Sunday, June 18, 2006

Long, long, long

      It's been a busy and somewhat frustrating past few days. Lots of things that needed to get done, but didn't get done. Projects where I made some progress but not as much as I planned. The usual complaints.
      We had a bad storm yesterday that took down the cable and, of course, Internet access all over my town. Obviously it's back up, but they took long enough. To add insult to injury, we only got a trace of rain out of those high winds and lightning.
      I've been working the ticket booth for a play that the local theater group is performing. I have to go down there again in a few minutes. I have so much to do here. Oh well, that's what happens when you volunteer. I want off the board so bad, but I can't see how to do it and still satisfy the obligations that I agreed to do. Duty sucks swamp water, folks. But my term will be up after this next year so I guess I'm committed until then. It's not that being on the board is so bad, it's that I want time to devote to other projects, and it seems to take a lot of my time.
      My town had a fly-in this weekend. If you're not familiar with that, it's when a large number of pilots fly in to our airport to show off their planes. We had a couple of World War II biplanes and a two-man helicopter that visited as well as a lot of other planes. Very cool to look up and see them flying overhead. No hot air balloons as in the past, which is disappointing, but the fly-in was cool. I forgot my camera, though, and so no photos. Sigh. Someday camera phones will finally take a decent photo and then I'll always have a camera with me.
      I'm having to rewrite Murder at the Witch's Cottage to accommodate the local stage. Oops. Gotta go and take tickets. Be back in about an hour or so.
      Back. I'm finally cooking lunch. Or grilling lunch actually. I have a package of chicken legs on the grill and seasoned veggies in the microwave. I'm going to have some baked beans and cut up some tomatoes and carrots for a salad tray. And maybe some watermelon for dessert. Sounds good. Particularly since I'm hungry right now. Gotta go check the chicken. Be right back.
      Back once again. Chicken was done. Veggies are done. Baked beans are in the microwave. I have to go back outside in a few minutes and turn the grill off. It's still on so that it can carbonize the drippings and make the grill easier to clean. I'll have to cut the tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and lettuce in a few minutes. It's nice just to sit down and rest. I've been running all week.
      It's hot outside today. Mostly clear skies. I was going to take a few pictures of clouds today, but I'd have to drive a while to find them.
      I think I'll go and eat lunch now. Be back in a bit.
      It's later now. Seven. Time for the Simpsons. I've been a fan for years. They're a strange, funny family, but they have that weird love that only families can have.
      It was two Simpsons tonight. One I'd seen, the second I hadn't. Typically funny and odd.
      Speaking of TV, I'm looking forward to the Stargate: SG1 premiere coming in July. They ended on quite a cliffhanger. I'm interested in seeing how they resolve it. And Jack will be back for at least five episodes this summer. They need him. The series has been suffering without him.
      If you're wondering why this post is titled "Long, long, long," I just thought I hadn't posted much lately so I decided to ramble on for a while today. Don't know if it's that interesting to you, but hey, it's something to read.
      Can you believe we're already halfway through June? The summer is rushing by. How does that work? When I was a kid, a year was a huge amount of time. It took forever for Christmas to get here. Now the years roll by faster and faster, approaching the speed of light. Really, this should stop.
      A whole bunch of music came already preinstalled in on my computer. Some of it isn't to my taste, but a lot is. It's a cool way to introduce people to new artists. I've already purchased one CD from a preinstalled group.
      I was talking about Murder at the Witch's Cottage earlier. I have to change it to adapt to the limitations of the local stage. It's going to take some work. I've decided that will be my July project. I will be able to keep three-fourths of what I've already written. I will just have to change several scenes and probably drop two -- one for sure because I know it won't be possible now -- and write new ones. In proper play format, a full-length play runs about 90 pages or so. And each page will run about a minute when performed. At least that's the idea. I've discovered, though, that I write long. I will have to watch that. The audience can only enjoy as much as their butts can endure. Long plays had better be exceptionally good.
      Well, it's late now. I'll close. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good one!


CrystalDiggory said...

It's been over an hour...(taps foot impatiently)

How is the play going? Are you getting good crowds?

Michelle said...

I like the "Live" blogging thing. :) Makes me want to know what comes next...

I hope your weekend was a good one!

Trixie said...

I like this, too. There are times when I'd like to update what has happened in a day's time and it is hard to figure out how to do it well. Add on to the end of a previous post? Only if your readers expect it and return. Or post updates? Meh. Who goes back to the first to read them in progression?

It is a tricky proposition but you did it well. I think you were just being sneaky in a way to see if we, your loyal (hehe -- typed "royal" first) readers would come back! Good job! We did!

Erudite Redneck said...

Purdy interesting rambling, dude.

SBB said...

Crystal, the play went okay. The crowds were okay. Not as much as the theater group would have liked, but okay.

SBB said...

It was a good weekend, Michelle. I hope you had a good one, too.

I've have to do the "live" blogging again.

SBB said...

Thanks, Trixie. I'm glad y'all enjoyed it.

SBB said...

Thanks, ER!