Oops. I meant to be blogging over here more, but don't have much to say. Not much has changed on my health, although I should start getting results from the latest tests this week. Writing is at a standstill. I spend so much time and energy worrying about my health and the doctors, I find I have little energy left to project myself into a fantasy world.
I am eating better. If nothing else, these health concerns have sent me searching for better nutrition. I have almost completely eliminated sugar from my diet. Well, at least obvious sugar. I am constantly surprised by the number of processed foods that include sugar as a matter of course. By cooking myself, I can avoid that. I've started cooking using extra-virgin olive oil, fresh garlic, chives, veggies, fish, etc. I am finding these meals to be delicious and greatly satisfying. I've even reached a point where I like green tea; I've -- lord help me -- developed a taste for it.
I'm trying to exercise at least five times a week and trying to get to bed earlier each night. I'm attempting to give my body what it needs to fight off whatever this is. And more than that, I want to be healthy in order to do more. I have so many things uncompleted in my life, so many things I want to try, so many stories to tell, so many places to visit, so many people to live, much life still to live. And diabetes and general laziness have kept me from doing many of these.
Life is short. I know we all know this. Or we at least parrot that phrase. But lately I'm beginning to understand exactly what it means and why it's important to live fully while we're here before we have to go what comes next. Perhaps it took a health crisis for me to truly understand it. I may be dense.
Tomorrow I return to work. Work is a problem for me. I truly don't enjoy my job any more, and yet I need the money. Once I get my health problem figured out and a treatment in place, I'm going to work on the job situation. Anyway, that's a problem for a later day.
And now I'm going to close. No promises, but I'll try to post more. Have a great week.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Intro to "Debt Free At Last"
So why another “get out of debt” book? Aren’t there hundreds already on the market? Can’t you find financial planners by the dozen in the phone books? And what about those credit counselors you see the ads for on TV? What’s the point of this book?
Good question. Here’s the answer: this book is meant for the beginner. It’s meant for hard-working people who are living from paycheck to paycheck and are trapped in debt.
And debt is a trap. It takes away your choices. You can’t go on vacations, you can’t go back to school, your children can’t afford college, and you know you’re going to have to work until you die. Debt rules your life, and you can’t breathe. You can’t see your way clear. You can’t escape. You’re going to pay the Man forever.
Depressing, isn’t it?
You might be beating yourself up about this. You may feel like a failure. We won’t deny bad choices lead to debt, but most people don’t have the information or training to make the good choices. We are not educated in handling money in school, and typically our parents didn’t teach us, either. (Because they didn’t know.)
And we have a whole society that encourages debt. Credit card companies, loan companies, banks, and retailers of all sorts spend millions of dollars on advertising to convince you to go into debt. Even our country operates without a balanced budget and goes deeper into debt each year.
There we are: trapped in the debt trap.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can be free. You can make simple changes that will impact your life in positive ways and get you and your family out of debt forever. You can make better choices in your life. You can choose a better life. You have the power to do so; you just need the information.
Probably you’ve heard this before. People regularly preach to the masses, advocating this plan or that plan or an investment scheme that only geniuses understand. Rarely do these people share if these schemes are what they do. Well, why would they? Most of them have money. They’re not facing the decisions you are. They’re not living your life. They give good advice, but they haven’t lived it.
But in this book, you’re reading the words of people who have lived it. Every tip in this book has been done by one or both of us. And the tips have been successful for us. We’re not sharing anything that didn’t work for us. We don’t care how good it sounds; if it didn’t work for us, we’re not going to pretend that it did.
That doesn’t mean all of these tips will be successful for you, but it does raise the chances they will be. After all, we’re not that different from you. We lived from paycheck to paycheck. One of us (Stephen) has made just about every financial mistake you can make. This book grew from his efforts to get out of debt forever. He is sharing his hard-worn education with you.
Kelley has spent years in the financial world as a loan officer, Realtor®, financial consultant, and lecturer. Over that time, he has learned what works and what doesn’t. He has applied those principles to his life to good results. He wants to share those principles with you.
Now, this book isn’t about becoming a millionaire overnight. In fact, that’s not even our goal. Our goal is to help you get out of debt, to increase the positive choices in your life, and to secure your future. Aren’t you tired of living like a refugee from the debt wars? Aren’t you ready to experience a secure financial future?
