Tuesday, October 16, 2007


       A busy day at work. Made the day harried, but it went faster, too. And now I have things to do at home tonight. What am I doing? you ask. Yes, you did. I heard you over the other voices in my head. You said quite plainly for me to unleash my robot monkey army and KILL EVERYONE!!!! BWAAHHHHAHHHHAHHHAA ... Ahem, where were we? Oh, yes, what I'm going to do tonight:

1. Dry and fold a load of laundry. You know, nudists do have certain advantages that we don't.
2. Write thank you notes to those who purchased books recently at my signings and at my office. I'm a little behind on this, but I think it's a good thing to do.
3. Spend some quality time with Murder by the Acre. I've got to get the timeline of the first murder worked out. Right now, I have -- I think -- the murderer being in two places at once. I'm not totally sure so I need to sort that out.
4. Continue to work on mastering my new video authoring program Adobe Elements Premiere, which I shall use to create really cool trailers (commercials) for my books. And maybe other events if people want me to. Microsoft Movie Maker is a simple program to use, but it lacks the power to create professional trailers. AEP has lots of power, but that dang learning curve is steep. I got it really cheap because -- as it turns out -- version 4 has just been released. That's okay. Let me learn and use version 3 exhaustively, and then I'll think about upgrading.
5. File. File. File. I get so sick of paperwork. There's got to be a way to cut down on the number of trees we kill.
6. Wash the day's dishes. (I'm attempting to stay caught up on this because I hate washing dishes. Tis better to not let them sit and do them daily. Until I can afford a maid.)
7. Work on the October family newsletter. I'd like to publish it this week. So it would be on time. For once.
8. Balance checkbook and see if I have any money to pay bills with.
9. Pay bills if I have any money. Although I do get paid Thursday. Wahoo! Of course, all the money is already marked for bills. Wahoo.
10. Organize my Christmas cards and Christmas list. Money is going to be tight for me this year -- as always -- so I need to shop smart. I don't intend to use any credit card this year for Christmas.

       That's my evening, folks. What's going on your world? Oh, before I forget, go here and read Seeker's (AKA Crystal) clever reply on my "Boring may be good" post on the Great Slimdown. Made me laugh. Have a good evening, y'all.


Jean said...

If you have local or easily reachable people on your Christmas gift, give them a gift certificate for you -- or something you do well. It will take some time and maybe work on your part, but is there something you do that the other person would like or needs? Something like, "Four hours of my undivided attention," or "one event trailer" or "An afternoon walk in the park" Or a booklet with coupons to use throughout the year. It may not work for everyone, or you may not have time to do it, but in some cases the gift of yourself is worth more than anything you could buy.

Trixie said...

What are you talking about? Just wrap up copies of your book!

SBB said...

That's a great idea, Jean. Most of my people don't live near me, but that would certainly work for those who do.

Good idea, Trixie, but all those folks have already bought the book!

Anonymous said...

If I was not tired already, I am now. Good luck with all that.

Which did remind me i need to get my Christmas card list made. Because of the divorce last yr. I didn't sent out my normal letter.

Have a great day. I am even getting some post done. I am off for some very much needed pampering. I am going to the beauty school to have a facial and my toe nails painted. It is so much cheaper there. :-)

Jeannie Diane

SBB said...

Jeannie, I hope you enjoyed your pampering. I confess to having done NONE of the things on my list. I'm experiencing an IBD flare and haven't felt like doing anything.