Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I was wrong

      It turns out that I spoke too soon. There are barely a handful of survivors. The loss is staggering. I was thinking that I hadn't really lost much of my writing and photos. I'm wrong. They're gone. My book is still safe as well as many of my poems and a few other things. Otherwise, my plays, some poems, articles, photos and more are gone. My backup program was defective and only saved files of gibberish. Over 20 years of files are gone. I am beyond sick and hovering somewhere around despair. I do have printed pages of a lot of things, including my plays and my books. It will take months to retype them into a computer. I'll have to scratch around in the dirt for what else might be left. I tell you it makes me wonder what's the use.


night-rider said...

Oh no!! I can't believe this. It's just not bloody fair. Why you. You are such a good guy and you need your computer so much and, well you are going to have to be very, very strong to survive it. Isn't there any way to retrieve the files from the hard disk? What do the police do when they seize people's hard disks? Oh it's just so unfair!

Unknown said...

Ouch. Go splurge on some food. We'll talk about other means of recovery later.

Trixie said...

Oh please check with a computer guru to see if the info on the hard drive can be retrieved! I want to throw myself on the floor crying to think that you lost everything. But it may not be so bleak if you can find someone capable of doing a retrieval. *keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed.*

Erudite Redneck said...

I don't usually pray for inanimate objects, and I've never prayed for a computer -- until now. I'm so sorry, dude.

CrystalDiggory said...

I'm so sorry, too. It's not fair and it's not right!

Michelle said...

Good luck to you. I had some close calls myself...but still can only imagine what it would feel like if it really happened.

All the best..

Holly said...

I'm so sorry. Hugs. Having lost just about everything I owned at one point, I understand the magnitude of the loss.

I wish I could offer something that would help, instead of just my sympathies.

Holly said...

Actually, I do have a little more to offer.


They helped Sheila Kelly get all her stuff back.

Jean said...

For the printed stuff, look for your OCR (optical character reader) software that came with your scanner--that could help a lot.

And hugs.

Kitty said...

In can so relate!

While living in the 107 year old Victorian, even with $$$ super-duper surge protectors, I had three computers destroyed beyond belief -- some computer people salvaged this-n-that off of fried hard drives but, I still lost so much.

It turned out to be the electrical surges were coming through the phone jacks, not the electrical plugs, and I didn't have my phones into the surge protectors. Wiring (even updated wiring) in a 107 year old house is not the greatest for technological devices.

I hope you can salvage more by sending your hard drive to a tech to sift through.

I can feel your pain, totally!

Gloria Williams said...

I'll be thinking of you. I'm so sorry.