Isn’t it time that you were debt free at last?
Copyright 2009 by Stephen B. Bagley & Kelley Benson. All rights reserved.
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Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
So why another “get out of debt” book? Aren’t there hundreds already on the market? Can’t you find financial planners by the dozen in the phone books? And what about those credit counselors you see the ads for on TV? What’s the point of this book?
Good question. Here’s the answer: this book is meant for the beginner. It’s meant for hard-working people who are living from paycheck to paycheck and are trapped in debt.
And debt is a trap. It takes away your choices. You can’t go on vacations, you can’t go back to school, your children can’t afford college, and you know you’re going to have to work until you die. Debt rules your life, and you can’t breathe. You can’t see your way clear. You can’t escape. You’re going to pay the Man forever.
Depressing, isn’t it?
You might be beating yourself up about this. You may feel like a failure. We won’t deny bad choices lead to debt, but most people don’t have the information or training to make the good choices. We are not educated in handling money in school, and typically our parents didn’t teach us, either. (Because they didn’t know.)
And we have a whole society that encourages debt. Credit card companies, loan companies, banks, and retailers of all sorts spend millions of dollars on advertising to convince you to go into debt. Even our country operates without a balanced budget and goes deeper into debt each year.
There we are: trapped in the debt trap.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can be free. You can make simple changes that will impact your life in positive ways and get you and your family out of debt forever. You can make better choices in your life. You can choose a better life. You have the power to do so; you just need the information.
Probably you’ve heard this before. People regularly preach to the masses, advocating this plan or that plan or an investment scheme that only geniuses understand. Rarely do these people share if these schemes are what they do. Well, why would they? Most of them have money. They’re not facing the decisions you are. They’re not living your life. They give good advice, but they haven’t lived it.
But in this book, you’re reading the words of people who have lived it. Every tip in this book has been done by one or both of us. And the tips have been successful for us. We’re not sharing anything that didn’t work for us. We don’t care how good it sounds; if it didn’t work for us, we’re not going to pretend that it did.
That doesn’t mean all of these tips will be successful for you, but it does raise the chances they will be. After all, we’re not that different from you. We lived from paycheck to paycheck. One of us (Stephen) has made just about every financial mistake you can make. This book grew from his efforts to get out of debt forever. He is sharing his hard-worn education with you.
Kelley has spent years in the financial world as a loan officer, Realtor®, financial consultant, and lecturer. Over that time, he has learned what works and what doesn’t. He has applied those principles to his life to good results. He wants to share those principles with you.
Now, this book isn’t about becoming a millionaire overnight. In fact, that’s not even our goal. Our goal is to help you get out of debt, to increase the positive choices in your life, and to secure your future. Aren’t you tired of living like a refugee from the debt wars? Aren’t you ready to experience a secure financial future?
Isn’t it time that you were debt free at last?
Copyright 2009 by Stephen B. Bagley & Kelley Benson. All rights reserved.
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Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Monday, May 25, 2009
Catching up
And how are you? Not much has gone on here. A brief health update: I've continued working with my doctors in an attempt to find out why I'm coughing blood. We've done a test this weekend, and I should know something next week. After that, I'm not sure what will happen. Depends on what they find out. Overall, I feel pretty good. No major problems to speak of. I'd think I was healthy except for the coughing problem. I guess we'll see what they find.
This long weekend, I've spent napping and generally being slothful. It was wonderful. A bit of laundry, a bit of housework, FarmTown on Facebook, some World of Warcraft, and that's it. I need more weekends like this. I hope you had a good one.
And now we face returning to work tomorrow. Sigh. Double sigh. And a bit of screaming and anguish. I have to get organized. I seem to be scattered lately. I need to make lists again. Yes, lists will save me.
Oh, I announced the first winner in the 100 Member Milestone Celebration over on the Stephen B. Bagley's Books group page on Facebook. Four more winners to be announced. Did you enter? I hope so.
And now I'm going to go to bed so that I can wake up bright-eyed and bushy tailed ... although ... why would a bushy tail be desirable? I don't understand what that saying means, I really don't.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
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Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
This long weekend, I've spent napping and generally being slothful. It was wonderful. A bit of laundry, a bit of housework, FarmTown on Facebook, some World of Warcraft, and that's it. I need more weekends like this. I hope you had a good one.
