Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Cool things

      I receive a Google Alert when my name or Murder by Dewey Decimal is mentioned on a site on the web, a sort of online clipping service. Today I received this link via email.
      The cool thing is I don't know how this library learned of my book, but there it is. My book in another library. More opportunities for the Measurements of Murder™ series to build an audience. This brings the total to four libraries that I know have MBDD. Does your library? Ask them to get it if they don't have it. It won't cost you a cent, but gives MBDD more chances to find an audience. I would greatly appreciate it.
       Yesterday I told you about how Amazon is attempting to strangle the self-publishing world. This is a petition that opposes Amazon's actions. If you'd sign it, that would be great. I don't know if it will help, but it couldn't hurt. I'm Signature 986. (By the way, after you sign the petition, it pops up a window asking for a donation. You can sign and not donate to the iPetition folks, although I'm sure they would appreciate it.)
      The words are still coming on Murder by the Acre. If you've been keeping track of the wordage, I'm over 70 percent on this 'final' rewrite. Getting the words is sometimes grinding, but I can feel my writing muscles growing. Very cool.
      And now I'm going to call it a night. I hope things are going well for you. Let me know how you're doing. Night!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Look at all those big names you're keeping company with on that list! :)

SBB said...

I hope your name joined them, FF.

Rain said...

Waving at you from San Diego, tech!
I am going to sign the list now...

Anonymous said...

I meant the authors on the list from the library. ;)

SBB said...

Thanks, Rain!

Ah, FF, I understand now.