Monday, June 13, 2005

Far away ...

      That's where I'd like to be: far away. Maybe on a beach or visiting Nightrider in Australia. Have you visited her blog Sweet Sweat and seen her photos? Sitting there and watching the sun set as you sip something cold with a few friends sounds like a good way to end the day.
      Of course, I'm only thinking of escape because I'm living in a pressure cooker here. But I'm taking some positive steps to get out of it. Hopefully over the next few weeks, my actions will bring me some relief.
      I was going to apologize for not blogging, but my blogging circle hasn't been blogging much, either. Summer is like that. We all want to get out in the sun while we can. I've noticed that blogging picks up in the winter, those cold, dark days when we huddle near the flickering light of our monitors and type out messages to the world.
      I'm behind on a lot of projects. What would possess me to agree to do any more? It's madness, but I agreed to chair the patron drive for our local theater group. I know, I know. I'm not very smart.
      Our friend Crystal will be moving back to Oklahoma in a few weeks. I'm excited about that. Wish I could convince her to move to my town so that I could put her to work in the theater group. It'd be a great ... ah ... learning experience. That's how I look at it for myself. "I'm learning something," I think as I grit my teeth.
      This should really get an entry of its own, but I've been reading Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover. It's an excellent book. Go here to purchase it. It's excellent, straightforward advice on how to get out of debt and live a life of financial peace. And listen, you might be offended by some of it. He shoots straight, backs up his words with Bible verses and other wisdoms, and isn't afraid to tell you that the only way to have money is to spend less than you make. In fact, that's the main message of his book. Worth reading and applying, particularly the Debt Snowball debt reduction plan. I did the math, and it's actually works.
      More later.


Michelle said...

Ahem..I am still blogging. Ok so maybe I didn't yesterday...but even so, I was "around". And I had a full weekend of stuff to boot...

Really though, I hope you get some relief soon from your pressures. You're welcome, anytime, to sip some lemonade on my porch.

Erudite Redneck said...

Re, "my blogging circle hasn't been blogging much, either ..."

HURT! HURT, I am! Harrumph!

SBB said...

I stand corrected! Michelle and ER are blogging daily, and I appreciate their efforts in giving me something to read. The rest of you should be ashamed! ASHAMED! :)

(Darn it, Michelle. Why does Oregon have to be so far over there?)

Erudite Redneck said...

Forgiven, you are. (-:

Trixie said...

I know. You were talking about me, weren't you? You miss me, right?
I'll try to do better.

Glad to hear about Crystal coming to Oklahoma and I sure hope she starts blogging again! I miss her!

Michelle said...

I know...darn Colorado, Nevada and other borders inbetween. (I am at work, you can't expect me to think too:) They, our founding fathers, should have put the states alphabetically in order. No organization, whatsoever!


Trixie said...

But is it signed by your mother? LOL!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey! I'm bloggin!

Anonymous said...

I would ask you to learn to "just say no" but you might try sometime when I ask for something! Yes! I do read and have learned how to reply (but spelling is optional as always right?).

SBB said...

Roen! How cool to see you! :)

Mark said...

For some it seems, blogging is sort of a delayed chatroom. You type out what you want to say, then wait a day before seeing a reply...I think the telephone is a little faster. Tech, do me a favor? Send me step by step instructions on how to put links in my blog? Explain it to me like i'm a 2 year old. I have 2 more blog sites i want to link to.