And now we face returning to work tomorrow. Sigh. Double sigh. And a bit of screaming and anguish. I have to get organized. I seem to be scattered lately. I need to make lists again. Yes, lists will save me.
Oh, I announced the first winner in the 100 Member Milestone Celebration over on the Stephen B. Bagley's Books group page on Facebook. Four more winners to be announced. Did you enter? I hope so.
And now I'm going to go to bed so that I can wake up bright-eyed and bushy tailed ... although ... why would a bushy tail be desirable? I don't understand what that saying means, I really don't.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
100 Member Milestone!
Over on Facebook, the Stephen B. Bagley's Books group has over 100 members now! To celebrate, we're giving away books, t-shirts, tote bags, bookmarks, etc. If you're on Facebook, just head on there and enter to win. If you're not on Facebook, just email me your postal address and you'll be entered in all the contests! How easy is that!
And with that, good night!
Oh, the Illuminati have yet to hire me. Why is that? Am I not mad enough? Not power hungry enough? I'll work on that. I can be trained, really I can.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
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Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
And with that, good night!
Oh, the Illuminati have yet to hire me. Why is that? Am I not mad enough? Not power hungry enough? I'll work on that. I can be trained, really I can.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Monday, May 18, 2009
Job wanted
I've been reading UFO Magazine, and apparently there is a worldwide, eons old, mysterious conspiracy that controls the world with its wealth and influence. The conspiracy includes aliens, CIA, NSA, FBI, PTA, the Unilateral Commission, the Illuminati, NAFTA, Free Masons, Priced Masons, and many more organizations whose names I didn't bother to read.
Apparently this New World Order group (not the wrestlers) has been subverting our freedoms to get us ready for 2012 when they will rule us openly and reveal their plans to live forever by growing new bodily organs and ingesting our lifeforce.
Yeah, I know. It surprised me, too.
After digesting this information for a while, I only have one question: where do I sign up? I'd like wealth and power. I could trample on someone's freedoms for the right price and a good health plan. Of course, I want weekends off and at least a week of vacation for each half year worked. It's not too much to ask, is it?
So send me a job application, Overlords! I'm ready and willing to be your lackey ... at least until I learn all your secrets and rise up and crush you beneath my booted heal! BWWAAAHHHAAAAA!
And on that mad note, good night, my future servants!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Apparently this New World Order group (not the wrestlers) has been subverting our freedoms to get us ready for 2012 when they will rule us openly and reveal their plans to live forever by growing new bodily organs and ingesting our lifeforce.
Yeah, I know. It surprised me, too.
After digesting this information for a while, I only have one question: where do I sign up? I'd like wealth and power. I could trample on someone's freedoms for the right price and a good health plan. Of course, I want weekends off and at least a week of vacation for each half year worked. It's not too much to ask, is it?
So send me a job application, Overlords! I'm ready and willing to be your lackey ... at least until I learn all your secrets and rise up and crush you beneath my booted heal! BWWAAAHHHAAAAA!
And on that mad note, good night, my future servants!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Sunday, May 17, 2009
There should be places you can go when the world is too much. Places that welcome you without questions and with endless compassion. Where you can be safe and secure. Where the only problems are remembering to set your alarm so that you can greet the glorious sunrise and deciding what fruit to pick from the laden trees. And as you sit under a spreading oak tree in an easy chair, you look across the rolling land to the golden fields and feel your battered spirit release its burdens. You sigh, and your eyes well with joyful tears.
That's what God is supposed to be. That's what God is.
Not that we allow that. We humans make it so hard. God has to be vengeful, shallow, tiny, bigoted, judgmental, self-righteous, furious, the heavy-handed father whose children cringe at His approach. Because we've created so many gods before, we think God should conform. He should support who we vote for, and He should shower forgiveness only on those we find worthy. We preach of His miracles, but in the same breath, we deny His grace and power. He's infinite, and we resent it and attempt to force Him into a box that we can control and understand.
Of course, God is beyond that. Despite our best efforts, He reaches beyond, He keeps sending His message to the world, He denies our best attempts to make Him into an easy god. He keeps reaching out to us.
