to order a proof copy.

Except, every time I attempted to upload last night, the upload timed out. I tried six or seven times. This morning I called Lulu and was told to try again today. They had server problems yesterday. So today’s plan is to put in the last set of corrections, upload tonight, publish, and order the first proof copy. Then I’ll wait until it arrives, read and give it a good polish edit, make changes on cover if needed, make corrections if needed, upload, download PDF of book, print PDF, scan PDF for formatting errors, order second proof, AND approve book for publication. Then people can start ordering!

And then will start the dreaded publicity. The never-ending emails, letters, postcards, newspaper stories, book signings, posters, banners -- I confess to looking forward to it all. During all that, I will be working frantically on my outline for Murder by the Mile. Anyway, that’s what I’m going to be doing for the next couple of months. What about you?

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