Sunday, June 04, 2006

Short Sunday

      Is it my imagination or is the weekend getting shorter? It seems the week drags, then Saturday sails and Sunday soars. Sigh. I want longer weekends.
      I also want my new computer to arrive. It's supposed to ship on Wednesday. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will ship sooner than that. It would be so cool to have it next weekend. Won't hold my breath, though.
      It looks like the local theater group will be performing one of my plays in October. Murder at the Witch's Cottage is a go. It's a suspense play with a supernatural element. Not too much of one, but just enough -- I hope -- to give a few shivers.
      I meant to write more, but I need to do a few things before I go to bed. I hope your weekend was good and long enough. Talk to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

SBB said...

I wondered if it worked. Good to know that did.