He keeps saying, "Come home. I have a place for you. For all of you. There is a feast prepared. There is music and peace and calm. There is joy and dancing and eternal joy."
And we won't listen. We hold onto terrible things that hurt us, we deny the commonsense of letting Him lead us, we would rather die in hate than live in everlasting love. How our wilful ignorance must grieve Him. We must break His heart day after day. I don't know why He still loves us. I don't know why He still wants us. But then I'm not God.
I'm just a person, like you, like all of us, attempting to understand the infinite mercy extended to me, attempting to live day-by-day, trying to get up each time I fall, trying to believe while living in world that seems determined to destroy all grace and beauty. Sometimes I lose hope. Sometimes I despair. Sometimes I give up.
But then He sends me help. He reminds me that He hasn't moved. He reminds me that He loves me. He loves me.
On this sunny Sunday, on this day when I'm so tired of my health problems, exhausted from the money troubles my illness has caused, worn beyond my capacity to continue to face the unnamed terror of my future, when I finally turn to Him -- doing in the last place what I should have done in the first place -- He gathers me up and lets me rest in His haven.
I am so grateful.
I have no words.
Nothing but praise for His never-ending love.
His never-ending love for you and me.
That's what God is supposed to be. That's what God is.
Not that we allow that. We humans make it so hard. God has to be vengeful, shallow, tiny, bigoted, judgmental, self-righteous, furious, the heavy-handed father whose children cringe at His approach. Because we've created so many gods before, we think God should conform. He should support who we vote for, and He should shower forgiveness only on those we find worthy. We preach of His miracles, but in the same breath, we deny His grace and power. He's infinite, and we resent it and attempt to force Him into a box that we can control and understand.
Of course, God is beyond that. Despite our best efforts, He reaches beyond, He keeps sending His message to the world, He denies our best attempts to make Him into an easy god. He keeps reaching out to us.
He keeps saying, "Come home. I have a place for you. For all of you. There is a feast prepared. There is music and peace and calm. There is joy and dancing and eternal joy."
And we won't listen. We hold onto terrible things that hurt us, we deny the commonsense of letting Him lead us, we would rather die in hate than live in everlasting love. How our wilful ignorance must grieve Him. We must break His heart day after day. I don't know why He still loves us. I don't know why He still wants us. But then I'm not God.
I'm just a person, like you, like all of us, attempting to understand the infinite mercy extended to me, attempting to live day-by-day, trying to get up each time I fall, trying to believe while living in world that seems determined to destroy all grace and beauty. Sometimes I lose hope. Sometimes I despair. Sometimes I give up.
But then He sends me help. He reminds me that He hasn't moved. He reminds me that He loves me. He loves me.
On this sunny Sunday, on this day when I'm so tired of my health problems, exhausted from the money troubles my illness has caused, worn beyond my capacity to continue to face the unnamed terror of my future, when I finally turn to Him -- doing in the last place what I should have done in the first place -- He gathers me up and lets me rest in His haven.
I am so grateful.
I have no words.
Nothing but praise for His never-ending love.
His never-ending love for you and me.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Free Album Download
Coldplay is offering a free download of their nine-track album LeftRightLeftRightLeft as a thank you to their fans. Go here to download it.
I'm still looking for errors that my readers might have found in Murder by Dewey Decimal so that I can correct them in the hardcover Deluxe Version. I'd appreciate any you have found.
I've been sick the last two days. My stomach's been acting up. Kinda strange actually since I haven't had it be this bad in several months. Oh well, that's life. You take the sweet with the bitter. There isn't any other way to live. I am blessed.
I'm not sure who is dropping by here any more. My visitor count has really dropped off. Mostly because I've been on Facebook. So I've decided to back off Facebook and concentrate more on this blog. I'll still FB some, but this blog has been my principal way of communicating with y'all for some time now.
And that will be all tonight. Oh, I'll start posting excerpts from Murder by the Mile soon. Are you excited? I am! Night!
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Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
I'm still looking for errors that my readers might have found in Murder by Dewey Decimal so that I can correct them in the hardcover Deluxe Version. I'd appreciate any you have found.
