Monday, May 02, 2005

Catching up


      Work was grueling Friday. Not particularly due to anything except my desire to be off work and go home. I had a huge list of 36 items that I wanted to get accomplished. They ranged from easy but time consuming (laundry, errands, other housework) to hard and time consuming (planting flowers, yardwork, etc.) So I was ready for my weekend to start. Which it finally did.
      My roomie and I ate at a local Mexican restaurant. The place was crowded, but the food was good. Afterward he worked on a truck engine he's rebuilding while I started my list.


      Got up early and got to it. Did three loads of laundry, washed the dishes, put away clutter, cleaned old stuff out of the fridge, drove to Wal-Mart and brought groceries, went to Staples and purchased a new mat to go under my computer chair, dropped by a video store and rented a couple of movies, stopped at a local garden store and purchased a flat and three pots of flowers, came home and put away groceries, planted and watered the flowers, removed the old mat and put the new mat down, returned to Wal-Mart and bought two new pairs of blue jeans, picked up my dinner at Taco Bell, came home and watched Troy. My roomie did a lion's share of the yardwork and was with me for the errands, although he didn't eat dinner as he was fasting a couple of meals (something recommended by his church).
      Troy was a disappointing movie. I didn't feel much empathy for anyone in it. I particularly disliked Brad Pitt in it, but I don't care much for him in anything. Eric Bana was good as was Peter O'Toole. Orlando Bloom didn't have much to work with; Paris isn't much of a character. And Brian Cox is an excellent villain, but they didn't give him much to do. There didn't seem to be much of a point to the movie.


      Ouch. I woke up, and my back let me know that it didn't appreciate the work Saturday. After church, I continued to work on my list and finished the day with 27 items crossed off. I worked some more on my computer and wrote on Dragons Gather. That afternoon my roomie and I watched the second movie I'd rented: Electra. I thought the movie was much better than the critics said it was. Jennifer Garner does a great job, and the action sequences are very good. I wouldn't mind owning it.
      That night I watched the Hallmark Channel mystery movie, this week it was McBride. They do a good job with Sunday mystery movies, and this one was no exception.
      I went to bed, fortified with Advil and smeared with Icy-Hot. I slept okay, but my back woke me up a few times.
      And that brings us to today, of which I will write more this evening. I hope your weekend was good. Oh, before I forget:

Happy Birthday E.R.!!!


CrystalDiggory said...

I'm glad you finally blogged. I was starting to go into withdrawal symptoms. :)

Michelle said...

Congrats on such a productive weekend...

And, Happy Birthday to ER too..

Erudite Redneck said...

Thanks, friends. :-) ... Re, Troy. Bird can't even talk about that movie without gettin' all hot and bothered. She sayd Brad Pitt was majorly hot therein. I think 19-year-old girls mighta been the target market. :-)

Gloria Williams said...

Good to see you, TECH! We miss you when you're gone. So don't be gone! :)

You remain in my thoughts and prayers.