Thursday, October 04, 2007

Somewhat of an explanation

      I realize that my post yesterday was unnecessarily mysterious. I apologize. I was reeling from the fallout and couldn't think clearly. I still can't explain fully for privacy reasons, but I can give you some background.
      Basically what happened was that a lie was revealed. It was a lie that a family and a business had been based on for several years. I knew about the lie, but it wasn't my lie, my family or my business.
      When I was younger, I would have proudly revealed the lie and explained how I knew the lie was a lie, so overly-impressed with my intelligence that I wouldn't have counted the cost to those involved. But I'm older now and more inclined to mind my own business. I have enough sins of my own without seeking out those of others.
      And I guess, because I knew that the lie existed and kept silent, I became part of the conspiracy. Not overtly, but I certainly did a small but real part in concealing the fact from those who should have known because they might have made different life choices.
      To be honest -– which is horribly ironic expression in this context -– I don't think I ever really considered exposing the lie. And from the outside, an outside that was more outside than I realized, it seemed that maybe the lie had become the truth after all these years.
      But the big lie had spawned a lot of other lies, lies that I was unaware of, being as I was on the outside of this. Late the other night all those lies collapsed in one bloody, terrible mess. I ran triage, attempting to staunch what wounds I could, but eventually there was nothing I could do except listen to ravaged voices on the phone.
      Apparently there will be a divorce, property will be divided, a business will close, people will be out of work, children will be shuttled between two houses, and all those good years are said to be tainted and broken beyond redemption.
      Everyone is hurt, everyone is bitter, everyone wants to place blame. I'll shoulder my part. It's the least I can do in their Meggido.
      It’s easy to say that the truth should have been told from the beginning, but if it had, none of those good years would have happened. The truth would have never allowed those good years to happen with those people. And despite what is being said now, those years were good. They were exceptionally good.
      I remember one Sunday evening, a picnic in our town park, people laughing, children running around excitedly, my friends tenderly holding each other’s hands as we all watched fireworks fill the night sky with glory.


Anonymous said...

That's too bad all the good is coming unraveled. It's also a shame that innocents will be losing their jobs over it. I obviously don't know what the problem is, but can't they keep the business going and just split the profits?

I also know how it had been hard on you to keep a secret. I have been the middle man between my mom and my younger sister for years. Every once in a while I tell them I want out, but I get sucked right back in. I keep doing it because my dad and I are the only family members my sister will really talk to. We want to keep in contact with her, so we do what we must. It is hard, though.

Kudos for the word "Meggido." I had to look that one up. ;)

SBB said...

Maybe after things calm down, they will choose a more reasonable route. I hope so.

Trixie said...

Thanks, Tech, for giving us a little clarification about what the situation might be. I continue to pray for healing of broken hearts, broken spirits, broken connections and broken families. And I'm so sorry you were hurt in the fallout of the lie. It sounds like you are not alone.