I've been sick the last two days. My stomach's been acting up. Kinda strange actually since I haven't had it be this bad in several months. Oh well, that's life. You take the sweet with the bitter. There isn't any other way to live. I am blessed.
I'm not sure who is dropping by here any more. My visitor count has really dropped off. Mostly because I've been on Facebook. So I've decided to back off Facebook and concentrate more on this blog. I'll still FB some, but this blog has been my principal way of communicating with y'all for some time now.
And that will be all tonight. Oh, I'll start posting excerpts from Murder by the Mile soon. Are you excited? I am! Night!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Deluxe version of MBDD
I am currently working on the deluxe hardcover version of Murder by Dewey Decimal. There hasn't been a hardcover available for over a year now, and I'd like to get it back out there. If you noticed any errors -- misspelled words, left out words, weird punctuation -- please let me know so that I can make the corrections in this version.
I'm also working on a new cover for it. I'll keep the knife, but I think I'm going to add a drop of blood and change the color scheme of the book.
I'm also going to include a short mini-mystery in the back of the book. The chief and Sims investigate a murder at the local motel, and the chief proves why he really is the best man for his job.
I'm hoping to finish this revision over this week and next. So please find those errors and send them on! You'll rate a special 'thank you' in the acknowledgments! Woohoo!
And on that note, good night!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
I'm also working on a new cover for it. I'll keep the knife, but I think I'm going to add a drop of blood and change the color scheme of the book.
I'm also going to include a short mini-mystery in the back of the book. The chief and Sims investigate a murder at the local motel, and the chief proves why he really is the best man for his job.
I'm hoping to finish this revision over this week and next. So please find those errors and send them on! You'll rate a special 'thank you' in the acknowledgments! Woohoo!
And on that note, good night!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
There are stories we shouldn't tell.
All the wise men know this.
There are lies we shouldn't hear.
All the wise women have learned this.
There are hearts we shouldn't break.
All the angels weep as they see this.
There are souls we shouldn't touch.
All the demons smirk at this.
Walk down there; the hallway grows dark.
Stop over there; the shadows are unquiet.
Rest yourself there; the earth takes you.
Some knowledge burns the bearer.
You were warned.
Some secrets can only harm.
You didn't listen.
Some love brings only ruin.
Everyone warned you.
Some tears can't be avoided.
Into every life, they fall.
I wish I could save you; the clock ticks.
I wanted to spare you; why wouldn't you listen?
I can only watch; your fate is your own.
This I know --
we each choose our destruction.
I leave you
finally to yours.
Copyright 2009 Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
There are stories we shouldn't tell.
All the wise men know this.
There are lies we shouldn't hear.
All the wise women have learned this.
There are hearts we shouldn't break.
All the angels weep as they see this.
There are souls we shouldn't touch.
All the demons smirk at this.
Walk down there; the hallway grows dark.
Stop over there; the shadows are unquiet.
Rest yourself there; the earth takes you.
Some knowledge burns the bearer.
You were warned.
Some secrets can only harm.
You didn't listen.
Some love brings only ruin.
Everyone warned you.
Some tears can't be avoided.
Into every life, they fall.
I wish I could save you; the clock ticks.
I wanted to spare you; why wouldn't you listen?
I can only watch; your fate is your own.
This I know --
we each choose our destruction.
I leave you
finally to yours.
Copyright 2009 Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
I had a strange dream last night. I visited an old friend of mine. It's been at least 20 years since I saw her last. She picked me up at a huge airport, and I was so grateful when I saw her among the crowd. Somehow I ended up driving her car, and I drove her deep into the country where she made her home. The visit was filled with awkward silences -- after all this time, we had little in common -- and it was hard to keep a conversation going. Her house was a cottage, like what you see in on those British shows, all flowers and knitted comforters. I think she had a cat. Throughout the dream, we kept avoiding some subject, and while I knew we were avoiding talking about it, I couldn't recall what it was. I wanted to ask her a question, but I knew she wouldn't answer, and her refusal would embarrass us both, particularly since I couldn't pin down the question. I sensed she regretted my visit, and I wanted to leave myself, but I had no car and no way to get back to the airport. Finally I woke up.
Then I realized what the question was that I had wanted to ask, but wasn't able to think of in the dream: How was I able to visit her when she had died in a car wreck nearly twenty years ago?
