Saturday, November 03, 2007

MBTA cover

       Yes, I'm still working on Murder by the Acre. Here's its cover. Or at least what I think the cover is going to look like, but the colors may change slightly.

      But before you read MBTA, you need to read Murder by Dewey Decimal, the first book in the Measurements of Murder Mystery™ series. And here's how you order it.

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal in paperback HERE! (My first love!)

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal in hardcover HERE! (My first love in its party clothes!)

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal merchandise HERE! (T-shirts, caps, clocks, buttons and lots more!)


Trixie said...

I love that cover! The green is great! I hope you keep it.

I'm still shoveling a path through my living room. Maybe I'll progress enough tonight to earn reading time. (Keep your fingers crossed for me!)

Anonymous said...

The cover does look great. And I bet the inside will be even better. Will it be available for Christmas?


SBB said...

Thanks, Trixie. And the green will stay, but it may be a darker green. I have to see what Lulu has available.

Thanks, Crystal. And unfortunately, I don't think MBTA will be ready by Christmas.