Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Intro to "Debt Free At Last"


So why another “get out of debt” book? Aren’t there hundreds already on the market? Can’t you find financial planners by the dozen in the phone books? And what about those credit counselors you see the ads for on TV? What’s the point of this book?

Good question. Here’s the answer: this book is meant for the beginner. It’s meant for hard-working people who are living from paycheck to paycheck and are trapped in debt.

And debt is a trap. It takes away your choices. You can’t go on vacations, you can’t go back to school, your children can’t afford college, and you know you’re going to have to work until you die. Debt rules your life, and you can’t breathe. You can’t see your way clear. You can’t escape. You’re going to pay the Man forever.

Depressing, isn’t it?

You might be beating yourself up about this. You may feel like a failure. We won’t deny bad choices lead to debt, but most people don’t have the information or training to make the good choices. We are not educated in handling money in school, and typically our parents didn’t teach us, either. (Because they didn’t know.)

And we have a whole society that encourages debt. Credit card companies, loan companies, banks, and retailers of all sorts spend millions of dollars on advertising to convince you to go into debt. Even our country operates without a balanced budget and goes deeper into debt each year.

There we are: trapped in the debt trap.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can be free. You can make simple changes that will impact your life in positive ways and get you and your family out of debt forever. You can make better choices in your life. You can choose a better life. You have the power to do so; you just need the information.

Probably you’ve heard this before. People regularly preach to the masses, advocating this plan or that plan or an investment scheme that only geniuses understand. Rarely do these people share if these schemes are what they do. Well, why would they? Most of them have money. They’re not facing the decisions you are. They’re not living your life. They give good advice, but they haven’t lived it.

But in this book, you’re reading the words of people who have lived it. Every tip in this book has been done by one or both of us. And the tips have been successful for us. We’re not sharing anything that didn’t work for us. We don’t care how good it sounds; if it didn’t work for us, we’re not going to pretend that it did.

That doesn’t mean all of these tips will be successful for you, but it does raise the chances they will be. After all, we’re not that different from you. We lived from paycheck to paycheck. One of us (Stephen) has made just about every financial mistake you can make. This book grew from his efforts to get out of debt forever. He is sharing his hard-worn education with you.

Kelley has spent years in the financial world as a loan officer, Realtor®, financial consultant, and lecturer. Over that time, he has learned what works and what doesn’t. He has applied those principles to his life to good results. He wants to share those principles with you.

Now, this book isn’t about becoming a millionaire overnight. In fact, that’s not even our goal. Our goal is to help you get out of debt, to increase the positive choices in your life, and to secure your future. Aren’t you tired of living like a refugee from the debt wars? Aren’t you ready to experience a secure financial future?

Isn’t it time that you were debt free at last?

Copyright 2009 by Stephen B. Bagley & Kelley Benson. All rights reserved.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks good, when do you expect it to be available?