I got out of bed, made a cup of green tea, and sat at my computer until it was time to get ready for work.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Then I realized what the question was that I had wanted to ask, but wasn't able to think of in the dream: How was I able to visit her when she had died in a car wreck nearly twenty years ago?
I got out of bed, made a cup of green tea, and sat at my computer until it was time to get ready for work.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Subcar & other things
I want a subcar like what James Bond has in The Spy Who Loved Me. Except I want a real one, not the fake they used in the movie. Wouldn't that be cool?

This car was the coolest of all the ones driven in the various Bond movies. I also liked the flying car in The Man with the Golden Gun, but the subcar tops it.
You might guess from me talking about Bond movies that not much is going on. You'd be right. I napped and read with a bit of TV, and that's all I did all weekend long with just a little housework and laundry. I feel bad about having been so slothful since I will return to work tomorrow -- work that does not challenge or excite me -- not having written anything, yet I claim writing is what I was truly meant to do. The dichotomy makes me crazy.
Lately I spend all my time worrying about my health. I'm still coughing a bit of blood. The doctors don't know why. They say -- well, a couple of them say that it's not cancer, but when they can't supply an answer, I have to wonder if they know what they're talking about. Of course, there have been plenty of tests ... over $10,000 of test, but still they don't know. I remain as uncertain as I was when this all started. Well, enough of that.
I hope you have a great week! I hope I have one, too! Stay healthy and stay happy. And if you're not either, work on it! I am. Night!
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Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf

This car was the coolest of all the ones driven in the various Bond movies. I also liked the flying car in The Man with the Golden Gun, but the subcar tops it.
You might guess from me talking about Bond movies that not much is going on. You'd be right. I napped and read with a bit of TV, and that's all I did all weekend long with just a little housework and laundry. I feel bad about having been so slothful since I will return to work tomorrow -- work that does not challenge or excite me -- not having written anything, yet I claim writing is what I was truly meant to do. The dichotomy makes me crazy.
Lately I spend all my time worrying about my health. I'm still coughing a bit of blood. The doctors don't know why. They say -- well, a couple of them say that it's not cancer, but when they can't supply an answer, I have to wonder if they know what they're talking about. Of course, there have been plenty of tests ... over $10,000 of test, but still they don't know. I remain as uncertain as I was when this all started. Well, enough of that.
I hope you have a great week! I hope I have one, too! Stay healthy and stay happy. And if you're not either, work on it! I am. Night!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Free chicken meal from KFC!
Updated: Several people had trouble printing the coupon. Apparently the number of people using the site overwhelmed it. I also had trouble, but finally got it to print around 9 p.m. You can print it until 11:59 p.m. today. If it lets you.
Go here for a coupon for a free chicken meal from KFC. You can only download the coupon today, but it can be used until May 19th (excluding Mother's Day.)
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Go here for a coupon for a free chicken meal from KFC. You can only download the coupon today, but it can be used until May 19th (excluding Mother's Day.)
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Good eating
Last night I made a delicious diabetic and Weight Watchers friendly meal. It was two chicken breasts, cut up in slices, and cooked in three tablespoons of olive oil, fresh garlic cloves, chives, yellow onions, and mushrooms. For a side dish, I had steamed Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, lightly salted with sea salt. I thought it was great, but my roomie needed a bit of soy sauce on his chicken.
Tonight I will saute salmon fillets. (I'll saute them in olive oil, sliced garlic, lemon juice, sea salt, and ground pepper.) The veggies will be steamed spinach and asparagus.
You may be wondering why I'm sharing this. It's part of my new commitment to eat healthy, delicious food. I'm trying to be more careful in what I eat because I'm trying to taper off my diabetes medication. So far so good. I am limiting my soft drinks to one or less a day. I am avoiding bread as much as I can -- sometimes I crave toast, but I'm only putting on no-cal, no carb butter spray on it when I do. I'm drinking green tea flavored with cinnamon at least three days a day. (Green tea because it's so healthy and cinnamon flavored because cinnamon helps control blood sugar.)
So far, so good. My blood sugar is lower now. Not where it needs to be closer, but closer to my goal than since I was diagnosed.
But what brought all this on? I think it was my realization that my doctors are not going to be the ones who get me back to good health. It's going to be me. They don't have time, give me slapdash service, and generally behave like I'm something they need to scrape off the bottom of their shoes. Okay, I exaggerate a bit, but they are no closer to discovering why I'm coughing blood than when I started. So ... I'm beginning to think I have something really weird outside their experience. Maybe not. Maybe it's just a sneaky cancer or other disease that the tests haven't caught yet. The thing is, I can't wait.
No matter what I turn out to be inflicted with, I will be better off for having my diabetes under control and losing weight. I'm the only one that can make that happen. So I'm going to.
I still don't have the test results back from Friday's CT scan. I should learn something tomorrow. Or the next day. Perhaps this will be the test that will give the answer. We'll see, but either way, I'm going to still be working on controlling diabetes and getting better. I can do this.
Hope life is treating you well. Talk to you later.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Tonight I will saute salmon fillets. (I'll saute them in olive oil, sliced garlic, lemon juice, sea salt, and ground pepper.) The veggies will be steamed spinach and asparagus.
You may be wondering why I'm sharing this. It's part of my new commitment to eat healthy, delicious food. I'm trying to be more careful in what I eat because I'm trying to taper off my diabetes medication. So far so good. I am limiting my soft drinks to one or less a day. I am avoiding bread as much as I can -- sometimes I crave toast, but I'm only putting on no-cal, no carb butter spray on it when I do. I'm drinking green tea flavored with cinnamon at least three days a day. (Green tea because it's so healthy and cinnamon flavored because cinnamon helps control blood sugar.)
So far, so good. My blood sugar is lower now. Not where it needs to be closer, but closer to my goal than since I was diagnosed.
But what brought all this on? I think it was my realization that my doctors are not going to be the ones who get me back to good health. It's going to be me. They don't have time, give me slapdash service, and generally behave like I'm something they need to scrape off the bottom of their shoes. Okay, I exaggerate a bit, but they are no closer to discovering why I'm coughing blood than when I started. So ... I'm beginning to think I have something really weird outside their experience. Maybe not. Maybe it's just a sneaky cancer or other disease that the tests haven't caught yet. The thing is, I can't wait.
No matter what I turn out to be inflicted with, I will be better off for having my diabetes under control and losing weight. I'm the only one that can make that happen. So I'm going to.
I still don't have the test results back from Friday's CT scan. I should learn something tomorrow. Or the next day. Perhaps this will be the test that will give the answer. We'll see, but either way, I'm going to still be working on controlling diabetes and getting better. I can do this.
Hope life is treating you well. Talk to you later.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Today for lunch I had two tilapia fillets (pan fried in olive oil with minced garlic, chives and fresh squeezed lime juice) with steamed broccoli and cauliflower. Although that meal is a thousands times more healthy, I still crave a cheeseburger and fries. Isn't odd how we want things that are bad for us?
Well, really, a cheeseburger and fries aren't bad if one has them once a week, but it's because we have them a lot more than that. Moderation in all things is still good advice.
No news on 75 Dates for $25 or Less! The plan is still for it to be available in May from Lulu.com, both in book form and in an ebook. I still have some work to do on the cover. I'm basically redesigning it. Although we hope the majority of sales will be Kindle and ebooks, I'd still like the book to look nice.
Haven't done much today. I've picked up a cold. Or allergies. Not sure which. I hope your Sunday is going well. And here is a Sunday Song that touched me. I hope you enjoy it.
Have a great week!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
Well, really, a cheeseburger and fries aren't bad if one has them once a week, but it's because we have them a lot more than that. Moderation in all things is still good advice.
No news on 75 Dates for $25 or Less! The plan is still for it to be available in May from Lulu.com, both in book form and in an ebook. I still have some work to do on the cover. I'm basically redesigning it. Although we hope the majority of sales will be Kindle and ebooks, I'd still like the book to look nice.
Haven't done much today. I've picked up a cold. Or allergies. Not sure which. I hope your Sunday is going well. And here is a Sunday Song that touched me. I hope you enjoy it.
Have a great week!
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com
Order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Order Murder by the Acre in hardcover only at from Lulu.com.
Order MBTA & MBDD items and more at Oakleaf
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